10 research outputs found

    PhD presentation support

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    Building a Responsibility Model to Foster Information Technology: Contributions from Social Sciences

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    The economic context advocates a better understanding of responsibilities and an enhancement of these responsibilities within a moral perspective. These arising requirements have oriented our research toward the elaboration of an innovative responsibility model. This paper aims at enriching our responsibility model on the basis of a further analysis of these concepts in human sciences literature

    Building a Responsibility Model to Foster Information Technology: Contributions from Social Sciences

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    The economic context advocates a better understanding of responsibilities and an enhancement of these responsibilities within a moral perspective. These arising requirements have oriented our research toward the elaboration of an innovative responsibility model. This paper aims at enriching our responsibility model on the basis of a further analysis of these concepts in human sciences literature

    ReMoLa: Responsibility Model Language to Align Access Rights with Business Process Requirements

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    Services Specification and Services Compliance, How to Consider the Responsibility Dimension?

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    Service engineering is a huge research topic that addresses the specification, the compliance and the sharing of business and IT services across companies, institutions or governmental organizations. Despite many advantages of working with the services, the guarantee of service compliance and management of the service overlaps by the stakeholders remains challenging. The objective of this document is to present a methodological approach in order to specify the links between the organizational layer and the informational layer of services. Therefore our research has focused on clarifying the responsibility dimension of the stakeholders involved in those services. The proposed approach is illustrated with an example in the context of sensitive data exchange between stakeholders from the healthcare domain

    Improving Responsibility modelling in Enterprise Architecture, Case Study in the Healthcare Sector

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    Economy relies on companies evolving in an increasingly highly regulated environment, having their operations strongly formalised and controlled, and being often organised following a bureaucratic approach. In such a context, new and paramount governance requirements advocate for having the responsibility for business processes and tasks formally defined and assigned to the employees. Without efficient formalisation of the responsibility, these companies face the risk to prevent the satisfactorily delivery of business services and that their image is seriously altered and jeopardised. Hence, among the many challenges related to these new governance requirements is the modelling of the concept of responsibility in a unique and expressive model usable in concrete business situations. Unfortunately, in this domain, we have observed that no (meta)model exists and integrates these new needs yet. The second important requirement is to provide the appropriate rights to the employees following their responsibilities to perform specific tasks. Up to date, no solution, model or method addresses the rights provisioning following this perspective. In this context, the paper proposes firstly to define an expressive Responsibility metamodel in UML, named ReMMo, which allows representing the existing responsibilities at the business layer of the enterprise. Afterwards this Responsibility metamodel is integrated with ArchiMate to enhance its usability and benefits from the enterprise architecture formalism. This integration allows strengthening the semantic of the concepts and relations among concepts from the business layer of the enterprise, and more specially the assignment of rights on business objects to the employees

    Improving Responsibility modelling in Enterprise Architecture, Case Study in the Healthcare Sector

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    Economy relies on companies evolving in an increasingly highly regulated environment, having their operations strongly formalised and controlled, and being often organised following a bureaucratic approach. In such a context, new and paramount governance requirements advocate for having the responsibility for business processes and tasks formally defined and assigned to the employees. Without efficient formalisation of the responsibility, these companies face the risk to prevent the satisfactorily delivery of business services and that their image is seriously altered and jeopardised. Hence, among the many challenges related to these new governance requirements is the modelling of the concept of responsibility in a unique and expressive model usable in concrete business situations. Unfortunately, in this domain, we have observed that no (meta)model exists and integrates these new needs yet. The second important requirement is to provide the appropriate rights to the employees following their responsibilities to perform specific tasks. Up to date, no solution, model or method addresses the rights provisioning following this perspective. In this context, the paper proposes firstly to define an expressive Responsibility metamodel in UML, named ReMMo, which allows representing the existing responsibilities at the business layer of the enterprise. Afterwards this Responsibility metamodel is integrated with ArchiMate to enhance its usability and benefits from the enterprise architecture formalism. This integration allows strengthening the semantic of the concepts and relations among concepts from the business layer of the enterprise, and more specially the assignment of rights on business objects to the employees