6,123 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Theories on a Non Simply Connected Space-Time

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    We study the Wess-Zumino theory on R3×S1{\bf R}^3 \times S^1 where a spatial coordinate is compactified. We show that when the bosonic and fermionic fields satisfy the same boundary condition, the theory does not develop a vacuum energy or tadpoles. We work out the two point functions at one loop and show that their forms are consistent with the nonrenormalization theorem. However, the two point functions are nonanalytic and we discuss the structure of this nonanalyticity.Comment: 10 pages, TEX file, figures upon request from author

    Representations of the homotopy surface category of a simply connected space

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    We introduce the homotopy surface category of a space which generalizes the 1+1-dimensional cobordism category of circles and surfaces to the situation where one introduces a background space. We explain how for a simply connected background space, monoidal functors from this category to vector spaces can be interpreted in terms of Frobenius algebras with additional structure.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Simplicial resolutions and Ganea fibrations

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    In this work, we compare the two approximations of a path-connected space XX, by the Ganea spaces Gn(X)G_n(X) and by the realizations ΛXn\|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{n} of the truncated simplicial resolutions emerging from the loop-suspension cotriple ΣΩ\Sigma\Omega. For a simply connected space XX, we construct maps ΛXn1Gn(X)ΛXn\|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{n-1}\to G_n(X)\to \|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{n} over XX, up to homotopy. In the case n=2n=2, we prove the existence of a map G2(X)ΛX1G_2(X)\to\|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{1} over XX (up to homotopy) and conjecture that this map exists for any nn

    Diagonals of separately continuous maps with values in box products

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    We prove that if XX is a paracompact connected space and Z=sSZsZ=\prod_{s\in S}Z_s is a product of a family of equiconnected metrizable spaces endowed with the box topology, then for every Baire-one map g:XZg:X\to Z there exists a separately continuous map f:X2Zf:X^2\to Z such that f(x,x)=g(x)f(x,x)=g(x) for all xXx\in X