10 research outputs found

    Computing Conformal Invariants: Period Matrices

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    Simulation d'un fluide à la surface d'un objet par la méthode "smoothed particle hydrodynamics"

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    Dans ce mĂ©moire, je prĂ©sente une mĂ©thode par particules pour la simulation de l'Ă©coulement d'un fluide contraint Ă  se dĂ©placer Ă  la surface d'un objet. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, la mĂ©thode Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics sera utilisĂ©e pour discrĂ©tiser le fluide ainsi que pour l'animer. Un maillage approximant l'objet sur lequel le fluide s'Ă©coule sera utilisĂ© pour le supporter et diriger son dĂ©placement. Contrairement aux mĂ©thodes prĂ©cĂ©dentes, une mĂ©thode par particules permet l'indĂ©pendance du temps de calcul et la complexitĂ© du maillage supportant le fluide. Elle permet Ă©galement de suivre l'Ă©volution de l'interface liquide/gaz et liquide/liquide sans procĂ©dure supplĂ©mentaire. Des temps de calcul de l'ordre du temps rĂ©el peuvent donc ĂȘtre obtenus sur des objets trĂšs complexes

    Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA'06) - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability

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    International audienceNon-linear registration and shape analysis are well developed research topic in the medical image analysis community. There is nowadays a growing number of methods that can faithfully deal with the underlying biomechanical behaviour of intra-subject shape deformations. However, it is more difficult to relate the anatomical shape of different subjects. The goal of computational anatomy is to analyse and to statistically model this specific type of geometrical information. In the absence of any justified physical model, a natural attitude is to explore very general mathematical methods, for instance diffeomorphisms. However, working with such infinite dimensional space raises some deep computational and mathematical problems. In particular, one of the key problem is to do statistics. Likewise, modelling the variability of surfaces leads to rely on shape spaces that are much more complex than for curves. To cope with these, different methodological and computational frameworks have been proposed. The goal of the workshop was to foster interactions between researchers investigating the combination of geometry and statistics for modelling biological shape variability from image and surfaces. A special emphasis was put on theoretical developments, applications and results being welcomed as illustrations. Contributions were solicited in the following areas: * Riemannian and group theoretical methods on non-linear transformation spaces * Advanced statistics on deformations and shapes * Metrics for computational anatomy * Geometry and statistics of surfaces 26 submissions of very high quality were recieved and were reviewed by two members of the programm committee. 12 papers were finally selected for oral presentations and 8 for poster presentations. 16 of these papers are published in these proceedings, and 4 papers are published in the proceedings of MICCAI'06 (for copyright reasons, only extended abstracts are provided here)

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA'08) - Geometrical and Statistical Methods for Modelling Biological Shape Variability

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    International audienceThe goal of computational anatomy is to analyze and to statistically model the anatomy of organs in different subjects. Computational anatomic methods are generally based on the extraction of anatomical features or manifolds which are then statistically analyzed, often through a non-linear registration. There are nowadays a growing number of methods that can faithfully deal with the underlying biomechanical behavior of intra-subject deformations. However, it is more difficult to relate the anatomies of different subjects. In the absence of any justified physical model, diffeomorphisms provide a general mathematical framework that enforce topological consistency. Working with such infinite dimensional space raises some deep computational and mathematical problems, in particular for doing statistics. Likewise, modeling the variability of surfaces leads to rely on shape spaces that are much more complex than for curves. To cope with these, different methodological and computational frameworks have been proposed (e.g. smooth left-invariant metrics, focus on well-behaved subspaces of diffeomorphisms, modeling surfaces using courants, etc.) The goal of the Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (MFCA) workshop is to foster the interactions between the mathematical community around shapes and the MICCAI community around computational anatomy applications. It targets more particularly researchers investigating the combination of statistical and geometrical aspects in the modeling of the variability of biological shapes. The workshop aims at being a forum for the exchange of the theoretical ideas and a source of inspiration for new methodological developments in computational anatomy. A special emphasis is put on theoretical developments, applications and results being welcomed as illustrations. Following the very successful first edition of this workshop in 2006 (see http://www.inria.fr/sophia/asclepios/events/MFCA06/), the second edition was held in New-York on September 6, in conjunction with MICCAI 2008. Contributions were solicited in Riemannian and group theoretical methods, Geometric measurements of the anatomy, Advanced statistics on deformations and shapes, Metrics for computational anatomy, Statistics of surfaces. 34 submissions were received, among which 9 were accepted to MICCAI and had to be withdrawn from the workshop. Each of the remaining 25 paper was reviewed by three members of the program committee. To guaranty a high level program, 16 papers only were selected