4,877 research outputs found

    Converted Measurement Trackers for Systems with Nonlinear Measurement Functions

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    Converted measurement tracking is a technique that filters in the coordinate system where the underlying process of interest is linear and Gaussian, and requires the measurements to be nonlinearly transformed to fit. The goal of the transformation is to allow for tracking in the coordinate system that is most natural for describing system dynamics. There are two potential issues that arise when performing converted measurement tracking. The first is conversion bias that occurs when the measurement transformation introduces a bias in the expected value of the converted measurement. The second is estimation bias that occurs because the estimate of the converted measurement error covariance is correlated with the measurement noise, leading to a biased Kalman gain. The goal of this research is to develop a new approach to converted measurement tracking that eliminates the conversion bias and mitigates the estimation bias. This new decorrelated unbiased converted measurement (DUCM) approach is developed and applied to numerous tracking problems applicable to sonar and radar systems. The resulting methods are compared to the current state of the art based on their mean square error (MSE) performance, consistency and performance with respect to the posterior Cramer-Rao lower bound

    Precision Pointing Control System (PPCS) system design and analysis

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    The precision pointing control system (PPCS) is an integrated system for precision attitude determination and orientation of gimbaled experiment platforms. The PPCS concept configures the system to perform orientation of up to six independent gimbaled experiment platforms to design goal accuracy of 0.001 degrees, and to operate in conjunction with a three-axis stabilized earth-oriented spacecraft in orbits ranging from low altitude (200-2500 n.m., sun synchronous) to 24 hour geosynchronous, with a design goal life of 3 to 5 years. The system comprises two complementary functions: (1) attitude determination where the attitude of a defined set of body-fixed reference axes is determined relative to a known set of reference axes fixed in inertial space; and (2) pointing control where gimbal orientation is controlled, open-loop (without use of payload error/feedback) with respect to a defined set of body-fixed reference axes to produce pointing to a desired target

    Multistatic Tracking with the Maximum Likelihood Probabilistic Multi-Hypothesis Tracker

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    Multistatic sonar tracking is a difficult proposition. The ocean environment typically features very complex propagation conditions, causing low target probabilities of detection and high clutter levels. Additionally, most sonar targets are relatively low speed, which makes it difficult to use Doppler (if available) to separate target returns from clutter returns. The Maximum Likelihood Probabilistic Data Association Tracker (ML-PDA) and the Maximum Likelihood Probabilistic Multi-Hypothesis Tracker (ML-PMHT) --- a similar algorithm to ML-PDA --- can be implemented as effective multistatic trackers. This dissertation will develop a tracking framework for these algorithms. This framework will focus mainly on ML-PMHT, which has an inherent advantage in that its log-likelihood ratio (LLR) has a simple multitarget formulation, which allows it to be implemented as a true multitarget tracker. First, this multitarget LLR will be implemented for ML-PMHT, which will give it superior performance over ML-PDA for instances where multiple targets are closely spaced with similar motion dynamics. Next, the performance of ML-PMHT will be compared when it is applied in Cartesian measurement space and in delay-bearing measurement space, where the measurement covariance is more accurately represented. Following this, a maneuver-model parameterization will be introduced that will allow ML-PDA and ML-PMHT to follow sharply maneuvering targets; their previous straight-line parameterization only allowed them to follow moderately maneuvering targets. Finally, a novel method of determining a tracking threshold for ML-PMHT will be developed by applying extreme value theory to the probabilistic properties of the clutter. This will also be done with target measurements, which will allow the issue of trackability for ML-PMHT to be explored. Probabilistic expressions for the maximum values of the LLR surface caused by both clutter and the target will be developed, which will allow for the determination of target trackability in any given scenario

    Flight testing a V/STOL aircraft to identify a full-envelope aerodynamic model

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    Flight-test techniques are being used to generate a data base for identification of a full-envelope aerodynamic model of a V/STOL fighter aircraft, the YAV-8B Harrier. The flight envelope to be modeled includes hover, transition to conventional flight and back to hover, STOL operation, and normal cruise. Standard V/STOL procedures such as vertical takeoff and landings, and short takeoff and landings are used to gather data in the powered-lift flight regime. Long (3 to 5 min) maneuvers which include a variety of input types are used to obtain large-amplitude control and response excitations. The aircraft is under continuous radar tracking; a laser tracker is used for V/STOL operations near the ground. Tracking data are used with state-estimation techniques to check data consistency and to derive unmeasured variables, for example, angular accelerations. A propulsion model of the YAV-8B's engine and reaction control system is used to isolate aerodynamic forces and moments for model identification. Representative V/STOL flight data are presented. The processing of a typical short takeoff and slow landing maneuver is illustrated

    Report of the Electromechanical Subsystems Panel

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    Deficiencies in electromechanical flight technology are evaluated and development recommendations are made. Specific items discussed include magnetic bearings, lubrication for long life, signal and power transfer devices, servo sensing devices, deployment/retraction devices, cryogenic devices, data storage, and ordnance substitutes

    Spectral density measurements of gyro noise

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    Power spectral density (PSD) was used to analyze the outputs of several gyros in the frequency range from 0.01 to 200 Hz. Data were accumulated on eight inertial quality instruments. The results are described in terms of input angle noise (arcsec 2/Hz) and are presented on log-log plots of PSD. These data show that the standard deviation of measurement noise was 0.01 arcsec or less for some gyros in the passband from 1 Hz down 10 0.01 Hz and probably down to 0.001 Hz for at least one gyro. For the passband between 1 and 100 Hz, uncertainties in the 0.01 and 0.05 arcsec region were observed

    Passive solar array orientation system /thermal heliotrope/ Final report, 23 Dec. 1968 - 23 Sep. 1969

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    Tracking requirement, design, and fabrication of passive solar array orientation system using bimetal element

    Development of a Star Tracker-Based Reference System for Accurate Attitude Determination of a Simulated Spacecraft

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    The goal of this research effort is to investigate the analysis, design, integration, testing, and validation of a complete star tracker and star field simulator system concept for AFIT\u27s satellite simulator, SimSat. Previous research has shown that while laboratory-based satellite simulators benefit from star trackers, the approach of designing the star field can contribute significant error if the star field is generated on a flat surface. To facilitate a star pattern that better represents a celestial sky, a partially hemispherical dome surface is suspended above SimSat and populated with a system of light emitting diodes of various intensities and angles of separation. Test results show that the spherical star pattern surface is effective in minimizing the effects of parallax when imaging in a finite conjugate mode and that more reliable attitude information within 1 degree of accuracy can be attained. The added capability to research star pattern recognition and attitude determination algorithms in the future is also significant
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