18 research outputs found

    Consistent Computation of First- and Second-Order Differential Quantities for Surface Meshes

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    Differential quantities, including normals, curvatures, principal directions, and associated matrices, play a fundamental role in geometric processing and physics-based modeling. Computing these differential quantities consistently on surface meshes is important and challenging, and some existing methods often produce inconsistent results and require ad hoc fixes. In this paper, we show that the computation of the gradient and Hessian of a height function provides the foundation for consistently computing the differential quantities. We derive simple, explicit formulas for the transformations between the first- and second-order differential quantities (i.e., normal vector and principal curvature tensor) of a smooth surface and the first- and second-order derivatives (i.e., gradient and Hessian) of its corresponding height function. We then investigate a general, flexible numerical framework to estimate the derivatives of the height function based on local polynomial fittings formulated as weighted least squares approximations. We also propose an iterative fitting scheme to improve accuracy. This framework generalizes polynomial fitting and addresses some of its accuracy and stability issues, as demonstrated by our theoretical analysis as well as experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium, June 200

    Discrete differential operators on polygonal meshes

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    Geometry processing of surface meshes relies heavily on the discretization of differential operators such as gradient, Laplacian, and covariant derivative. While a variety of discrete operators over triangulated meshes have been developed and used for decades, a similar construction over polygonal meshes remains far less explored despite the prevalence of non-simplicial surfaces in geometric design and engineering applications. This paper introduces a principled construction of discrete differential operators on surface meshes formed by (possibly non-flat and non-convex) polygonal faces. Our approach is based on a novel mimetic discretization of the gradient operator that is linear-precise on arbitrary polygons. Equipped with this discrete gradient, we draw upon ideas from the Virtual Element Method in order to derive a series of discrete operators commonly used in graphics that are now valid over polygonal surfaces. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our resulting operators through various numerical examples, before incorporating them into existing geometry processing algorithms

    Computational Design of Cold Bent Glass Fa\c{c}ades

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    Cold bent glass is a promising and cost-efficient method for realizing doubly curved glass fa\c{c}ades. They are produced by attaching planar glass sheets to curved frames and require keeping the occurring stress within safe limits. However, it is very challenging to navigate the design space of cold bent glass panels due to the fragility of the material, which impedes the form-finding for practically feasible and aesthetically pleasing cold bent glass fa\c{c}ades. We propose an interactive, data-driven approach for designing cold bent glass fa\c{c}ades that can be seamlessly integrated into a typical architectural design pipeline. Our method allows non-expert users to interactively edit a parametric surface while providing real-time feedback on the deformed shape and maximum stress of cold bent glass panels. Designs are automatically refined to minimize several fairness criteria while maximal stresses are kept within glass limits. We achieve interactive frame rates by using a differentiable Mixture Density Network trained from more than a million simulations. Given a curved boundary, our regression model is capable of handling multistable configurations and accurately predicting the equilibrium shape of the panel and its corresponding maximal stress. We show predictions are highly accurate and validate our results with a physical realization of a cold bent glass surface