4 research outputs found

    Why a Systematic Investigation of Production Planning and Control Procedures is Needed for the Target-oriented Configuration of PPC

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    The target-oriented configuration of production planning and control (PPC) confronts companies with major challenges. While there are already many publications dealing with the effect of specific procedures of PPC tasks on the logistic objectives, there is still a lack of a framework allowing a comprehensive and relatively simple examination of the target conformity of PPC configuration on the level of procedures. Furthermore, such a framework would thereby also enable companies to position their PPC among conflicting production and logistic objectives. This contribution presents the current state of knowledge on target-oriented and holistic PPC configuration and points out why a systematic investigation of the generally valid interdependencies of PPC procedures with each other as well as the impact on the most important objectives is necessary. Further, it is outlined which future research activities are planned and with a demonstrative example illustrated how complex cause-effect relationships within PPC on the level of procedures arise. © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)/Systematische Untersuchung der Wirkung von Verfahren der Produktionsplanung und der Produktionssteuerung auf logistische Zielgrößen/434659386/E

    Influence of ISO 9001 on the configuration of production planning and control

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    The target-oriented configuration of production planning and control (PPC) is a critical factor for companies with increasingly complex supply chains. The logistical performance of companies, which can be measured and expressed, e.g. with the logistical objectives delivery reliability and due-date compliance, suffers above all from the multiple influencing factors of the past years. Especially in the last year, it became apparent that disruptions in material supply due to pandemics or geopolitical crises are causing resource shortages that are posing the industry with ever-new challenges. Since, in many companies, PPC tasks are carried out based on past values, disruptive events have a particularly high impact here. In addition to the external disruptive influences, companies also have to manage the complexity factors of the supply chain, such as a high number of variants or a high degree of customization. The consequence of these circumstances is that companies need corresponding robustness in PPC allowing them to stay productive and competitive. The key factor to establishing high robustness is transparency. Furthermore, the faced uncertainties are often exacerbated by insufficient data situation for the companies' PPC. Due to the outlined factors in companies, ongoing PPC tasks must be regularly checked for their quality and target conformity to ensure a high logistics performance. For this purpose, the PPC configuration must be carried out systematically and holistically. Therefore, essential PPC frameworks already exist, such as the Hanoverian Supply Chain Model (HaSupMo). Supporting the examination of the company's internal supply chain, the selected procedures for the fulfilment of the PPC tasks serve on the basis of logistical objectives. For this, comprehensive consideration of the PPC tasks must take into account the correct selection of procedures based on individual company needs and data. At the same time, there is an internationally accepted ISO 9001 standard as a basis for the continuous improvement of all company processes. The described continuous testing and improvement of business processes with a focus on quality management is intended to promote the robustness of the certified companies. Taking a closer look at the contents of ISO 9001 and PPC configuration, structural similarities are noticeable. This paper aims to examine ISO 9001 for characteristics and interfaces that enable a simplified PPC configuration. In addition, similarities should be identified and systematized, which should be taken into account for future interaction

    Modular Configuration of an RFID-based Hybrid Control Architecture for a Situational Shop Floor Control

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    Nowadays, producing companies act in a turbulent environment, which is caused by the globalization of the economy and the continuous shift from seller markets to buyer markets. One central aspect is the demand for customized products at short delivery times and reasonable costs. In this context, shop floor control becomes more and more important and therefore, the complexity of its purposes increases. However, current shop floor information, which is indispensable for a targeted execution of these purposes, is often not available. The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology enables an adequate and situational shop floor control. Since the integration and capabilities of RFID depends on specific framework conditions (e.g. forms of organization), an approach for a modular configuration of an RFID-based hybrid control architecture, that separates control efforts into centralized and decentralized control elements, is motivated. Finally, this approach could be implemented to a use case of a German automotive seat supplier