12 research outputs found

    Conceptual model of mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage site towards enjoyable informal learning aspect

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    Conceptual model of mobile augmented reality (AR) for cultural heritage site based on enjoyable informal learning aspect is proposed to help technical or content developers to develop mobile AR application specifically for cultural heritage site that include enjoyable learning aspect.The conceptual model provides appropriate content, navigation and user interface design, interactivity, features, hardware, and process for providing informal learning in enjoyable way at cultural heritage site using mobile AR. The conceptual model consists of three structures, six components, and twenty nine elements.The usage of conceptual model is flexible which can be implemented according to developer’s needs and preferences

    Conceptual model of mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage site towards enjoyable informal learning (Marchsteil)

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    A mobile augmented reality (AR) is one of the emerging technologies that may provide interactive content to tourists at cultural heritage sites. Past studies show enjoyable informal learning experience is highly needed for tourists to broaden knowledge for tourists. Although many mobile AR applications have been developed to expose cultural heritage site information, they are still lacking in providing such experience due to lack of comprehensive models which taking into consideration the elements of enjoyable informal learning experience in the development of such applications. Therefore, this study proposes a comprehensive conceptual model of mobile AR where it considers the components of enjoyable informal learning experience at cultural heritage site. This study followed design science research methodology. The proposed conceptual model is reviewed and validated through expert review and focus group discussion The review was analysed based on frequency of the responses on each component. As a proof-of-concept, the prototype (named as AR@Melaka) was developed and then evaluated on its enjoyable informal learning aspects to 200 tourists of a renowned cultural heritage site. From user perspective, it is proven that AR@Melaka provides enjoyable informal learning. In conclusion, these findings proved that the conceptual model is useful for assisting tourists in learning at cultural heritage site in an enjoyable way. This study contributes a conceptual model to serve as guidelines for developing a mobile augmented reality that considers an enjoyable informal learning component

    Conceptual Model Elements for Mobile Augmented Reality for Engaging Hearing-Impaired Museum Visitors

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    Nowadays, designers are more concern with the issue of engagement and informal learning at museum and gallery sites. This has made studies to focus more on the use of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) at museum and gallery sites. However, most of the MAR applications for museum visitors are largely tailored to normal hearing visitors while the hearing-impaired (HI) visitors are not supported. Thus, this study explored design elements of mobile augmented reality for engaging hearing-impaired visitors at museum site, develop the conceptual model of MAR for HI museum visitors’ engagement based on the identified elements and to evaluate the contribution of the MAR for HI on museum visitors’ engagement. The findings of this study that is the proposed the conceptual model for engagement MAR needed for the design of an efficient museum MAR app for hearing impaired visitors’ depending on six elements are critical. These six elements include Aesthetics, Usability, Interaction, Motivation, Satisfaction and Enjoyment. This study argues that for an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community most especially hearing-impaired visitors to museum sites. This finding will help Mobile Augmented Reality designers and developers on how to design an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community at large and museum hearing-impaired visitors’ specifically

    Mobile Augmented Reality for Hearing Impaired Museum Engagement (MARHIME): a conceptual model

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    Most Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) applications for museum are largely tailored for normal visitors while the disabled such as hearing-impaired (HI) visitors are not well supported. This makes them to go through unpalatable experiences and eventually dissatisfy with their visit to the museum. In order to attract HI museum visitors’ interest, our study employs the concept of engagement through the use of the MAR application. Our recent finding revealed several MAR elements for museum HI visitors’ engagement. These elements include aesthetics, curiosity, usability, interaction, motivation, satisfaction, self-efficacy, perceived control, enjoyment, focused attention and interest. These elements which were extracted from a comprehensive literature review are then validated through expert reviews. A total of eleven elements were sent for review by the experts and they have validated six elements of engagement. This paper proposes a conceptual model of MAR for HI museum engagement (MARHIME).This model is expected to provide guidelines for developers in developing MAR applications that are able to engage HI museum visitors and make them satisfy with the museum visit. Our future work will develop the MARHIME application which will be validated by HI museum visitors

    Elements of museum mobile augmented reality for engaging hearing impaired visitors

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    Nowadays, designers are more concern with the issue of engagement and informal learning at museum and gallery sites.This has made studies to focus more on the use of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) at museum and gallery sites. However, most of the MAR applications for museum visitors are largely tailored to normal hearing visitors while the hearing-impaired (HI) visitors are not supported.The hearing impaired (HI) community account for over 5% of the world's populace which is about 360 million people.Thus, this paper explores the design elements of mobile augmented reality for engaging hearing impaired visitors at the museum site.The findings of this paper argues that there are eleven major elements of engagement of MAR needed for the design of an efficient museum MAR app for hearing impaired visitors. These eleven elements include Aesthetics, Curiosity, Usability, Interaction, Motivation, Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Control, Enjoyment, Focused Attention and Interest. This study pointed out that for an efficient and engaged MAR app for the HI community especially HI visitors to museum sites, these eleven elements are critical.This finding will help MAR designers and developers on how to design an efficient and engaged MAR app for the HI community at large and museum HI visitors specifically. © 2017 Author(s)

    Mobile Augmented Reality Elements for Museum Hearing Impaired Visitors’ Engagement

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    There is an increase attention on the provision of the ideal learning environment for museum visitors. This has made researchers to employ the concept of engagement in designing Mobile Augmented Reality application in order to attract museum visitors’ interest and ensure a more effective learning environment. However, most of the Mobile Augmented Reality applications for museum visitors are largely tailored to normal hearing visitors while the hearing-impaired visitors are not supported. This makes hearing-impaired visitors to go through unpalatable experiences and eventually dissatisfy with their visit to the museum. This experience is making learning impossible for hearing-impaired visitors at the museum sites. Therefore, this study explored engagement Mobile Augmented Reality elements that are needed for the design of an efficient museum Mobile Augmented Reality application for hearing impaired visitors’. The study employed both systematic literature review and expert opinion methods. The findings revealed that there are eleven major elements of engagement Mobile Augmented Reality needed for the design of an efficient museum Mobile Augmented Reality app for hearing impaired visitors’. These eleven elements include Aesthetics, Curiosity, Usability, Interaction, Motivation, Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Control, Enjoyment, Focused Attention and Interest. This paper argues that for an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community most especially hearing-impaired visitors to museum sites these eleven elements are critical. This finding will help Mobile Augmented Reality designers and developers on how to design an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community at large and museum hearing-impaired visitors’ specifically

    Conceptual model of mobile augmented reality for engaging hearing-impaired museum visitors

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    Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) has matured significantly over the past decades since the birth of multimedia system. It has evolved from the conceptual idea of augmented reality experience to its actual practical applications in use on smartphones. Researchers in MAR have resolved to employ the concept of engagement in designing MAR applications to attract museum visitors’ interest and ensure a more effective learning environment. However, most of these MAR applications are tailored to normal hearing visitors while the hearing-impaired (HI) visitors are less supported. This makes HI visitors to go through unpalatable experiences and eventually become dissatisfied with their visit to the museum. Also, there is lack of studies on the conceptual model of MAR for engaging the HI museum visitors. Therefore, this study proposes a conceptual model of MAR for the HI museum engagement (MARHIME) and eventually enhances their engagement during their museum visits. In achieving the aim of this study, design science research methodology was adapted. This study has determined engagement elements through expert review which were used to design the conceptual model of MARHIME. In addition, an MAR prototype was developed based on the MARHIME conceptual model and its architecture. The MARHIME prototype includes three-dimensional models, video, text, and images to deliver salient information of important artefacts to HI museum visitors. Moreover, the MARHIME application may only function in the museum by scanning the museum environment because the HI can use MAR as a visual signal guide in order to catch missing aural signals during their visit to the museums. The study involved 73 HI museum visitors as participants in order to evaluate the MARHIME prototype on their engagement experience. From the results of the evaluation, it was found that the MARHIME prototype was able to engage the HI visitors during their visit to the museum. Therefore, this study has validated a conceptual model on MAR for engaging the HI museum visitors. This conceptual model of MARHIME can be used as guidelines for researchers in understanding the elements of MAR in engaging the HI museum visitors and for developers in assisting the process of designing and developing MAR application for the HI museum visitors. This study contributes to the engagement of HI people during their museum visits to ensure the inclusiveness of disabled people in the MAR design

    Conceptual Model of Mobile Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage

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