9 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Constrained Dominant Sets

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    The availability of large-scale data sets is an essential pre-requisite for deep learning based semantic segmentation schemes. Since obtaining pixel-level labels is extremely expensive, supervising deep semantic segmentation networks using low-cost weak annotations has been an attractive research problem in recent years. In this work, we explore the potential of Constrained Dominant Sets (CDS) for generating multi-labeled full mask predictions to train a fully convolutional network (FCN) for semantic segmentation. Our experimental results show that using CDS's yields higher-quality mask predictions compared to methods that have been adopted in the literature for the same purpose

    Deep Constrained Dominant Sets for Person Re-Identification

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    In this work, we propose an end-to-end constrained clustering scheme to tackle the person re-identification (re-id) problem. Deep neural networks (DNN) have recently proven to be effective on person re-identification task. In particular, rather than leveraging solely a probe-gallery similarity, diffusing the similarities among the gallery images in an end-to-end manner has proven to be effective in yielding a robust probe-gallery affinity. However, existing methods do not apply probe image as a constraint, and are prone to noise propagation during the similarity diffusion process. To overcome this, we propose an intriguing scheme which treats person-image retrieval problem as a constrained clustering optimization problem, called deep constrained dominant sets (DCDS). Given a probe and gallery images, we re-formulate person re-id problem as finding a constrained cluster, where the probe image is taken as a constraint (seed) and each cluster corresponds to a set of images corresponding to the same person. By optimizing the constrained clustering in an end-to-end manner, we naturally leverage the contextual knowledge of a set of images corresponding to the given person-images. We further enhance the performance by integrating an auxiliary net alongside DCDS, which employs a multi-scale ResNet. To validate the effectiveness of our method we present experiments on several benchmark datasets and show that the proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art methods

    Applications of a Graph Theoretic Based Clustering Framework in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

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    Recently, several clustering algorithms have been used to solve variety of problems from different discipline. This dissertation aims to address different challenging tasks in computer vision and pattern recognition by casting the problems as a clustering problem. We proposed novel approaches to solve multi-target tracking, visual geo-localization and outlier detection problems using a unified underlining clustering framework, i.e., dominant set clustering and its extensions, and presented a superior result over several state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: doctoral dissertatio

    Constrained Dominant Sets for Retrieval

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    Learning new global relations based on an initial affinity of the database objects has shown significant improvements in similarity retrievals. Locally constrained diffusion process is one of the recent effective tools in learning the intrinsic manifold structure of a given data. Existing methods, which constrain the diffusion process locally, have problems - manual choice of optimal local neighborhood size, do not allow for intrinsic relation among the neighbors, fix initialization vector to extract dense neighbor - which negatively affect the affinity propagation. We propose a new approach, which alleviate these issues, based on some properties of a family of quadratic optimization problems related to dominant sets, a well-known graph-theoretic notion of a cluster which generalizes the concept of a maximal clique to edge-weighted graphs. In particular, we show that by properly controlling a regularization parameter which determines the structure and the scale of the underlying problem, we are in a position to extract dominant set cluster which is constrained to contain user-provided query. Experimental results on standard benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed approach