224 research outputs found

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation of Null Quantum Circuits and Applications

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    We study the notion of indistinguishability obfuscation for null quantum circuits (quantum null-iO). We present a construction assuming: - The quantum hardness of learning with errors (LWE). - Post-quantum indistinguishability obfuscation for classical circuits. - A notion of "dual-mode" classical verification of quantum computation (CVQC). We give evidence that our notion of dual-mode CVQC exists by proposing a scheme that is secure assuming LWE in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). Then we show how quantum null-iO enables a series of new cryptographic primitives that, prior to our work, were unknown to exist even making heuristic assumptions. Among others, we obtain the first witness encryption scheme for QMA, the first publicly verifiable non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) scheme for QMA, and the first attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme for BQP

    Pre-Constrained Encryption

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    In all existing encryption systems, the owner of the master secret key has the ability to decrypt all ciphertexts. In this work, we propose a new notion of pre-constrained encryption (PCE) where the owner of the master secret key does not have "full" decryption power. Instead, its decryption power is constrained in a pre-specified manner during the system setup. We present formal definitions and constructions of PCE, and discuss societal applications and implications to some well-studied cryptographic primitives

    Verifiable Random Functions from Non-Interactive Witness-Indistinguishable Proofs

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    {\em Verifiable random functions} (VRFs) are pseudorandom functions where the owner of the seed, in addition to computing the function\u27s value yy at any point xx, can also generate a non-interactive proof π\pi that yy is correct, without compromising pseudorandomness at other points. Being a natural primitive with a wide range of applications, considerable efforts have been directed towards the construction of such VRFs. While these efforts have resulted in a variety of algebraic constructions (from bilinear maps or the RSA problem), the relation between VRFs and other general primitives is still not well understood. We present new constructions of VRFs from general primitives, the main one being {\em non-interactive witness-indistinguishable proofs} (NIWIs). This includes: \begin{itemize} \item A selectively-secure VRF assuming NIWIs and non-interactive commitments. As usual, the VRF can be made adaptively-secure assuming subexponential hardness of the underlying primitives. \item An adaptively-secure VRF assuming (polynomially-hard) NIWIs, non-interactive commitments, and {\em (single-key) constrained pseudorandom functions} for a restricted class of constraints. \end{itemize} The above primitives can be instantiated under various standard assumptions, which yields corresponding VRF instantiations, under different assumptions than were known so far. One notable example is a non-uniform construction of VRFs from subexponentially-hard trapdoor permutations, or more generally, from {\em verifiable pseudorandom generators} (the construction can be made uniform under a standard derandomization assumption). This partially answers an open question by Dwork and Naor (FOCS \u2700). The construction and its analysis are quite simple. Both draw from ideas commonly used in the context of {\em indistinguishability obfuscation}

    Foundations and applications of program obfuscation

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    Code is said to be obfuscated if it is intentionally difficult for humans to understand. Obfuscating a program conceals its sensitive implementation details and protects it from reverse engineering and hacking. Beyond software protection, obfuscation is also a powerful cryptographic tool, enabling a variety of advanced applications. Ideally, an obfuscated program would hide any information about the original program that cannot be obtained by simply executing it. However, Barak et al. [CRYPTO 01] proved that for some programs, such ideal obfuscation is impossible. Nevertheless, Garg et al. [FOCS 13] recently suggested a candidate general-purpose obfuscator which is conjectured to satisfy a weaker notion of security called indistinguishability obfuscation. In this thesis, we study the feasibility and applicability of secure obfuscation: - What notions of secure obfuscation are possible and under what assumptions? - How useful are weak notions like indistinguishability obfuscation? Our first result shows that the applications of indistinguishability obfuscation go well beyond cryptography. We study the tractability of computing a Nash equilibrium vii of a game { a central problem in algorithmic game theory and complexity theory. Based on indistinguishability obfuscation, we construct explicit games where a Nash equilibrium cannot be found efficiently. We also prove the following results on the feasibility of obfuscation. Our starting point is the Garg at el. obfuscator that is based on a new algebraic encoding scheme known as multilinear maps [Garg et al. EUROCRYPT 13]. 1. Building on the work of Brakerski and Rothblum [TCC 14], we provide the first rigorous security analysis for obfuscation. We give a variant of the Garg at el. obfuscator and reduce its security to that of the multilinear maps. Specifically, modeling the multilinear encodings as ideal boxes with perfect security, we prove ideal security for our obfuscator. Our reduction shows that the obfuscator resists all generic attacks that only use the encodings' permitted interface and do not exploit their algebraic representation. 2. Going beyond generic attacks, we study the notion of virtual-gray-box obfusca- tion [Bitansky et al. CRYPTO 10]. This relaxation of ideal security is stronger than indistinguishability obfuscation and has several important applications such as obfuscating password protected programs. We formulate a security requirement for multilinear maps which is sufficient, as well as necessary for virtual-gray-box obfuscation. 3. Motivated by the question of basing obfuscation on ideal objects that are simpler than multilinear maps, we give a negative result showing that ideal obfuscation is impossible, even in the random oracle model, where the obfuscator is given access to an ideal random function. This is the first negative result for obfuscation in a non-trivial idealized model

    Constraining Pseudorandom Functions Privately

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    In a constrained pseudorandom function (PRF), the master secret key can be used to derive constrained keys, where each constrained key k is constrained with respect to some Boolean circuit C. A constrained key k can be used to evaluate the PRF on all inputs x for which C(x) = 1. In almost all existing constrained PRF constructions, the constrained key k reveals its constraint C. In this paper we introduce the concept of private constrained PRFs, which are constrained PRFs with the additional property that a constrained key does not reveal its constraint. Our main notion of privacy captures the intuition that an adversary, given a constrained key k for one of two circuits C_0 and C_1, is unable to tell which circuit is associated with the key k. We show that constrained PRFs have natural applications to searchable symmetric encryption, cryptographic watermarking, and much more. To construct private constrained PRFs we first demonstrate that our strongest notions of privacy and functionality can be achieved using indistinguishability obfuscation. Then, for our main constructions, we build private constrained PRFs for bit-fixing constraints and for puncturing constraints from concrete algebraic assumptions

    Multiparty Non-Interactive Key Exchange and More From Isogenies on Elliptic Curves

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    We describe a framework for constructing an efficient non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) protocol for n parties for any n >= 2. Our approach is based on the problem of computing isogenies between isogenous elliptic curves, which is believed to be difficult. We do not obtain a working protocol because of a missing step that is currently an open mathematical problem. What we need to complete our protocol is an efficient algorithm that takes as input an abelian variety presented as a product of isogenous elliptic curves, and outputs an isomorphism invariant of the abelian variety. Our framework builds a cryptographic invariant map, which is a new primitive closely related to a cryptographic multilinear map, but whose range does not necessarily have a group structure. Nevertheless, we show that a cryptographic invariant map can be used to build several cryptographic primitives, including NIKE, that were previously constructed from multilinear maps and indistinguishability obfuscation

    Collusion Resistant Broadcast and Trace from Positional Witness Encryption

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    An emerging trend is for researchers to identify cryptography primitives for which feasibility was first established under obfuscation and then move the realization to a different setting. In this work we explore a new such avenue — to move obfuscation-based cryptography to the assumption of (positional) witness encryption. Our goal is to develop techniques and tools, which we will dub “witness encryption friendly” primitives and use these to develop a methodology for building advanced cryptography from positional witness encryption. We take a bottom up approach and pursue our general agenda by attacking the specific problem of building collusion-resistant broadcast systems with tracing from positional witness encryption. We achieve a system where the size of ciphertexts, public key and private key are polynomial in the security parameter λ\lambda and independent of the number of users N in the broadcast system. Currently, systems with such parameters are only known from indistinguishability obfuscation

    On the Cryptographic Hardness of Finding a Nash Equilibrium

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    We prove that finding a Nash equilibrium of a game is hard, assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation and injective one-way functions with sub-exponential hardness. We do so by showing how these cryptographic primitives give rise to a hard computational problem that lies in the complexity class PPAD, for which finding Nash equilibrium is known to be complete. Previous proposals for basing PPAD-hardness on program obfuscation considered a strong “virtual black-box” notion that is subject to severe limitations and is unlikely to be realizable for the programs in question. In contrast, for indistinguishability obfuscation no such limitations are known, and recently, several candidate constructions of indistinguishability obfuscation were suggested based on different hardness assumptions on multilinear maps. Our result provides further evidence of the intractability of finding a Nash equilibrium, one that is extrinsic to the evidence presented so far

    Adaptively Single-Key Secure Constrained PRFs for NC1

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    We present a construction of an adaptively single-key secure constrained PRF (CPRF) for NC1\mathbf{NC}^1 assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) and the subgroup hiding assumption over a (pairing-free) composite order group. This is the first construction of such a CPRF in the standard model without relying on a complexity leveraging argument. To achieve this, we first introduce the notion of partitionable CPRF, which is a CPRF accommodated with partitioning techniques and combine it with shadow copy techniques often used in the dual system encryption methodology. We present a construction of partitionable CPRF for NC1\mathrm{NC}^1 based on IO and the subgroup hiding assumption over a (pairing-free) group. We finally prove that an adaptively single-key secure CPRF for NC1\mathbf{NC}^1 can be obtained from a partitionable CPRF for NC1\mathbf{NC}^1 and IO
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