3 research outputs found

    Val osporavanja potaknut politikom štednje – mit ili stvarnost?

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    Analyses of protest dynamics in Croatia are rare, partially because until know it was not possible to view them systematically. Relying on the newly collected protest event data 2000-2017, this paper describes the main trends and dynamics of protest activities in Croatia in the observed period. It re-examines Beissinger and Sasse\u27s claim about the absence of austerity related protests in Croatia after 2008. The analysis shows that though protests directly addressing austerity were relatively scarce, when the protest set is expanded to protests which demanded free public education, advocated labour rights, and fought for the right to the city, the prevailing thesis about "quietism" in Croatia can be challenged. The paper aims to relate some of the observed protest dynamics to Kerbo\u27s distinction between movements of crisis and movements of affluence. Focusing on the period between the student movement in 2008 until Facebook protests in 2011, it shows that the student movement and "the right to the city" movement preceded Facebook pro- tests in formulating and expressing socio-economic grievances and articulated anti-systemic sentiment. Due to their strong organizational structure, resources and activists\u27 "know-how", these movements resemble Kerbo\u27s movements of affluence. On the other hand, the 2011 Facebook protests lacked organizational structure and continuous engagement and can be seen as movements of crisis.Rijetke su analize prosvjedne dinamike u Hrvatskoj, djelomice zato što se dosad nije mogla analizirati sustavno. Oslanjajući se na nove podatke o prosvjednim događajima od 2000. do 2017, ovaj rad opisuje glavne trendove i dinamiku prosvjednih aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj u tom razdoblju. Rad preispituje tezu Beissingera i Sasse o nepostojanju prosvjeda protiv politike štednje u Hrvatskoj nakon 2008. Unatoč tome što su prosvjedi koji su se izravno ticali politike štednje bili relativno rijetki, ako se uzorak prosvjednih događaja proširi na prosvjede koji su zahtijevali besplatno javno školstvo, zagovarali prava radnika i borili se za pravo na grad, onda je upitan stav o "tišini" u Hrvatskoj. Ovaj rad kani povezati dio prosvjedne dinamike s Kerbovom razlikom između pokretâ u vremenima krize i obilja. Usredotočujući se na razdoblje od studenskih prosvjeda 2008. do Facebook-prosvjeda 2011, rad pokazuje da su studentski pokret i pokret "Pravo na grad" prethodili Facebook-prosvjedima u formuliranju i izražavanju socijalno-ekonomskih zahtjeva te artikuliranju antisistemskih osjećaja. zahvaljujući snažnoj organizacijskoj strukturi i resursima aktivista, ti su pokreti nalikovali na Kerbove pokrete u vrijeme obilja. Istodobno, Facebook-prosvjedima nedostajali su organizacijska struktura i kontinuirano sudjelovanje građana te odgovaraju pokretima u doba krize

    Constructing an annotated corpus for protest event mining

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    Workshop at 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (5 November 2016)We present a corpus for protest event mining that combines token-level annotation with the event schema and ontology of entities and events from protest research in the social sciences. The dataset uses newswire reports from the English Gigaword corpus. The token-level annotation is inspired by annotation standards for event extraction, in particular that of the Automated Content Extraction 2005 corpus (Walker et al., 2006). Domain experts perform the entire annotation task. We report competitive intercoder agreement results.ERC POLCON project funded