58 research outputs found

    The generalized 3-connectivity of Cartesian product graphs

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    The generalized connectivity of a graph, which was introduced recently by Chartrand et al., is a generalization of the concept of vertex connectivity. Let SS be a nonempty set of vertices of GG, a collection {T1,T2,...,Tr}\{T_1,T_2,...,T_r\} of trees in GG is said to be internally disjoint trees connecting SS if E(Ti)∩E(Tj)=∅E(T_i)\cap E(T_j)=\emptyset and V(Ti)∩V(Tj)=SV(T_i)\cap V(T_j)=S for any pair of distinct integers i,ji,j, where 1≤i,j≤r1\leq i,j\leq r. For an integer kk with 2≤k≤n2\leq k\leq n, the kk-connectivity κk(G)\kappa_k(G) of GG is the greatest positive integer rr for which GG contains at least rr internally disjoint trees connecting SS for any set SS of kk vertices of GG. Obviously, κ2(G)=κ(G)\kappa_2(G)=\kappa(G) is the connectivity of GG. Sabidussi showed that κ(G□H)≥κ(G)+κ(H)\kappa(G\Box H) \geq \kappa(G)+\kappa(H) for any two connected graphs GG and HH. In this paper, we first study the 3-connectivity of the Cartesian product of a graph GG and a tree TT, and show that (i)(i) if κ3(G)=κ(G)≥1\kappa_3(G)=\kappa(G)\geq 1, then κ3(G□T)≥κ3(G)\kappa_3(G\Box T)\geq \kappa_3(G); (ii)(ii) if 1≤κ3(G)<κ(G)1\leq \kappa_3(G)< \kappa(G), then κ3(G□T)≥κ3(G)+1\kappa_3(G\Box T)\geq \kappa_3(G)+1. Furthermore, for any two connected graphs GG and HH with κ3(G)≥κ3(H)\kappa_3(G)\geq\kappa_3(H), if κ(G)>κ3(G)\kappa(G)>\kappa_3(G), then κ3(G□H)≥κ3(G)+κ3(H)\kappa_3(G\Box H)\geq \kappa_3(G)+\kappa_3(H); if κ(G)=κ3(G)\kappa(G)=\kappa_3(G), then κ3(G□H)≥κ3(G)+κ3(H)−1\kappa_3(G\Box H)\geq \kappa_3(G)+\kappa_3(H)-1. Our result could be seen as a generalization of Sabidussi's result. Moreover, all the bounds are sharp.Comment: 17 page

    The generalized 3-edge-connectivity of lexicographic product graphs

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    The generalized kk-edge-connectivity λk(G)\lambda_k(G) of a graph GG is a generalization of the concept of edge-connectivity. The lexicographic product of two graphs GG and HH, denoted by G∘HG\circ H, is an important graph product. In this paper, we mainly study the generalized 3-edge-connectivity of G∘HG \circ H, and get upper and lower bounds of λ3(G∘H)\lambda_3(G \circ H). Moreover, all bounds are sharp.Comment: 14 page

    The generalized 3-connectivity of Lexicographic product graphs

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    The generalized kk-connectivity κk(G)\kappa_k(G) of a graph GG, introduced by Chartrand et al., is a natural and nice generalization of the concept of (vertex-)connectivity. In this paper, we prove that for any two connected graphs GG and HH, κ3(G∘H)≥κ3(G)∣V(H)∣\kappa_3(G\circ H)\geq \kappa_3(G)|V(H)|. We also give upper bounds for κ3(G□H)\kappa_3(G\Box H) and κ3(G∘H)\kappa_3(G\circ H). Moreover, all the bounds are sharp.Comment: 13 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1103.609

    Connectivity of Direct Products of Graphs

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    Let κ(G)\kappa(G) be the connectivity of GG and G×HG\times H the direct product of GG and HH. We prove that for any graphs GG and KnK_n with n≥3n\ge 3, κ(G×Kn)=min{nκ(G),(n−1)δ(G)}\kappa(G\times K_n)=min\{n\kappa(G),(n-1)\delta(G)\}, which was conjectured by Guji and Vumar.Comment: 5 pages, accepted by Ars Com

    On the super connectivity of Kronecker products of graphs

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    In this paper we present the super connectivity of Kronecker product of a general graph and a complete graph.Comment: 8 page
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