4,759 research outputs found

    Constrained Deep Networks: Lagrangian Optimization via Log-Barrier Extensions

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    This study investigates the optimization aspects of imposing hard inequality constraints on the outputs of CNNs. In the context of deep networks, constraints are commonly handled with penalties for their simplicity, and despite their well-known limitations. Lagrangian-dual optimization has been largely avoided, except for a few recent works, mainly due to the computational complexity and stability/convergence issues caused by alternating explicit dual updates/projections and stochastic optimization. Several studies showed that, surprisingly for deep CNNs, the theoretical and practical advantages of Lagrangian optimization over penalties do not materialize in practice. We propose log-barrier extensions, which approximate Lagrangian optimization of constrained-CNN problems with a sequence of unconstrained losses. Unlike standard interior-point and log-barrier methods, our formulation does not need an initial feasible solution. Furthermore, we provide a new technical result, which shows that the proposed extensions yield an upper bound on the duality gap. This generalizes the duality-gap result of standard log-barriers, yielding sub-optimality certificates for feasible solutions. While sub-optimality is not guaranteed for non-convex problems, our result shows that log-barrier extensions are a principled way to approximate Lagrangian optimization for constrained CNNs via implicit dual variables. We report comprehensive weakly supervised segmentation experiments, with various constraints, showing that our formulation outperforms substantially the existing constrained-CNN methods, both in terms of accuracy, constraint satisfaction and training stability, more so when dealing with a large number of constraints

    A unified approach to planning support in hierarchical coalitions

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    Layered Interpretation of Street View Images

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    We propose a layered street view model to encode both depth and semantic information on street view images for autonomous driving. Recently, stixels, stix-mantics, and tiered scene labeling methods have been proposed to model street view images. We propose a 4-layer street view model, a compact representation over the recently proposed stix-mantics model. Our layers encode semantic classes like ground, pedestrians, vehicles, buildings, and sky in addition to the depths. The only input to our algorithm is a pair of stereo images. We use a deep neural network to extract the appearance features for semantic classes. We use a simple and an efficient inference algorithm to jointly estimate both semantic classes and layered depth values. Our method outperforms other competing approaches in Daimler urban scene segmentation dataset. Our algorithm is massively parallelizable, allowing a GPU implementation with a processing speed about 9 fps.Comment: The paper will be presented in the 2015 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS

    Adaptive Constraint Solving for Information Flow Analysis

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    In program analysis, unknown properties for terms are typically represented symbolically as variables. Bound constraints on these variables can then specify multiple optimisation goals for computer programs and nd application in areas such as type theory, security, alias analysis and resource reasoning. Resolution of bound constraints is a problem steeped in graph theory; interdependencies between the variables is represented as a constraint graph. Additionally, constants are introduced into the system as concrete bounds over these variables and constants themselves are ordered over a lattice which is, once again, represented as a graph. Despite graph algorithms being central to bound constraint solving, most approaches to program optimisation that use bound constraint solving have treated their graph theoretic foundations as a black box. Little has been done to investigate the computational costs or design e cient graph algorithms for constraint resolution. Emerging examples of these lattices and bound constraint graphs, particularly from the domain of language-based security, are showing that these graphs and lattices are structurally diverse and could be arbitrarily large. Therefore, there is a pressing need to investigate the graph theoretic foundations of bound constraint solving. In this thesis, we investigate the computational costs of bound constraint solving from a graph theoretic perspective for Information Flow Analysis (IFA); IFA is a sub- eld of language-based security which veri es whether con dentiality and integrity of classified information is preserved as it is manipulated by a program. We present a novel framework based on graph decomposition for solving the (atomic) bound constraint problem for IFA. Our approach enables us to abstract away from connections between individual vertices to those between sets of vertices in both the constraint graph and an accompanying security lattice which defines ordering over constants. Thereby, we are able to achieve significant speedups compared to state-of-the-art graph algorithms applied to bound constraint solving. More importantly, our algorithms are highly adaptive in nature and seamlessly adapt to the structure of the constraint graph and the lattice. The computational costs of our approach is a function of the latent scope of decomposition in the constraint graph and the lattice; therefore, we enjoy the fastest runtime for every point in the structure-spectrum of these graphs and lattices. While the techniques in this dissertation are developed with IFA in mind, they can be extended to other application of the bound constraints problem, such as type inference and program analysis frameworks which use annotated type systems, where constants are ordered over a lattice

    Blockout: Dynamic Model Selection for Hierarchical Deep Networks

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    Most deep architectures for image classification--even those that are trained to classify a large number of diverse categories--learn shared image representations with a single model. Intuitively, however, categories that are more similar should share more information than those that are very different. While hierarchical deep networks address this problem by learning separate features for subsets of related categories, current implementations require simplified models using fixed architectures specified via heuristic clustering methods. Instead, we propose Blockout, a method for regularization and model selection that simultaneously learns both the model architecture and parameters. A generalization of Dropout, our approach gives a novel parametrization of hierarchical architectures that allows for structure learning via back-propagation. To demonstrate its utility, we evaluate Blockout on the CIFAR and ImageNet datasets, demonstrating improved classification accuracy, better regularization performance, faster training, and the clear emergence of hierarchical network structures

    Heuristic Ranking in Tightly Coupled Probabilistic Description Logics

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    The Semantic Web effort has steadily been gaining traction in the recent years. In particular,Web search companies are recently realizing that their products need to evolve towards having richer semantic search capabilities. Description logics (DLs) have been adopted as the formal underpinnings for Semantic Web languages used in describing ontologies. Reasoning under uncertainty has recently taken a leading role in this arena, given the nature of data found on theWeb. In this paper, we present a probabilistic extension of the DL EL++ (which underlies the OWL2 EL profile) using Markov logic networks (MLNs) as probabilistic semantics. This extension is tightly coupled, meaning that probabilistic annotations in formulas can refer to objects in the ontology. We show that, even though the tightly coupled nature of our language means that many basic operations are data-intractable, we can leverage a sublanguage of MLNs that allows to rank the atomic consequences of an ontology relative to their probability values (called ranking queries) even when these values are not fully computed. We present an anytime algorithm to answer ranking queries, and provide an upper bound on the error that it incurs, as well as a criterion to decide when results are guaranteed to be correct.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2012

    Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations

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    This paper introduces a novel approach for modeling visual relations between pairs of objects. We call relation a triplet of the form (subject, predicate, object) where the predicate is typically a preposition (eg. 'under', 'in front of') or a verb ('hold', 'ride') that links a pair of objects (subject, object). Learning such relations is challenging as the objects have different spatial configurations and appearances depending on the relation in which they occur. Another major challenge comes from the difficulty to get annotations, especially at box-level, for all possible triplets, which makes both learning and evaluation difficult. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we design strong yet flexible visual features that encode the appearance and spatial configuration for pairs of objects. Second, we propose a weakly-supervised discriminative clustering model to learn relations from image-level labels only. Third we introduce a new challenging dataset of unusual relations (UnRel) together with an exhaustive annotation, that enables accurate evaluation of visual relation retrieval. We show experimentally that our model results in state-of-the-art results on the visual relationship dataset significantly improving performance on previously unseen relations (zero-shot learning), and confirm this observation on our newly introduced UnRel dataset
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