23 research outputs found

    Автоматическое обнаружение ошибок конкурентной модификации данных в моделях на языке SystemC

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    Hardware/software systems simulated by using the SystemC language are usually parallel and, therefore, may contain synchronization errors. One widespread type of synchronization errors is data races. In this paper we propose an approach to data race detection in SystemC programs which is based on the source code static analysis. We have developed some static analysis algorithms that can extract information for data race detection in a SystemC program without quantitative time. These algorithms can detect all the errors that exist in the program. The efficiency of our approach is shown by the evaluation results of the developed tool on a set of test SystemC programs.Модели систем на языке SystemC, как правило, являются параллельными программами и поэтому могут содержать ошибки синхронизации. Одним из типов ошибок синхронизации являются ошибки конкурентной модификации данных. В данной статье предлагается подход к обнаружению ошибок конкурентной модификации данных в моделях на языке SystemC на основе статического анализа. Разработаны алгоритмы, обеспечивающие анализ программ на языке SystemC без количественного времени. Эти алгоритмы позволяют обнаружить все ошибки конкурентной модификации данных, имеющиеся в программе. Эффективность предложенного подхода подтверждается экспериментальными исследованиями разработанного средства обнаружения ошибок на наборе тестовых программ

    Structurally Defined Conditional Data-Flow Static Analysis

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    Data flow analysis (DFA) is an important verification technique that computes the effect of data values propagating over program paths. While more precise than flow-insensitive analyses, such an analysis is time-consuming. This paper investigates the acceleration of DFA by structural decomposition of the underlying control flow graph. Specifically, we explore the cost and effectiveness of dividing program paths into subsets by partitioning path suffixes at conditional statements, applying a DFA on each subset, and then combining the resulting invariants. This yields a family of independent DFA problems that are solved in parallel and where the partial results of each problem represent safe program invariants. Empirical evaluations reveal that depending on the DFA type and its conditional implementation the invariants for a large fraction of program points can be computed in less time than traditional DFA. This work suggests a strategy for an “anytime DFA” algorithm: computing safe program invariants as the analysis proceeds

    SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detection

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    Widely used data race detectors, including the state-of-the-art FastTrack algorithm, incur performance costs that are acceptable for regular in-house testing, but miss races detectable from the analyzed execution. Predictive analyses detect more data races in an analyzed execution than FastTrack detects, but at significantly higher performance cost. This paper presents SmartTrack, an algorithm that optimizes predictive race detection analyses, including two analyses from prior work and a new analysis introduced in this paper. SmartTrack's algorithm incorporates two main optimizations: (1) epoch and ownership optimizations from prior work, applied to predictive analysis for the first time; and (2) novel conflicting critical section optimizations introduced by this paper. Our evaluation shows that SmartTrack achieves performance competitive with FastTrack-a qualitative improvement in the state of the art for data race detection.Comment: Extended arXiv version of PLDI 2020 paper (adds Appendices A-E) #228 SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detectio

    Boomerang: Demand-Driven Flow- and Context-Sensitive Pointer Analysis for Java

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    Many current program analyses require highly precise pointer information about small, tar- geted parts of a given program. This motivates the need for demand-driven pointer analyses that compute information only where required. Pointer analyses generally compute points-to sets of program variables or answer boolean alias queries. However, many client analyses require richer pointer information. For example, taint and typestate analyses often need to know the set of all aliases of a given variable under a certain calling context. With most current pointer analyses, clients must compute such information through repeated points-to or alias queries, increasing complexity and computation time for them. This paper presents Boomerang, a demand-driven, flow-, field-, and context-sensitive pointer analysis for Java programs. Boomerang computes rich results that include both the possible allocation sites of a given pointer (points-to information) and all pointers that can point to those allocation sites (alias information). For increased precision and scalability, clients can query Boomerang with respect to particular calling contexts of interest. Our experiments show that Boomerang is more precise than existing demand-driven pointer analyses. Additionally, using Boomerang, the taint analysis FlowDroid issues up to 29.4x fewer pointer queries compared to using other pointer analyses that return simpler pointer infor- mation. Furthermore, the search space of Boomerang can be significantly reduced by requesting calling contexts from the client analysis

    How Developers Use Data Race Detection Tools

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    Developers need help with multithreaded programming. We investigate how two program analysis tools are used by de-velopers at Google: THREADSAFETY, an annotation-based static data race analysis, and TSAN, a dynamic data race de-tector. The data was collected by interviewing seven veteran industry developers at Google, and provides unique insight into how four different teams use tooling in different ways to help with multithreaded programming. The result is a collec-tion of perceived pros and cons of using THREADSAFETY and TSAN, as well as general issues with multithreading

    Universes for Race Safety

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    Race conditions occur when two incorrectly synchronised threads simultaneously access the same object. Static type systems have been suggested to prevent them. Typically, they use annotations to determine the relationship between an object and its “guard ” (another object), and to guarantee that the guard has been locked before the object is accessed. The object-guard relationship thus forms a tree similar to an ownership type hierarchy. Universe types are a simple form of ownership types. We explore the use of universe types for static identification of race conditions. We use a small, Java-like language with universe types and concurrency primitives. We give a type system that enforces synchronisation for all object accesses, and prove that race conditions cannot occur during execution of a type correct program. We support references to objects whose ownership domain is unknown. Unlike previous work, we do so without compromising the synchronisation strategy used where the ownership domain of such objects is fully known. We develop a novel technique for dealing with non-final (i.e. mutable) paths to objects of unknown ownership domain using effects

    Spectrum-Based Fault Localization for Diagnosing Concurrency Faults

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.Concurrency faults are activated by specific thread interleavings at runtime. Traditional fault localization techniques and static analysis fall short to diagnose these faults efficiently. Existing dynamic fault-localization techniques focus on pinpointing data-access patterns that are subject to concurrency faults. In this paper, we propose a spectrum-based fault localization technique for localizing faulty code blocks instead. We systematically instrument the program to create versions that run in particular combinations of thread interleavings. We run tests on all these versions and utilize spectrum-based fault localization to correlate detected errors with concurrently executing code blocks. We have implemented a tool and applied our approach on several industrial case studies. Case studies show that our approach can effectively and efficiently localize concurrency faults

    Thread-modular shape analysis

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