648,727 research outputs found

    Concept-based topic model improvement

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    We propose a system which employs conceptual knowledge to improve topic models by removing unrelated words from the simplified topic description. We use WordNet to detect which topical words are not conceptually similar to the others and then test our assumptions against human judgment. Results obtained on two different corpora in different test conditions show that the words detected as unrelated had a much greater probability than the others to be chosen by human evaluators as not being part of the topic at all. We prove that there is a strong correlation between the said probability and an automatically calculated topical fitness and we discuss the variation of the correlation depending on the method and data used. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Value-Based Delivery Of Education: Moocs As Messengers

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    Value-based delivery of healthcare has been discussed in the literature for almost a decade.  The concept focuses on the patient and defines value as the improvement of patient outcomes divided by healthcare costs.  Further refinements, called the Triple Aim model, focus on improving patient outcomes, reducing treatment costs, and improving patient satisfaction.  Inspired by the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) movement in education, which should be seen as a wake-up message for educators, this paper attempts to reframe MOOCs, and related educational initiatives, within a Value-Based Delivery of Education (VBDE) model.  The VBDE model focuses on the student learner and defines value as the improvement of learning outcomes, reduction of educational costs, and improvement of student stakeholder satisfaction.   VBDE model elements are operationally defined, quantified, and used to identify and assess key components of MOOC and MOOC-related initiatives.  Implications for the successful delivery of value-based education in the future are discussed as part one of a two-paper series on the topic


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    ABSTRAKMasalah utama yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah rendahnya penguasaan konsep siswa terhadap materi Tekanan Hidrostatik, yang menunjukkan adanya kebutuhan untuk memperbaiki metode pembelajaran yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa pada materi tekanan hidrostatis setelah diajarkan dengan model problem based learning di SMK Darul Wustha Jerowaru. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester Genap tahun pelajaran 2022/2023. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed methods desain embedded experimental model. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 28 siswa kelas X SMK Darul Wustha Jerowaru. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari silabus, RPP, LKS, tes penguasaan konsep, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, dan protokol wawancara. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi test, observasi, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif meliputi N-Gain, uji t berpasangan, dan effect size untuk melihat besar pengaruh pembelajaran. Sementara data kualitatif dianalisis dengan data reduction, coding, data display, conclusion drawing/verivication. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Penguasaan konsep siswa pada materi tekanan hidrostatis melalui pembelajaran model problem based learning mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dengan N-Gain skor rata-rata sebesar 0,69 (kategori sedang), dan nilai effect size sebesar 6,2 (kategori kuat); (2) sebagian besar siswa dapat mengubah konsepsi-konsepsinya yang salah pada saat posttest. Pada materi tekanan hidrostatis sebagian besar siswa menganggap tekanan hidrostatis dipengaruhi oleh volume air dan bentuk bejana, namun pada saat postest sebagian besar siswa mampu mengubah konsepsinya menuju konsepsi yang sesuai dengan konsep tekanan hidrostatis yaitu tekanan hidrostatis dipengaruhi oleh massa jenis dan kedalaman. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa model problem based learning dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa pada materi tekanan hidrostatis. Kata Kunci: penguasaan konsep; problem based learning; tekanan hidrostatis. ABSTRACTThe main problem underlying this research is the low mastery of students' concepts in the topic of Hydrostatic Pressure, indicating a need to improve existing teaching methods. The aim of this research is to determine the improvement in students' concept mastery in the topic of hydrostatic pressure after being taught using the problem-based learning model at Darul Wustha Vocational School Jerowaru. This research was conducted in the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The research method used is a mixed methods design with an embedded experimental model. The subjects in this study consisted of 28 students from class X at Darul Wustha Vocational School Jerowaru. Research instruments included syllabi, lesson plans, worksheets, concept mastery tests, learning implementation observation sheets, and interview protocols. Data collection methods included tests, observations, and interviews. Quantitative data analysis techniques included N-Gain, paired t-tests, and effect size to assess the magnitude of the learning effect. Meanwhile, qualitative data were analyzed through data reduction, coding, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The research results indicate that: (1) Students' mastery of the concept of hydrostatic pressure through problem-based learning showed a significant improvement, with an average N-Gain score of 0.69 (moderate category) and an effect size value of 6.2 (strong category); (2) Most students were able to correct their misconceptions during the post-test. In the topic of hydrostatic pressure, most students initially believed that hydrostatic pressure was influenced by the volume of water and the shape of the container. However, after the post-test, most students were able to adjust their concepts to align with the concept of hydrostatic pressure, which is influenced by density and depth. This condition demonstrates that the problem-based learning model can enhance students' concept mastery in the topic of hydrostatic pressure. Keywords : concept mastery; problem based learning; hydrostatic pressur

    Volume Transfer: A New Design Concept for Fabric-Based Pneumatic Exosuits

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    The fabric-based pneumatic exosuit is now a hot research topic because it is lighter and softer than traditional exoskeletons. Existing research focused more on the mechanical properties of the exosuit (e.g., torque and speed), but less on its wearability (e.g., appearance and comfort). This work presents a new design concept for fabric-based pneumatic exosuits Volume Transfer, which means transferring the volume of pneumatic actuators beyond the garments profile to the inside. This allows for a concealed appearance and a larger stress area while maintaining adequate torques. In order to verify this concept, we develop a fabric-based pneumatic exosuit for knee extension assistance. Its profile is only 26mm and its stress area wraps around almost half of the leg. We use a mathematical model and simulation to determine the parameters of the exosuit, avoiding multiple iterations of the prototype. Experiment results show that the exosuit can generate a torque of 7.6Nm at a pressure of 90kPa and produce a significant reduction in the electromyography activity of the knee extensor muscles. We believe that Volume Transfer could be utilized prevalently in future fabric-based pneumatic exosuit designs to achieve a significant improvement in wearability

    Harnessing the power of the general public for crowdsourced business intelligence: a survey

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    International audienceCrowdsourced business intelligence (CrowdBI), which leverages the crowdsourced user-generated data to extract useful knowledge about business and create marketing intelligence to excel in the business environment, has become a surging research topic in recent years. Compared with the traditional business intelligence that is based on the firm-owned data and survey data, CrowdBI faces numerous unique issues, such as customer behavior analysis, brand tracking, and product improvement, demand forecasting and trend analysis, competitive intelligence, business popularity analysis and site recommendation, and urban commercial analysis. This paper first characterizes the concept model and unique features and presents a generic framework for CrowdBI. It also investigates novel application areas as well as the key challenges and techniques of CrowdBI. Furthermore, we make discussions about the future research directions of CrowdBI

    Multiple Retrieval Models and Regression Models for Prior Art Search

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    This paper presents the system called PATATRAS (PATent and Article Tracking, Retrieval and AnalysiS) realized for the IP track of CLEF 2009. Our approach presents three main characteristics: 1. The usage of multiple retrieval models (KL, Okapi) and term index definitions (lemma, phrase, concept) for the three languages considered in the present track (English, French, German) producing ten different sets of ranked results. 2. The merging of the different results based on multiple regression models using an additional validation set created from the patent collection. 3. The exploitation of patent metadata and of the citation structures for creating restricted initial working sets of patents and for producing a final re-ranking regression model. As we exploit specific metadata of the patent documents and the citation relations only at the creation of initial working sets and during the final post ranking step, our architecture remains generic and easy to extend

    Kerangka rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran

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    Kajian ini merupakan sebuah kajian terhadap Kerangka Rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran. Tujuan kajian ini dilakukan adalah bagi mencadangkan sebuah Kerangka Rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran yang sesuai diaplikasikan oleh bakal guru dan juga guru bagi sebuah sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berkesan dan seterusnya meningkatkan kefahaman dan pengetahuan pelajar dalam mata pelajaran yang diajar oleh guru. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan Model ADDIE iaitu peringkat analisis, peringkat rekabentuk, peringkat pembangunan, peringkat implimentasi dan peringkat penilaian. Hasil daripada dapatan kajian yang menggunakan model TAM melihat persepsi dari kebergunaan (tahap tinggi dan min 3.02), kesenangan mengguna (tahap tinggi dan min 3.03) dan sikap penggunaan ( diterima dan min 2.65) terhadap Kerangka Rekabentuk Carta Selak Rangkaian Berintegrasi Teori Gagne Sembilan Peristiwa Pembelajaran. Dapatan tersebut menunjukkan bahawa ia digunakan dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran di bilik darjah oleh responden pada masa hadapan. Cadangan kajian pada masa hadapan adalah berkaitan spesifikasi dan teknikal kerangka rekabentuk supaya dapat memudahkan pembinaan kerangka, menjimatkan kos dan masa

    Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Model Mental Dan Penguasaan Konsep Siswa

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    The research was aimed to describe the practicality, effectiveness and effect size of discovery learning to improve students\u27 mental model and concept mastery on electrolyte and non electrolyte solution topic. This research has been done at SMA N 16 Bandar Lampung for 2016/2017 academic year. The research one group pretest-posttest design by using cluster random sampling and obtained class X.7 as sample of ± 330 students. The data were analyzed descriptively. Practicality was determined from implementation of RPP and student response. Effectiveness was determined from teacher\u27s ability, student activities, improvement mental model and students\u27 concept mastery. The results of this research showed that the practicality and effectiveness of discovery learning had very high criteria and had large effect size. Based on it, the conclution that discovery learning was practical, effective, and had large effect to improve mental model and students\u27 concept mastery.Penelitian dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan kepraktisan, keefektifan, dan ukuran pengaruh pembelajaran discovery learning dalam meningkatkan model mental dan penguasaan konsep siswa pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 16 Bandar Lampung Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian one group pretest-posttest design dengan teknik cluster random sampling dan diperoleh kelas X.7 sebagai sampel populasi ± 330 siswa. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Kepraktisan ditentukan dari keterlaksanaan RPP dan respon siswa. Keefektifan ditentukan dari kemampuan guru, aktivitas siswa, peningkatan model mental dan penguasaan konsep siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran discovery learning memiliki kepraktisan dan keefektifan dengan kriteria sangat tinggi dan ukuran pengaruh yang besar. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu pembelajaran discovery learning praktis, efektif, dan memiliki pengaruh yang besar dalam meningkatkan model mental dan penguasaan konsep siswa