3,354 research outputs found

    How adaptation currents change threshold, gain and variability of neuronal spiking

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    Many types of neurons exhibit spike rate adaptation, mediated by intrinsic slow K+\mathrm{K}^+-currents, which effectively inhibit neuronal responses. How these adaptation currents change the relationship between in-vivo like fluctuating synaptic input, spike rate output and the spike train statistics, however, is not well understood. In this computational study we show that an adaptation current which primarily depends on the subthreshold membrane voltage changes the neuronal input-output relationship (I-O curve) subtractively, thereby increasing the response threshold. A spike-dependent adaptation current alters the I-O curve divisively, thus reducing the response gain. Both types of adaptation currents naturally increase the mean inter-spike interval (ISI), but they can affect ISI variability in opposite ways. A subthreshold current always causes an increase of variability while a spike-triggered current decreases high variability caused by fluctuation-dominated inputs and increases low variability when the average input is large. The effects on I-O curves match those caused by synaptic inhibition in networks with asynchronous irregular activity, for which we find subtractive and divisive changes caused by external and recurrent inhibition, respectively. Synaptic inhibition, however, always increases the ISI variability. We analytically derive expressions for the I-O curve and ISI variability, which demonstrate the robustness of our results. Furthermore, we show how the biophysical parameters of slow K+\mathrm{K}^+-conductances contribute to the two different types of adaptation currents and find that Ca2+\mathrm{Ca}^{2+}-activated K+\mathrm{K}^+-currents are effectively captured by a simple spike-dependent description, while muscarine-sensitive or Na+\mathrm{Na}^+-activated K+\mathrm{K}^+-currents show a dominant subthreshold component.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; Journal of Neurophysiology (in press

    Divisive Gain Modulation with Dynamic Stimuli in Integrate-and-Fire Neurons

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    The modulation of the sensitivity, or gain, of neural responses to input is an important component of neural computation. It has been shown that divisive gain modulation of neural responses can result from a stochastic shunting from balanced (mixed excitation and inhibition) background activity. This gain control scheme was developed and explored with static inputs, where the membrane and spike train statistics were stationary in time. However, input statistics, such as the firing rates of pre-synaptic neurons, are often dynamic, varying on timescales comparable to typical membrane time constants. Using a population density approach for integrate-and-fire neurons with dynamic and temporally rich inputs, we find that the same fluctuation-induced divisive gain modulation is operative for dynamic inputs driving nonequilibrium responses. Moreover, the degree of divisive scaling of the dynamic response is quantitatively the same as the steady-state responses—thus, gain modulation via balanced conductance fluctuations generalizes in a straight-forward way to a dynamic setting

    Long-term deficits in cortical circuit function after asphyxial cardiac arrest and resuscitation in developing rats

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    AbstractCardiac arrest is a common cause of global hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Poor neurologic outcome among cardiac arrest survivors results not only from direct cellular injury but also from subsequent long-term dysfunction of neuronal circuits. Here, we investigated the long-term impact of cardiac arrest during development on the function of cortical layer IV (L4) barrel circuits in the rat primary somatosensory cortex. We used multielectrode single-neuron recordings to examine responses of presumed excitatory L4 barrel neurons to controlled whisker stimuli in adult (8 ± 2-mo-old) rats that had undergone 9 min of asphyxial cardiac arrest and resuscitation during the third postnatal week. Results indicate that responses to deflections of the topographically appropriate principal whisker (PW) are smaller in magnitude in cardiac arrest survivors than in control rats. Responses to adjacent whisker (AW) deflections are similar in magnitude between the two groups. Because of a disproportionate decrease in PW-evoked responses, receptive fields of L4 barrel neurons are less spatially focused in cardiac arrest survivors than in control rats. In addition, spiking activity among L4 barrel neurons is more correlated in cardiac arrest survivors than in controls. Computational modeling demonstrates that experimentally observed disruptions in barrel circuit function after cardiac arrest can emerge from a balanced increase in background excitatory and inhibitory conductances in L4 neurons. Experimental and modeling data together suggest that after a hypoxic-ischemic insult, cortical sensory circuits are less responsive and less spatially tuned. Modulation of these deficits may represent a therapeutic approach to improving neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest.</jats:p

    A unified approach to linking experimental, statistical and computational analysis of spike train data

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    A fundamental issue in neuroscience is how to identify the multiple biophysical mechanisms through which neurons generate observed patterns of spiking activity. In previous work, we proposed a method for linking observed patterns of spiking activity to specific biophysical mechanisms based on a state space modeling framework and a sequential Monte Carlo, or particle filter, estimation algorithm. We have shown, in simulation, that this approach is able to identify a space of simple biophysical models that were consistent with observed spiking data (and included the model that generated the data), but have yet to demonstrate the application of the method to identify realistic currents from real spike train data. Here, we apply the particle filter to spiking data recorded from rat layer V cortical neurons, and correctly identify the dynamics of an slow, intrinsic current. The underlying intrinsic current is successfully identified in four distinct neurons, even though the cells exhibit two distinct classes of spiking activity: regular spiking and bursting. This approach – linking statistical, computational, and experimental neuroscience – provides an effective technique to constrain detailed biophysical models to specific mechanisms consistent with observed spike train data.Published versio

    A mean-field model for conductance-based networks of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neurons

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    Voltage-sensitive dye imaging (VSDi) has revealed fundamental properties of neocortical processing at mesoscopic scales. Since VSDi signals report the average membrane potential, it seems natural to use a mean-field formalism to model such signals. Here, we investigate a mean-field model of networks of Adaptive Exponential (AdEx) integrate-and-fire neurons, with conductance-based synaptic interactions. The AdEx model can capture the spiking response of different cell types, such as regular-spiking (RS) excitatory neurons and fast-spiking (FS) inhibitory neurons. We use a Master Equation formalism, together with a semi-analytic approach to the transfer function of AdEx neurons. We compare the predictions of this mean-field model to simulated networks of RS-FS cells, first at the level of the spontaneous activity of the network, which is well predicted by the mean-field model. Second, we investigate the response of the network to time-varying external input, and show that the mean-field model accurately predicts the response time course of the population. One notable exception was that the "tail" of the response at long times was not well predicted, because the mean-field does not include adaptation mechanisms. We conclude that the Master Equation formalism can yield mean-field models that predict well the behavior of nonlinear networks with conductance-based interactions and various electrophysiolgical properties, and should be a good candidate to model VSDi signals where both excitatory and inhibitory neurons contribute.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Cortical Spike Synchrony as a Measure of Input Familiarity

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    J.G.O. was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competividad and FEDER (Spain, project FIS2015-66503-C3-1-P) and the ICREA Academia programme. E.U. acknowledges support from the Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (SULSA) and HPC-Europa2.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Fundamental activity constraints lead to specific interpretations of the connectome

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    The continuous integration of experimental data into coherent models of the brain is an increasing challenge of modern neuroscience. Such models provide a bridge between structure and activity, and identify the mechanisms giving rise to experimental observations. Nevertheless, structurally realistic network models of spiking neurons are necessarily underconstrained even if experimental data on brain connectivity are incorporated to the best of our knowledge. Guided by physiological observations, any model must therefore explore the parameter ranges within the uncertainty of the data. Based on simulation results alone, however, the mechanisms underlying stable and physiologically realistic activity often remain obscure. We here employ a mean-field reduction of the dynamics, which allows us to include activity constraints into the process of model construction. We shape the phase space of a multi-scale network model of the vision-related areas of macaque cortex by systematically refining its connectivity. Fundamental constraints on the activity, i.e., prohibiting quiescence and requiring global stability, prove sufficient to obtain realistic layer- and area-specific activity. Only small adaptations of the structure are required, showing that the network operates close to an instability. The procedure identifies components of the network critical to its collective dynamics and creates hypotheses for structural data and future experiments. The method can be applied to networks involving any neuron model with a known gain function.Comment: J. Schuecker and M. Schmidt contributed equally to this wor

    An Interneuron Circuit Reproducing Essential Spectral Features of Field Potentials

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Reinoud Maex, ‘An Interneuron Circuit Reproducing Essential Spectral Features of Field Potentials’, Neural Computation, March 2018. Under embargo until 22 June 2018. The final, definitive version of this paper is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/NECO_a_01068. © 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Content in the UH Research Archive is made available for personal research, educational, and non-commercial purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, all content is protected by copyright, and in the absence of an open license, permissions for further re-use should be sought from the publisher, the author, or other copyright holder.Recent advances in engineering and signal processing have renewed the interest in invasive and surface brain recordings, yet many features of cortical field potentials remain incompletely understood. In the present computational study, we show that a model circuit of interneurons, coupled via both GABA(A) receptor synapses and electrical synapses, reproduces many essential features of the power spectrum of local field potential (LFP) recordings, such as 1/f power scaling at low frequency (< 10 Hz) , power accumulation in the γ-frequency band (30–100 Hz), and a robust α rhythm in the absence of stimulation. The low-frequency 1/f power scaling depends on strong reciprocal inhibition, whereas the α rhythm is generated by electrical coupling of intrinsically active neurons. As in previous studies, the γ power arises through the amplifica- tion of single-neuron spectral properties, owing to the refractory period, by parameters that favour neuronal synchrony, such as delayed inhibition. The present study also confirms that both synaptic and voltage-gated membrane currents substantially contribute to the LFP, and that high-frequency signals such as action potentials quickly taper off with distance. Given the ubiquity of electrically coupled interneuron circuits in the mammalian brain, they may be major determinants of the recorded potentials.Peer reviewe