2 research outputs found

    Economic Assessment and Analysis of Compliance in Business Processes: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda

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    Businesses today are faced with the challenge of adapting processes to an increasing amount of compliance regulations. These expensive adjustments result in compliance management becoming an enormous cost driver. It seems all the more surprising that there is still a large research gap in terms of quantitative measures for assessing the efficiency of compliance in business processes. This challenge primarily motivates the topic of this paper, as an economic assessment of business process compliance (BPC) becomes increasingly relevant. Based on a systematic and rigorous literature review, this paper provides an overview of current research and thereupon investigates concepts to economic assessment of BPC with a focus on quantitative measures. The analysis shows that not all contributions dealt to the same extent with the economic assessment of BPC and that the resulting concepts cannot be strictly separated from one another

    Design principles for ensuring compliance in business processes

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    In this thesis, we evaluate the complexity and understandability of compliance languages. First, to calculate the complexity, we apply established software metrics and interpret the results with respect to the languages’ expressiveness. Second, to investigate the languages’ understandability, we use a cognitive model of the human problem-solving process and analyze how efficiently users perform a compliance modeling task. Our results have theoretical and practical implications that give directions for the development of compliance languages, and rule-based languages in general.Diese Arbeit beurteilt die Komplexität und Verständlichkeit von Compliance-Sprachen. Zur Messung der Komplexität wenden wir etablierte Software-Metriken an und interpretieren die Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf die Aussagekraft der Sprachen. Zur Untersuchung der Verständlichkeit verwenden wir ein kognitives Modell und analysieren, wie effizient eine Compliance-Sprache zur Lösung eines Modellierungsproblems eingesetzt wird. Unsere Ergebnisse haben theoretische und praktische Implikationen für die Entwicklung von Compliance-Sprachen und anderen regelbasierten Sprachen