184 research outputs found


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    Wireless sensor networks are energy constrained. Data aggregation is an important mechanism for achieving energy efficiency in such networks. The aggregation reduces redundancy in data transmission which results in improved energy usage. Several security issues are there in data aggregation, which includes data confidentiality, data integrity, availability, and freshness. Such issues become complex since WSN is deployed in hostile and unattended environment. So the sensor nodes may fail and compromised by adversaries. Secured data aggregation in sensor network is a topic of research.  Many solutions are proposed for secured data aggregation, using different encryption methods. Homomorphic encryption is one of such technique. In homomorphic encryption, all the nodes participate in the aggregation. Here, nodes can't see any intermediate or final result but the aggregation is efficient. In this paper, secured data aggregation methods are classified and the performance is compared in terms of integrity and confidentiality

    An energy-efficient and scalable slot-based privacy homomorphic encryption scheme for WSN-integrated networks

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    YesWith the advent of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and its immense popularity in a wide range of applications, security has been a major concern for these resource-constraint systems. Alongside security, WSNs are currently being integrated with existing technologies such as the Internet, satellite, Wi-Max, Wi-Fi, etc. in order to transmit data over long distances and hand-over network load to more powerful devices. With the focus currently being on the integration of WSNs with existing technologies, security becomes a major concern. The main security requirement for WSN-integrated networks is providing end-to-end security along with the implementation of in-processing techniques of data aggregation. This can be achieved with the implementation of Homomorphic encryption schemes which prove to be computationally inexpensive since they have considerable overheads. This paper addresses the ID-issue of the commonly used Castelluccia Mykletun Tsudik (CMT) [12] homomorphic scheme by proposing an ID slotting mechanism which carries information pertaining to the security keys responsible for the encryption of individual sensor data. The proposed scheme proves to be 93.5% lighter in terms of induced overheads and 11.86% more energy efficient along with providing efficient WSN scalability compared to the existing scheme. The paper provides analytical results comparing the proposed scheme with the existing scheme thus justifying that the modification to the existing scheme can prove highly efficient for resource-constrained WSNs

    SDA-SM: An Efficient Secure Data Aggregation Scheme using Separate MAC across Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Securing the aggregated data of the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a vital issue to minimize energy consumption and face potential attacks. This paper presents a novel end to end encryption scheme defined as Aggregating Secure Data -Separate MAC (SDA-SM). The importance of the SDA-SM is twofold. First, it separates the secured aggregated data and the message authentication codes (MAC) into two different packets. Second, it transmits these packets in a random separate time-slot according to the scheduling of the TDMA. Moreover, the TDMA applied in the LEACH protocol is modified to adequate to the proposed SDA-SM scheme. The SDA-SM uses MACs to verify the integrity of the aggregated data and uses a sensor protected identifier to authenticate the source of data. The simulation results of the experiments assure the SDA-SM objectives can be achieved with less computation of the communication overheads than earlier techniques. Besides, SDA-SM will be able to accomplish the integrity and confidentiality of accurate aggregated data while saving the energy to prolong the network lifetime

    Improving IF Algorithm for Data Aggregation Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), fact from different sensor nodes is collected at assembling node, which is typically complete via modest procedures such as averaging as inadequate computational power and energy resources. Though such collections is identified to be extremely susceptible to node compromising attacks. These approaches are extremely prone to attacks as WSN are typically lacking interfere resilient hardware. Thus, purpose of veracity of facts and prestige of sensor nodes is critical for wireless sensor networks. Therefore, imminent gatherer nodes will be proficient of accomplishment additional cultivated data aggregation algorithms, so creating WSN little unresisting, as the performance of actual low power processors affectedly increases. Iterative filtering algorithms embrace inordinate capacity for such a resolution. The way of allocated the matching mass elements to information delivered by each source, such iterative algorithms concurrently assemble facts from several roots and deliver entrust valuation of these roots. Though suggestively extra substantial against collusion attacks beside the modest averaging techniques, are quiet vulnerable to a different cultivated attack familiarize. The existing literature is surveyed in this paper to have a study of iterative filtering techniques and a detailed comparison is provided. At the end of this paper new technique of improved iterative filtering is proposed with the help of literature survey and drawbacks found in the literature

    Secure data aggregation in wireless sensor networks: A survey

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    Data aggregation is a widely used technique in wireless sensor networks. The security issues, data confidentiality and integrity, in data aggregation become vital when the sensor network is deployed in a hostile environment. There has been many related work proposed to address these security issues. In this paper we survey these work and classify them into two cases: hop-by-hop encrypted data aggregation and end-to-end encrypted data aggregation. We also propose two general frameworks for the two cases respectively. The framework for end-to-end encrypted data aggregation has higher computation cost on the sensor nodes, but achieves stronger security, in comparison with the framework for hop-by-hop encrypted data aggregation.Yingpeng Sang, Hong Shen, Yasushi Inoguchi, Yasuo Tan, Naixue Xion
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