8 research outputs found

    Computing the Rabin Index of a Regular Language of Infinite Words

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    AbstractThe Rabin index of a regular language of infinite words is the minimum number of accepting pairs used in any deterministic Rabin automaton recognizing this language. We show that the Rabin index of a language given by a Muller automaton withnstates andmaccepting sets is computable in timeO(m2nc) wherecis the cardinality of the alphabet

    An Effective Extension of the Wagner Hierarchy to Blind Counter Automata

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    International audienceThe extension of the Wagner hierarchy to blind counter automata accepting infinite words with a Muller acceptance condition is effective. We determine precisely this hierarchy

    Borel Ranks and Wadge Degrees of Context Free Omega Languages

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    We show that, from a topological point of view, considering the Borel and the Wadge hierarchies, 1-counter B\"uchi automata have the same accepting power than Turing machines equipped with a B\"uchi acceptance condition. In particular, for every non null recursive ordinal alpha, there exist some Sigma^0_alpha-complete and some Pi^0_alpha-complete omega context free languages accepted by 1-counter B\"uchi automata, and the supremum of the set of Borel ranks of context free omega languages is the ordinal gamma^1_2 which is strictly greater than the first non recursive ordinal. This very surprising result gives answers to questions of H. Lescow and W. Thomas [Logical Specifications of Infinite Computations, In:"A Decade of Concurrency", LNCS 803, Springer, 1994, p. 583-621]