1 research outputs found

    Distorting the volcano

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    Volcanoes of ℓ–isogenies of elliptic curves are a special case of graphs with a cycle called crater. In this paper, given an elliptic curve E of a volcano of ℓ–isogenies, we present a condition over an endomorphism ϕ of E in order to determine which ℓ–isogenies of E are non-descending. The endomorphism ϕ is defined as the crater cycle of an m–volcano where E is located, with m 6= ℓ. The condition is feasible when ϕ is a distortion map for a subgroup of order ℓ of E. We also provide some relationships among the crater sizes of volcanoes of m–isogenies whose elliptic curves belong to a volcano of ℓ–isogenies.Research of the authors was partially supported by grants MTM2013-46949-P (Spanish MINECO) and 2014 SGR1666 (Generalitat de Catalunya)