6,757 research outputs found

    Flocking with Obstacle Avoidance

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    In this paper, we provide a dynamic graph theoretical framework for flocking in presence of multiple obstacles. In particular, we give formal definitions of nets and flocks as spatially induced graphs. We provide models of nets and flocks and discuss the realization/embedding issues related to structural nets and flocks. This allows task representation and execution for a network of agents called alpha-agents. We also consider flocking in the presence of multiple obstacles. This task is achieved by introducing two other types of agents called beta-agents and gamma-agents. This framework enables us to address split/rejoin and squeezing maneuvers for nets/flocks of dynamic agents that communicate with each other. The problems arising from switching topology of these networks of mobile agents make the analysis and design of the decision-making protocols for such networks rather challenging. We provide simulation results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our theoretical and computational tools

    Likelihood Consensus and Its Application to Distributed Particle Filtering

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    We consider distributed state estimation in a wireless sensor network without a fusion center. Each sensor performs a global estimation task---based on the past and current measurements of all sensors---using only local processing and local communications with its neighbors. In this estimation task, the joint (all-sensors) likelihood function (JLF) plays a central role as it epitomizes the measurements of all sensors. We propose a distributed method for computing, at each sensor, an approximation of the JLF by means of consensus algorithms. This "likelihood consensus" method is applicable if the local likelihood functions of the various sensors (viewed as conditional probability density functions of the local measurements) belong to the exponential family of distributions. We then use the likelihood consensus method to implement a distributed particle filter and a distributed Gaussian particle filter. Each sensor runs a local particle filter, or a local Gaussian particle filter, that computes a global state estimate. The weight update in each local (Gaussian) particle filter employs the JLF, which is obtained through the likelihood consensus scheme. For the distributed Gaussian particle filter, the number of particles can be significantly reduced by means of an additional consensus scheme. Simulation results are presented to assess the performance of the proposed distributed particle filters for a multiple target tracking problem

    A minimal sensing and communication control strategy for adaptive platooning

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    Several cooperative driving strategies proposed in literature, sometimes known as cooperative adaptive cruise control strategies, assume that both relative spacing and relative velocity with preceding vehicle are available from on-board sensors (laser or radar). Alternatively, these strategies assume communication of both velocity states and acceleration inputs from preceding vehicle. However, in practice, on-board sensors can only measure relative spacing with preceding vehicle (since getting relative velocity requires additional filtering algorithms); also, reducing the number of variables communicated from preceding vehicle is crucial to save bandwidth. In this work we show that, after framing the cooperative driving task as a distributed model reference adaptive control problem, the platooning task can be achieved in a minimal sensing and communication scenario, that is, by removing relative velocity measurements with preceding vehicle and by removing communication from preceding vehicle of velocity states. In the framework we propose, vehicle parametric uncertainty is taken into account by appropriately designed adaptive laws. The proposed framework is illustrated and shown to be flexible to several standard architectures used in cooperative driving (one-vehicle look-ahead topology, leader-to-all topology, multivehicle look-ahead topology)