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    Computer networks play an important role in today’s organization and people life. These interconnected devices share a common medium and they tend to compete for it. Quality of Service (QoS) comes into play as to define what level of services users get. Accurately defining the QoS metrics is thus important. Bursts and serious deteriorations are omnipresent in Internet and considered as an important aspects of it. This thesis examines bursts and serious deteriorations in Internet traffic and applies Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to their prediction and modelling. EVT itself is a field of statistics that has been in application in fields like hydrology and finance, with only a recent introduction to the field of telecommunications. Model fitting is based on real traces from Belcore laboratory along with some simulated traces based on fractional Gaussian noise and linear fractional alpha stable motion. QoS traces from University of Napoli are also used in the prediction stage. Three methods from EVT are successfully used for the bursts prediction problem. They are Block Maxima (BM) method, Peaks Over Threshold (POT) method, and RLargest Order Statistics (RLOS) method. Bursts in internet traffic are predicted using the above three methods. A clear methodology was developed for the bursts prediction problem. New metrics for QoS are suggested based on Return Level and Return Period. Thus, robust QoS metrics can be defined. In turn, a superior QoS will be obtained that would support mission critical applications

    Congestion control mechanism for taffic engineering within mpls networks

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    The transformation of the Internet into an important and ubiquitous commercial infrastructure has not only created rapidly rising bandwidth demands but also significantly changed consumer expectations in terms of performance, security and services. Consequentially as service providers attempt to encourage business and leisure applications on to the Internet, there has been a requirement for them to develop an improved IP network infrastructure in terms of reliability and performance [1]. Interest in congestion control through traffic engineering has arisen from the knowledge that although sensible provisioning of the network infrastructure is needed together with sufficient underlying capacity, these are not sufficient to deliver the QoS required [2]. This is due to dynamic variations in load. In operational IP networks, it has been difficult to incorporate effective traffic engineering due to the limited capabilities of the IP technology. In principle, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), a connection-oriented label swapping technology, offers new possibilities in addressing the limitations by allowing the operator to use sophisticated traffic control mechanisms.\r \r However, as yet, the traffic engineering capabilities offered by MPLS have not been fully exploited. Once label switched paths (LSPs) have been provisioned through the service providers' network, there are currently no management facilities for dynamic re-optimisation of traffic flows. The service level agreements (SLAs) between the network operator and the customer are agreed in advance of the commencement of traffic flow, and these are mapped to particular paths throughout the provider's domain and may be maintained for the duration of the contract. During transient periods, the efficiency of resource allocation could be increased by routing traffic away from congested resources to relatively under-utilised links. Some means of restoring the LSPs to their original routes once the transient congestion has subsided is also desirable. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo