14 research outputs found

    Constrained Hardy Space Approximation

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    We consider the problem of minimizing the distance kf − kLp(K), where K is a subset of the complex unit circle @D and ∈ C(K), subject to the constraint that f lies in the Hardy space Hp(D) and |f| ≤ g for some positive function g. This problem occurs in the context of filter design for causal LTI systems. We show that the optimization problem has a unique solution, which satisfies an extremal property similar to that for the Nehari problem. Moreover, we prove that the minimum of the optimization problem can be approximated by smooth functions. This makes the problem accessible for numerical solution, with which we deal in a follow-up paper

    Constrained Hardy Space Approximation II: Numerics

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    We consider the problem of minimizing the distance kf − kLp(K), where K is a subset of the complex unit circle @D and ∈ C(K), subject to the constraint that f lies in the Hardy space Hp(D) and |f| ≤ g for some positive function g. This problem occurs in the context of filter design for causal LTI systems. We show that the optimization problem has a unique solution, which satisfies an extremal property similar to that for the Nehari problem. Moreover, we prove that the minimum of the optimization problem can be approximated by smooth functions. This makes the problem accessible for numerical solution, with which we deal in a follow-up paper

    Convergence of an adaptive hp finite element strategy in higher space-dimensions

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    An hp-Efficient Residual-Based A Posteriori Error Estimator for Maxwell\u27s Equations

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    On Reduced Models For The Chemical Master Equation

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    A primal-dual finite element approximation for a nonlocal model in plasticity

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    Boundary Element Approximation for Maxwell\u27s Eigenvalue Problem

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    Convergence of an Automatic hp-Adapative Finite Elemet Strategy for Maxwell\u27s Equations

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    Geometric Reconstruction in Bioluminescence Tomography

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    Efficient simulation of discrete stochastic reaction systems with a splitting method

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients