46,803 research outputs found

    Likelihood Consensus and Its Application to Distributed Particle Filtering

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    We consider distributed state estimation in a wireless sensor network without a fusion center. Each sensor performs a global estimation task---based on the past and current measurements of all sensors---using only local processing and local communications with its neighbors. In this estimation task, the joint (all-sensors) likelihood function (JLF) plays a central role as it epitomizes the measurements of all sensors. We propose a distributed method for computing, at each sensor, an approximation of the JLF by means of consensus algorithms. This "likelihood consensus" method is applicable if the local likelihood functions of the various sensors (viewed as conditional probability density functions of the local measurements) belong to the exponential family of distributions. We then use the likelihood consensus method to implement a distributed particle filter and a distributed Gaussian particle filter. Each sensor runs a local particle filter, or a local Gaussian particle filter, that computes a global state estimate. The weight update in each local (Gaussian) particle filter employs the JLF, which is obtained through the likelihood consensus scheme. For the distributed Gaussian particle filter, the number of particles can be significantly reduced by means of an additional consensus scheme. Simulation results are presented to assess the performance of the proposed distributed particle filters for a multiple target tracking problem

    Distributed Multi-Agent Optimization with State-Dependent Communication

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    We study distributed algorithms for solving global optimization problems in which the objective function is the sum of local objective functions of agents and the constraint set is given by the intersection of local constraint sets of agents. We assume that each agent knows only his own local objective function and constraint set, and exchanges information with the other agents over a randomly varying network topology to update his information state. We assume a state-dependent communication model over this topology: communication is Markovian with respect to the states of the agents and the probability with which the links are available depends on the states of the agents. In this paper, we study a projected multi-agent subgradient algorithm under state-dependent communication. The algorithm involves each agent performing a local averaging to combine his estimate with the other agents' estimates, taking a subgradient step along his local objective function, and projecting the estimates on his local constraint set. The state-dependence of the communication introduces significant challenges and couples the study of information exchange with the analysis of subgradient steps and projection errors. We first show that the multi-agent subgradient algorithm when used with a constant stepsize may result in the agent estimates to diverge with probability one. Under some assumptions on the stepsize sequence, we provide convergence rate bounds on a "disagreement metric" between the agent estimates. Our bounds are time-nonhomogeneous in the sense that they depend on the initial starting time. Despite this, we show that agent estimates reach an almost sure consensus and converge to the same optimal solution of the global optimization problem with probability one under different assumptions on the local constraint sets and the stepsize sequence
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