434 research outputs found

    On Mitigation of Side-Channel Attacks in 3D ICs: Decorrelating Thermal Patterns from Power and Activity

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    Various side-channel attacks (SCAs) on ICs have been successfully demonstrated and also mitigated to some degree. In the context of 3D ICs, however, prior art has mainly focused on efficient implementations of classical SCA countermeasures. That is, SCAs tailored for up-and-coming 3D ICs have been overlooked so far. In this paper, we conduct such a novel study and focus on one of the most accessible and critical side channels: thermal leakage of activity and power patterns. We address the thermal leakage in 3D ICs early on during floorplanning, along with tailored extensions for power and thermal management. Our key idea is to carefully exploit the specifics of material and structural properties in 3D ICs, thereby decorrelating the thermal behaviour from underlying power and activity patterns. Most importantly, we discuss powerful SCAs and demonstrate how our open-source tool helps to mitigate them.Comment: Published in Proc. Design Automation Conference, 201

    Optimizing Scrubbing by Netlist Analysis for FPGA Configuration Bit Classification and Floorplanning

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    Existing scrubbing techniques for SEU mitigation on FPGAs do not guarantee an error-free operation after SEU recovering if the affected configuration bits do belong to feedback loops of the implemented circuits. In this paper, we a) provide a netlist-based circuit analysis technique to distinguish so-called critical configuration bits from essential bits in order to identify configuration bits which will need also state-restoring actions after a recovered SEU and which not. Furthermore, b) an alternative classification approach using fault injection is developed in order to compare both classification techniques. Moreover, c) we will propose a floorplanning approach for reducing the effective number of scrubbed frames and d), experimental results will give evidence that our optimization methodology not only allows to detect errors earlier but also to minimize the Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR) of a circuit considerably. In particular, we show that by using our approach, the MTTR for datapath-intensive circuits can be reduced by up to 48.5% in comparison to standard approaches

    Understanding the impact of 3D stacked layouts on ILP

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    Journal Article3D die-stacked chips can alleviate the penalties imposed by long wires within micro-processor circuits. Many recent studies have attempted to partition each microprocessor structure across three dimensions to reduce their access times. In this paper, we implement each microprocessor structure on a single 2D die and leverage 3D to reduce the lengths of wires that communicate data between microprocessor structures within a single core. We begin with a criticality analysis of inter-structure wire delays and show that for most tra- ditional simple superscalar cores, 2D floorplans are already very efficient at minimizing critical wire delays. For an aggressive wire-constrained clustered superscalar architecture, an exploration of the design space reveals that 3D can yield higher benefit. However, this benefit may be negated by the higher power density and temperature entailed by 3D integration. Overall, we report a negative result and argue against leveraging 3D for higher ILP

    Task modules Partitioning, Scheduling and Floorplanning for Partially Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems Based on Modern Heterogeneous FPGAs

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    Modern field programmable gate array(FPGA) can be partially dynamically reconfigurable with heterogeneous resources distributed on the chip. And FPGA-based partially dynamically reconfigurable system(FPGA-PDRS) can be used to accelerate computing and improve computing flexibility. However, the traditional design of FPGA-PDRS is based on manual design. Implementing the automation of FPGA-PDRS needs to solve the problems of task modules partitioning, scheduling, and floorplanning on heterogeneous resources. Existing works only partly solve problems for the automation process of FPGA-PDRS or model homogeneous resource for FPGA-PDRS. To better solve the problems in the automation process of FPGA-PDRS and narrow the gap between algorithm and application, in this paper, we propose a complete workflow including three parts, pre-processing to generate the list of task modules candidate shapes according to the resources requirements, exploration process to search the solution of task modules partitioning, scheduling, and floorplanning, and post-optimization to improve the success rate of floorplan. Experimental results show that, compared with state-of-the-art work, the proposed complete workflow can improve performance by 18.7\%, reduce communication cost by 8.6\%, on average, with improving the resources reuse rate of the heterogeneous resources on the chip. And based on the solution generated by the exploration process, the post-optimization can improve the success rate of the floorplan by 14\%

    Per-RMAP: Feasibility-Seeking and Superiorization Methods for Floorplanning with I/O Assignment

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    The feasibility-seeking approach provides a systematic scheme to manage and solve complex constraints for continuous problems, and we explore it for the floorplanning problems with increasingly heterogeneous constraints. The classic legality constraints can be formulated as the union of convex sets. However, the convergence of conventional projection-based algorithms is not guaranteed as the constrain sets are non-convex. In this work, we propose a resetting strategy to greatly eliminate the the divergence issue of the projection-based algorithm for the feasibility-seeking formulation. Furthermore, the superiorization methodology (SM), which lies between feasibility-seeking and constrained optimization, is firstly applied to floorplanning. The SM uses perturbations to steer the feasibility-seeking algorithm to a feasible solution with shorter total wirelength. The proposed flow is extendable to tackle various constraints and variants of floorplanning problems, e.g., floorplanning with I/O assignment problems. We have evaluated the proposed algorithm on the MCNC benchmarks. We can obtain legal floorplans only two times slower than the branch-and-bound method in its current prototype using MATLAB, with only 3% wirelength inferior to the optimal results. We evaluate the effectiveness of the flow by considering the constraints of I/O assignment, and our algorithm achieve 8% improvement on wirelength.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the International Symposium of EDA (Electronics Design Automation) ISEDA-2023, Nanjing, China, May 8-11, 202