9 research outputs found

    Adversarially Trained Actor Critic for offline CMDPs

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    We propose a Safe Adversarial Trained Actor Critic (SATAC) algorithm for offline reinforcement learning (RL) with general function approximation in the presence of limited data coverage. SATAC operates as a two-player Stackelberg game featuring a refined objective function. The actor (leader player) optimizes the policy against two adversarially trained value critics (follower players), who focus on scenarios where the actor's performance is inferior to the behavior policy. Our framework provides both theoretical guarantees and a robust deep-RL implementation. Theoretically, we demonstrate that when the actor employs a no-regret optimization oracle, SATAC achieves two guarantees: (i) For the first time in the offline RL setting, we establish that SATAC can produce a policy that outperforms the behavior policy while maintaining the same level of safety, which is critical to designing an algorithm for offline RL. (ii) We demonstrate that the algorithm guarantees policy improvement across a broad range of hyperparameters, indicating its practical robustness. Additionally, we offer a practical version of SATAC and compare it with existing state-of-the-art offline safe-RL algorithms in continuous control environments. SATAC outperforms all baselines across a range of tasks, thus validating the theoretical performance

    Model-Free, Regret-Optimal Best Policy Identification in Online CMDPs

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    This paper considers the best policy identification (BPI) problem in online Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs). We are interested in algorithms that are model-free, have low regret, and identify an optimal policy with a high probability. Existing model-free algorithms for online CMDPs with sublinear regret and constraint violation do not provide any convergence guarantee to an optimal policy and provide only average performance guarantees when a policy is uniformly sampled at random from all previously used policies. In this paper, we develop a new algorithm, named Pruning-Refinement-Identification (PRI), based on a fundamental structural property of CMDPs proved in Koole(1988); Ross(1989), which we call limited stochasticity. The property says for a CMDP with NN constraints, there exists an optimal policy with at most NN stochastic decisions. The proposed algorithm first identifies at which step and in which state a stochastic decision has to be taken and then fine-tunes the distributions of these stochastic decisions. PRI achieves trio objectives: (i) PRI is a model-free algorithm; and (ii) it outputs a near-optimal policy with a high probability at the end of learning; and (iii) in the tabular setting, PRI guarantees O~(K)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{K}) regret and constraint violation, which significantly improves the best existing regret bound O~(K45)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(K^{\frac{4}{5}}) under a model-free algorithm, where KK is the total number of episodes

    A Sample-Efficient Algorithm for Episodic Finite-Horizon MDP with Constraints

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    Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs) formalize sequential decision-making problems whose objective is to minimize a cost function while satisfying constraints on various cost functions. In this paper, we consider the setting of episodic fixed-horizon CMDPs. We propose an online algorithm which leverages the linear programming formulation of finite-horizon CMDP for repeated optimistic planning to provide a probably approximately correct (PAC) guarantee on the number of episodes needed to ensure an ϵ\epsilon-optimal policy, i.e., with resulting objective value within ϵ\epsilon of the optimal value and satisfying the constraints within ϵ\epsilon-tolerance, with probability at least 1δ1-\delta. The number of episodes needed is shown to be of the order O~(SAC2H2ϵ2log1δ)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\big(\frac{|S||A|C^{2}H^{2}}{\epsilon^{2}}\log\frac{1}{\delta}\big), where CC is the upper bound on the number of possible successor states for a state-action pair. Therefore, if CSC \ll |S|, the number of episodes needed have a linear dependence on the state and action space sizes S|S| and A|A|, respectively, and quadratic dependence on the time horizon HH

    Long-Term Fairness with Unknown Dynamics

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    While machine learning can myopically reinforce social inequalities, it may also be used to dynamically seek equitable outcomes. In this paper, we formalize long-term fairness in the context of online reinforcement learning. This formulation can accommodate dynamical control objectives, such as driving equity inherent in the state of a population, that cannot be incorporated into static formulations of fairness. We demonstrate that this framing allows an algorithm to adapt to unknown dynamics by sacrificing short-term incentives to drive a classifier-population system towards more desirable equilibria. For the proposed setting, we develop an algorithm that adapts recent work in online learning. We prove that this algorithm achieves simultaneous probabilistic bounds on cumulative loss and cumulative violations of fairness (as statistical regularities between demographic groups). We compare our proposed algorithm to the repeated retraining of myopic classifiers, as a baseline, and to a deep reinforcement learning algorithm that lacks safety guarantees. Our experiments model human populations according to evolutionary game theory and integrate real-world datasets

    Near-Optimal Sample Complexity Bounds for Constrained MDPs

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    In contrast to the advances in characterizing the sample complexity for solving Markov decision processes (MDPs), the optimal statistical complexity for solving constrained MDPs (CMDPs) remains unknown. We resolve this question by providing minimax upper and lower bounds on the sample complexity for learning near-optimal policies in a discounted CMDP with access to a generative model (simulator). In particular, we design a model-based algorithm that addresses two settings: (i) relaxed feasibility, where small constraint violations are allowed, and (ii) strict feasibility, where the output policy is required to satisfy the constraint. For (i), we prove that our algorithm returns an ϵ\epsilon-optimal policy with probability 1δ1 - \delta, by making O~(SAlog(1/δ)(1γ)3ϵ2)\tilde{O}\left(\frac{S A \log(1/\delta)}{(1 - \gamma)^3 \epsilon^2}\right) queries to the generative model, thus matching the sample-complexity for unconstrained MDPs. For (ii), we show that the algorithm's sample complexity is upper-bounded by O~(SAlog(1/δ)(1γ)5ϵ2ζ2)\tilde{O} \left(\frac{S A \, \log(1/\delta)}{(1 - \gamma)^5 \, \epsilon^2 \zeta^2} \right) where ζ\zeta is the problem-dependent Slater constant that characterizes the size of the feasible region. Finally, we prove a matching lower-bound for the strict feasibility setting, thus obtaining the first near minimax optimal bounds for discounted CMDPs. Our results show that learning CMDPs is as easy as MDPs when small constraint violations are allowed, but inherently more difficult when we demand zero constraint violation.Comment: NeurIPS'2

    Provably Efficient Model-Free Algorithms for Non-stationary CMDPs

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    We study model-free reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in episodic non-stationary constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs), in which an agent aims to maximize the expected cumulative reward subject to a cumulative constraint on the expected utility (cost). In the non-stationary environment, reward, utility functions, and transition kernels can vary arbitrarily over time as long as the cumulative variations do not exceed certain variation budgets. We propose the first model-free, simulator-free RL algorithms with sublinear regret and zero constraint violation for non-stationary CMDPs in both tabular and linear function approximation settings with provable performance guarantees. Our results on regret bound and constraint violation for the tabular case match the corresponding best results for stationary CMDPs when the total budget is known. Additionally, we present a general framework for addressing the well-known challenges associated with analyzing non-stationary CMDPs, without requiring prior knowledge of the variation budget. We apply the approach for both tabular and linear approximation settings