679 research outputs found

    Constrained MC for QCD evolution with rapidity ordering and minimum kT

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    With the imminent start of LHC experiments, development of phenomenological tools, and in particular the Monte Carlo programs and algorithms, becomes urgent. A new algorithm for the generation of a parton shower initiated by the single initial hadron beam is presented. The new algorithm is of the class of the so called ``constrained MC'' type algorithm (an alternative to the backward evolution MC algorithm), in which the energy and the type of the parton at the end of the parton shower are constrained (predefined). The complete kinematics configurations with explicitly constructed four momenta are generated and tested. Evolution time is identical with rapidity and minimum transverse momentum is used as an infrared cut-off. All terms of the leading-logarithmic approximation in the DGLAP evolution are properly accounted for. In addition, the essential improvements towards the so-called CCFM/BFKL models are also properly implemented. The resulting parton distributions are cross-checked up to the 0.1% precision level with the help of a multitude of comparisons with other MC and non-MC programs. We regard these tests as an important asset to be exploited at the time when the presented MC will enter as a building block in a larger MC program for W/Z production process at LHC.Comment: Submitted to Computer Physics Communication

    Solving QCD evolution equations in rapidity space with Markovian Monte Carlo

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    This work covers methodology of solving QCD evolution equation of the parton distribution using Markovian Monte Carlo (MMC) algorithms in a class of models ranging from DGLAP to CCFM. One of the purposes of the above MMCs is to test the other more sophisticated Monte Carlo programs, the so-called Constrained Monte Carlo (CMC) programs, which will be used as a building block in the parton shower MC. This is why the mapping of the evolution variables (eikonal variable and evolution time) into four-momenta is also defined and tested. The evolution time is identified with the rapidity variable of the emitted parton. The presented MMCs are tested independently, with ~0.1% precision, against the non-MC program APCheb especially devised for this purpose.Comment: version compatible with with the erratum in Acta Physica Polonic

    Two real parton contributions to non-singlet kernels for exclusive QCD DGLAP evolution

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    Results for the two real parton differential distributions needed for implementing a next-to-leading order (NLO) parton shower Monte Carlo are presented. They are also integrated over the phase space in order to provide solid numerical control of the MC codes and for the discussion of the differences between the standard MSˉ\bar{MS} factorization and Monte Carlo implementation at the level of inclusive NLO evolution kernels. Presented results cover the class of non-singlet diagrams entering into NLO kernels. The classic work of Curci-Furmanski-Pertonzio was used as a guide in the calculations.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Jet Quenching in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    This review article was prepared for the Landolt-Boernstein volume on Relativisitc Heavy Ion Physics.Comment: Review articel accepted for publication in the Landolt-Boernstein Handbook of Physics, ed. R. Stock. 41 pages LaTex, 7 eps-figure

    Azimuthal jet flavor tomography with CUJET2.0 of nuclear collisions at RHIC and LHC

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    A perturbative QCD based jet tomographic Monte Carlo model, CUJET2.0, is presented to predict jet quenching observables in relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC/BNL and LHC/CERN energies. This model generalizes the DGLV theory of flavor dependent radiative energy loss by including multi-scale running strong coupling effects. It generalizes CUJET1.0 by computing jet path integrations though more realistic 2+1D transverse and longitudinally expanding viscous hydrodynamical fields contrained by fits to low pTp_T flow data. The CUJET2.0 output depends on three control parameters, (αmax,fE,fM)(\alpha_{max},f_E,f_M), corresponding to an assumed upper bound on the vacuum running coupling in the infrared and two chromo-electric and magnetic QGP screening mass scales (fEμ(T),fMμ(T))(f_E \mu(T), f_M \mu(T)) where μ(T)\mu(T) is the 1-loop Debye mass. We compare numerical results as a function of αmax\alpha_{max} for pure and deformed HTL dynamically enhanced scattering cases corresponding to (fE=1,2,fM=0)(f_E=1,2, f_M=0) to data of the nuclear modification factor, RAAf(pT,ϕ;s,b)R^f_{AA}(p_T,\phi; \sqrt{s}, b) for jet fragment flavors f=π,D,B,ef=\pi,D, B, e at s=0.2−2.76\sqrt{s}=0.2-2.76 ATeV c.m. energies per nucleon pair and with impact parameter b=2.4,7.5b=2.4, 7.5 fm. A χ2\chi^2 analysis is presented and shows that RAAπR^\pi_{AA} data from RHIC and LHC are consistent with CUJET2.0 at the χ2/d.o.f<2\chi^2/d.o.f< 2 level for αmax=0.23−0.30\alpha_{max}=0.23-0.30. The corresponding q^(Ejet,T)/T3\hat{q}(E_{jet}, T)/T^3 effective jet transport coefficient field of this model is computed to facilitate comparison to other jet tomographic models in the literature. The predicted elliptic asymmetry, v2(pT;s,b)v_2(p_T;\sqrt{s},b) is, however, found to significantly underestimated relative to RHIC and LHC data. We find the χv22\chi^2_{v_2} analysis shows that v2v_2 is very sensitive to allowing even as little as 10\% variations of the path averaged αmax\alpha_{max} along in and out of reaction plane paths.Comment: 87 pages, 32 figures; v3: typos corrected, new references and discussions included; accepted by JHE

    Markovian MC simulation of QCD evolution at NLO level with minimum k_T

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    We present two Monte Carlo algorithms of the Markovian type which solve the modified QCD evolution equations at the NLO level. The modifications with respect to the standard DGLAP evolution concern the argument of the strong coupling constant alpha_S. We analyze the z - dependent argument and then the k_T - dependent one. The evolution time variable is identified with the rapidity. The two algorithms are tested to the 0.05% precision level. We find that the NLO corrections in the evolution of parton momentum distributions with k_T - dependent coupling constant are of the order of 10 to 20%, and in a small x region even up to 30%, with respect to the LO contributions.Comment: 32 pages, 9 pdf figure
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