8 research outputs found

    A dimensão metafísica da Inteligência Artificial

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    Este artigo discute o caráter metafísico das narrativas prospectivas acerca da Inteligência Artificial a partir do dualismo cartesiano. Analisamos duas ideias que permeiam o imaginário social em torno das tecnologias digitais a respeito do papel cultural que estas desempenham e de suas consequências na realidade social: a de que, em um futuro breve, numa modernidade utópica (ou distópica), as máquinas se tornarão progressivamente “inteligentes” para o melhoramento (ou dominação) dos seres humanos; e aquela segundo a qual os seres humanos e seus corpos são “máquinas” da natureza e, portanto, passíveis de melhoramento ou transcendência por meio da tecnologia.This article discusses – by way of Cartesian dualism – the metaphysical aspects of prospective narratives regarding Artificial Intelligence. Two ideas permeate the social imaginary regarding digital technologies and the role they play in culture and their consequences in the social world: the first notion is one where, in the near future of utopic (or dystopic) modernity, machines will become progressively “intelligent” for the betterment (or domination) of human beings. According to the second, human bodies are natural “machines”, and thus capable of improvement or transcendence by means of technology.Cet article se penche sur le caractère métaphysique des narratives prospectives à propos de l’Intelligence Artificielle à partir du dualisme cartésien. Deux idées prévalent sur l’imaginaire social à propos des technologies numériques quant au rôle culturel qu’elles jouent et quant à leurs conséquences sur la réalité sociale: celle, dans un avenir proche, d’une modernité utopique (ou dystopique), selon laquelle les machines deviendront progressivemen “intelligentes” pour améliorer (ou dominer) le genre humain; et celle d’après laquelle les êtres humains et leurs corps sont des “machines” de la nature et, donc, passibles d’amélioration ou de transcendance par le biais de la technologie

    The governance of artificial intelligence: context and general framework

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    La inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha convertido en objeto de un amplio y controvertido debate. El análisis de ese debate muestra que existe un problema conceptual, por la ausencia de acuerdo sobre la definición de la IA, y un problema funcional derivado de la relevancia asignada en el mismo a los componentes técnicos, éticos y jurídicos. Hay una clara prevalencia de los primeros, una insistente invocación de los segundos y una escasa atención al discurso jurídico. En principio, jurídicamente, hay que distinguir dos cuestiones: por una parte, la aplicación de la IA al estudio y la práctica del derecho y, por otra, la regulación de la IA. El modelo de regulación de la IA se plantea desde diferentes perspectivas metodológicas que confirman la necesidad de adoptar un enfoque proactivo y abierto, no formalista, para la organización de su gobernanza. El estudio de la práctica muestra que son muy pocos los Estados que han adoptado estrategias o planes de acción en la materia y, en el marco internacional, la mayoría de las iniciativas están localizadas en organizaciones o foros regionales o interregionales participados por países tecnológicamente desarrollados. El ordenamiento jurídico internacional ha de activar mecanismos de respuesta de alcance universal frente a esa situación y al desafío global que implica la gobernanza de la IA.Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the subject of a wide-ranging and controversial debate. The analysis of the debate shows two main problems: the conceptual problem arises from the absence of agreement on the definition of AI; and the functional problem derives from the different relevance given to the technical, ethical and legal components. There is a clear prevalence of the former, an insistent invocation of ethical aspects and little attention to legal discourse. From a legal standpoint, two issues must be distinguished: the application of AI to the study and practice of law and the regulation of AI. The model of AI regulation is approached from different methodological perspectives that confirm the need to adopt a proactive and open, non-formalist approach to the organisation of its governance. The study of practice shows, however, that very few States have adopted strategies or action plans in this area. In the international framework, most of the initiatives are located in organizations or forums participated by technologically developed countries. The international legal system must activate universal mechanisms, norms and procedures to respond to this situation and to the global challenge of AI governance.Este trabajo se realiza en el marco del proyecto TIN2017-83494-R financiado parcialmente por el Gobierno de España

    O uso de Big Data Analytics e o reflexo nos negócios jurídicos à luz do Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados

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    A presente dissertação versa a análise das questões relativas à proteção de dados suscitadas no contexto do Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados – RGPD, considerando os dados gerados através do avanço das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, nomeadamente os caracterizados por um grande volume por unidade de tempo, denominados de Big Data. Com a metamorfose digital dos últimos anos, toda a sociedade vive os seus reflexos no quotidiano e o direito é uma das áreas que também se deverá adequar ao cenário Big Data estabelecido digitalmente. Desta forma, serão focados vários aspetos relacionados com o tema, iniciando com as formas de produção de dados, da parte histórica até aos atuais meios sofisticados no que tange tal produção e os pontos importantes para o alcance de uma proteção mais efetiva possível, abordando desde os princípios fundamentais que presidem à proteção daqueles dados, avançando posteriormente para os direitos dos titulares dos dados merecedores da tutela efetiva no momento das relações jurídicas, assim como as novas medidas que o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados apresenta sobre a matéria. Porém, e porque é também importante salientar que as redes sociais são na sua maioria colaboradoras para a angariação de dados, sejam estruturados ou não, as novas tecnologias ganham grande importância no cenário hodierno. No que se refere o Consentimento, este ganha importância no RGPD, integrando-o e refletindo na autodeterminação informacional que tem grande papel como meio de reação ao tratamento de dados pessoais. Por fim, procede-se a uma tentativa de exposição das várias relações sinalagmáticas que são oriundas das relações no ciberespaço e as suas ressalvas.This dissertation addresses the data protection issues raised in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), considering the data generated through the advancement of information and communication technologies, namely those characterized by a large volume per unit of time, called Big Data. With the digital metamorphosis of the last years, the whole society lives its reflexes in the daily life and the law is one of the areas that also must adapt to the scene Big Data established digitally. In this way, various aspects related to the theme will be focused, beginning with the data production means through History, to the current sophisticated means regarding this production and the important points to reach a more effective protection possible, considering the fundamental principles that govern the protection of those data, the rights of data subjects that need effective protection at the time of legal relations, as well as the new measures that the General Regulation on Data Protection presents on the subject. However, and because it is also important to emphasize that social networks are mostly collaborators for data collection, whether structured or not, new technologies are of great importance in today's scenario. Regarding Consent, it gains importance in the GDPR, integrating it and reflecting in the informational self-determination that plays a great role as a reaction to the processing of personal data. Finally, an attempt is made to expose the various syntagmatic relations that arise from relations in cyberspace and its reservations

    AI and legal personhood: a theoretical survey

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    I set out the pros and cons of conferring legal personhood on artificial intelligence systems (AIs), mainly under civil law. I provide functionalist arguments to justify this policy choice and identify the content that such a legal status might have. Although personhood entails holding one or more legal positions, I will focus on the distribution of liabilities arising from unpredictably illegal and harmful conduct. Conferring personhood on AIs might efficiently allocate risks and social costs, ensuring protection for victims, incentives for production, and technological innovation. I also consider other legal positions, e.g., the capacity to act, the ability to hold property, make contracts, and sue (and be sued). However, I contend that even assuming that conferring personhood on AIs finds widespread consensus, its implementation requires solving a coordination problem, determined by three asymmetries: technological, intra-legal systems, and inter-legal systems. I address the coordination problem through conceptual analysis and metaphysical explanation. I first frame legal personhood as a node of inferential links between factual preconditions and legal effects. Yet, this inferentialist reading does not account for the ‘background reasons’, i.e., it does not explain why we group divergent situations under legal personality and how extra-legal information is integrated into it. One way to account for this background is to adopt a neo-institutional perspective and update its ontology of legal concepts with further layers: the meta-institutional and the intermediate. Under this reading, the semantic referent of legal concepts is institutional reality. So, I use notions of analytical metaphysics, such as grounding and anchoring, to explain the origins and constituent elements of legal personality as an institutional kind. Finally, I show that the integration of conceptual and metaphysical analysis can provide the toolkit for finding an equilibrium around the legal-policy choices that are involved in including (or not including) AIs among legal persons

    Managing stakeholder communication in the Ghanaian telecommunication industry

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    Thesis (PhD (Communication Management))--University of Pretoria, 2022.The telecommunications business in Ghana has grown rapidly during the previous three decades. Thus, it is critical to establish effective communication among key stakeholders and consumers. This study's main purpose is to design a strategic framework for managing consumer and stakeholder interest in Ghana's telecommunications industry. Pragmatic research philosophies were used to support quantitative and qualitative research methods. Inductive and deductive research methods were utilised to collect data from 421 respondents for analysis, interpretation, and discussion. Awareness raising, discourse, education, training, capacity development, relevant operational information, implementation and monitoring are important communication strategies. The study found that most consumers and key stakeholders are unaware of telecommunications interests. However, those few stakeholders aware of telecommunications interests claim the communication strategies are not well managed. National Communications Authority, telecommunications service providers, and the Ministry of Communications oversee telecommunications interests. A lack of effective communication resources, insufficient information, and poor service quality are some of the challenges key stakeholders and consumers face in managing communication interests. In addition to properly defined communication channels, regular interaction, the development and implementation of a communication plan, regular feedback, open and thorough engagement, and effective involvement of stakeholders and consumers in the formulation and implementation of communication policies, the findings revealed are means of improving communication interest. The study developed a strategic communication plan to be adopted by the key stakeholders and consumers. The study also employed theories that formed a solid foundation for the study.Communication ManagementPhD (Communication Management)UnrestrictedFaculty of Economic And Management Science

    Conceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Singularity

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    In the current discussions about “artificial intelligence” (AI) and “singularity”, both labels are used with several very different senses, and the confusion among these senses is the root of many disagreements. Similarly, although “artificial general intelligence” (AGI) has become a widely used term in the related discussions, many people are not really familiar with this research, including its aim and status. We analyze these notions, and introduce the results of our own AGI research. Our main conclusions are that: (1) it is possible to build a computer system that follows the same laws of thought and shows similar properties as the human mind, but, since such an AGI will have neither a human body nor human experience, it will not behave exactly like a human, nor will it be “smarter than a human” on all tasks; and (2) since the development of an AGI requires a reasonably good understanding of the general mechanism of intelligence, the system’s behaviors will still be understandable and predictable in principle. Therefore, the success of AGI will not necessarily lead to a singularity beyond which the future becomes completely incomprehensible and uncontrollable

    Conceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Singularity

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    In the current discussions about “artificial intelligence” (AI) and “singularity”, both labels are used with several very different senses, and the confusion among these senses is the root of many disagreements. Similarly, although “artificial general intelligence” (AGI) has become a widely used term in the related discussions, many people are not really familiar with this research, including its aim and status. We analyze these notions, and introduce the results of our own AGI research. Our main conclusions are that: (1) it is possible to build a computer system that follows the same laws of thought and shows similar properties as the human mind, but, since such an AGI will have neither a human body nor human experience, it will not behave exactly like a human, nor will it be “smarter than a human” on all tasks; and (2) since the development of an AGI requires a reasonably good understanding of the general mechanism of intelligence, the system’s behaviors will still be understandable and predictable in principle. Therefore, the success of AGI will not necessarily lead to a singularity beyond which the future becomes completely incomprehensible and uncontrollable