2,139 research outputs found

    Computing hypergeometric functions rigorously

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    We present an efficient implementation of hypergeometric functions in arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic. The functions 0F1{}_0F_1, 1F1{}_1F_1, 2F1{}_2F_1 and 2F0{}_2F_0 (or the Kummer UU-function) are supported for unrestricted complex parameters and argument, and by extension, we cover exponential and trigonometric integrals, error functions, Fresnel integrals, incomplete gamma and beta functions, Bessel functions, Airy functions, Legendre functions, Jacobi polynomials, complete elliptic integrals, and other special functions. The output can be used directly for interval computations or to generate provably correct floating-point approximations in any format. Performance is competitive with earlier arbitrary-precision software, and sometimes orders of magnitude faster. We also partially cover the generalized hypergeometric function pFq{}_pF_q and computation of high-order parameter derivatives.Comment: v2: corrected example in section 3.1; corrected timing data for case E-G in section 8.5 (table 6, figure 2); adjusted paper siz

    Rapid computation of LL-functions attached to Maass forms

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    Let LL be a degree-22 LL-function associated to a Maass cusp form. We explore an algorithm that evaluates tt values of LL on the critical line in time O(t1+ε)O(t^{1+\varepsilon}). We use this algorithm to rigorously compute an abundance of consecutive zeros and investigate their distribution

    Torus knot polynomials and susy Wilson loops

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    We give, using an explicit expression obtained in [V. Jones, Ann. of Math. 126, 335 (1987)], a basic hypergeometric representation of the HOMFLY polynomial of (n,m)(n,m) torus knots, and present a number of equivalent expressions, all related by Heine's transformations. Using this result the (m,n)(n,m)(m,n)\leftrightarrow (n,m) symmetry and the leading polynomial at large NN are explicit. We show the latter to be the Wilson loop of 2d Yang-Mills theory on the plane. In addition, after taking one winding to infinity, it becomes the Wilson loop in the zero instanton sector of the 2d Yang-Mills theory, which is known to give averages of Wilson loops in N\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory. We also give, using matrix models, an interpretation of the HOMFLY polynomial and the corresponding Jones-Rosso representation in terms of qq-harmonic oscillators.Comment: 17 pages, v2: More concise (published) version; typos correcte

    Models of q-algebra representations: q-integral transforms and "addition theorems''

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    In his classic book on group representations and special functions Vilenkin studied the matrix elements of irreducible representations of the Euclidean and oscillator Lie algebras with respect to countable bases of eigenfunctions of the Cartan subalgebras, and he computed the summation identities for Bessel functions and Laguerre polynomials associated with the addition theorems for these matrix elements. He also studied matrix elements of the pseudo-Euclidean and pseudo-oscillator algebras with respect to the continuum bases of generalized eigenfunctions of the Cartan subalgebras of these Lie algebras and this resulted in realizations of the addition theorems for the matrix elements as integral transform identities for Bessel functions and for confluent hypergeometric functions. Here we work out q analogs of these results in which the usual exponential function mapping from the Lie algebra to the Lie group is replaced by the q-exponential mappings Eq and eq. This study of representations of the Euclidean quantum algebra and the q-oscillator algebra (not a quantum algebra) leads to summation, integral transform, and q-integral transform identities for q analogs of the Bessel and confluent hypergeometric functions, extending the results of Vilenkin for the q=1 case

    Densities of short uniform random walks

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    We study the densities of uniform random walks in the plane. A special focus is on the case of short walks with three or four steps and less completely those with five steps. As one of the main results, we obtain a hypergeometric representation of the density for four steps, which complements the classical elliptic representation in the case of three steps. It appears unrealistic to expect similar results for more than five steps. New results are also presented concerning the moments of uniform random walks and, in particular, their derivatives. Relations with Mahler measures are discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure