6,431 research outputs found

    SqFreeEVAL: An (almost) optimal real-root isolation algorithm

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    Let f be a univariate polynomial with real coefficients, f in R[X]. Subdivision algorithms based on algebraic techniques (e.g., Sturm or Descartes methods) are widely used for isolating the real roots of f in a given interval. In this paper, we consider a simple subdivision algorithm whose primitives are purely numerical (e.g., function evaluation). The complexity of this algorithm is adaptive because the algorithm makes decisions based on local data. The complexity analysis of adaptive algorithms (and this algorithm in particular) is a new challenge for computer science. In this paper, we compute the size of the subdivision tree for the SqFreeEVAL algorithm. The SqFreeEVAL algorithm is an evaluation-based numerical algorithm which is well-known in several communities. The algorithm itself is simple, but prior attempts to compute its complexity have proven to be quite technical and have yielded sub-optimal results. Our main result is a simple O(d(L+ln d)) bound on the size of the subdivision tree for the SqFreeEVAL algorithm on the benchmark problem of isolating all real roots of an integer polynomial f of degree d and whose coefficients can be written with at most L bits. Our proof uses two amortization-based techniques: First, we use the algebraic amortization technique of the standard Mahler-Davenport root bounds to interpret the integral in terms of d and L. Second, we use a continuous amortization technique based on an integral to bound the size of the subdivision tree. This paper is the first to use the novel analysis technique of continuous amortization to derive state of the art complexity bounds

    Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials ... and now For Real!

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    Very recent work introduces an asymptotically fast subdivision algorithm, denoted ANewDsc, for isolating the real roots of a univariate real polynomial. The method combines Descartes' Rule of Signs to test intervals for the existence of roots, Newton iteration to speed up convergence against clusters of roots, and approximate computation to decrease the required precision. It achieves record bounds on the worst-case complexity for the considered problem, matching the complexity of Pan's method for computing all complex roots and improving upon the complexity of other subdivision methods by several magnitudes. In the article at hand, we report on an implementation of ANewDsc on top of the RS root isolator. RS is a highly efficient realization of the classical Descartes method and currently serves as the default real root solver in Maple. We describe crucial design changes within ANewDsc and RS that led to a high-performance implementation without harming the theoretical complexity of the underlying algorithm. With an excerpt of our extensive collection of benchmarks, available online at http://anewdsc.mpi-inf.mpg.de/, we illustrate that the theoretical gain in performance of ANewDsc over other subdivision methods also transfers into practice. These experiments also show that our new implementation outperforms both RS and mature competitors by magnitudes for notoriously hard instances with clustered roots. For all other instances, we avoid almost any overhead by integrating additional optimizations and heuristics.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 41st International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC), July 19--22, 2016, Waterloo, Ontario, Canad

    An Elimination Method for Solving Bivariate Polynomial Systems: Eliminating the Usual Drawbacks

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    We present an exact and complete algorithm to isolate the real solutions of a zero-dimensional bivariate polynomial system. The proposed algorithm constitutes an elimination method which improves upon existing approaches in a number of points. First, the amount of purely symbolic operations is significantly reduced, that is, only resultant computation and square-free factorization is still needed. Second, our algorithm neither assumes generic position of the input system nor demands for any change of the coordinate system. The latter is due to a novel inclusion predicate to certify that a certain region is isolating for a solution. Our implementation exploits graphics hardware to expedite the resultant computation. Furthermore, we integrate a number of filtering techniques to improve the overall performance. Efficiency of the proposed method is proven by a comparison of our implementation with two state-of-the-art implementations, that is, LPG and Maple's isolate. For a series of challenging benchmark instances, experiments show that our implementation outperforms both contestants.Comment: 16 pages with appendix, 1 figure, submitted to ALENEX 201

    New Acceleration of Nearly Optimal Univariate Polynomial Root-findERS

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    Univariate polynomial root-finding has been studied for four millennia and is still the subject of intensive research. Hundreds of efficient algorithms for this task have been proposed. Two of them are nearly optimal. The first one, proposed in 1995, relies on recursive factorization of a polynomial, is quite involved, and has never been implemented. The second one, proposed in 2016, relies on subdivision iterations, was implemented in 2018, and promises to be practically competitive, although user's current choice for univariate polynomial root-finding is the package MPSolve, proposed in 2000, revised in 2014, and based on Ehrlich's functional iterations. By proposing and incorporating some novel techniques we significantly accelerate both subdivision and Ehrlich's iterations. Moreover our acceleration of the known subdivision root-finders is dramatic in the case of sparse input polynomials. Our techniques can be of some independent interest for the design and analysis of polynomial root-finders.Comment: 89 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Near Optimal Subdivision Algorithms for Real Root Isolation

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    We describe a subroutine that improves the running time of any subdivision algorithm for real root isolation. The subroutine first detects clusters of roots using a result of Ostrowski, and then uses Newton iteration to converge to them. Near a cluster, we switch to subdivision, and proceed recursively. The subroutine has the advantage that it is independent of the predicates used to terminate the subdivision. This gives us an alternative and simpler approach to recent developments of Sagraloff (2012) and Sagraloff-Mehlhorn (2013), assuming exact arithmetic. The subdivision tree size of our algorithm using predicates based on Descartes's rule of signs is bounded by O(nlogn)O(n\log n), which is better by O(nlogL)O(n\log L) compared to known results. Our analysis differs in two key aspects. First, we use the general technique of continuous amortization from Burr-Krahmer-Yap (2009), and second, we use the geometry of clusters of roots instead of the Davenport-Mahler bound. The analysis naturally extends to other predicates.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure