8,979 research outputs found

    A framework for security requirements engineering

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    This paper presents a framework for security requirements elicitation and analysis, based upon the construction of a context for the system and satisfaction arguments for the security of the system. One starts with enumeration of security goals based on assets in the system. These goals are used to derive security requirements in the form of constraints. The system context is described using a problem-centered notation, then this context is validated against the security requirements through construction of a satisfaction argument. The satisfaction argument is in two parts: a formal argument that the system can meet its security requirements, and a structured informal argument supporting the assumptions expressed in the formal argument. The construction of the satisfaction argument may fail, revealing either that the security requirement cannot be satisfied in the context, or that the context does not contain sufficient information to develop the argument. In this case, designers and architects are asked to provide additional design information to resolve the problems

    Finding Differences in Privilege Protection and their Origin in Role-Based Access Control Implementations

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    Les applications Web sont trĂšs courantes, et ont des besoins de sĂ©curitĂ©. L’un d’eux est le contrĂŽle d’accĂšs. Le contrĂŽle d’accĂšs s’assure que la politique de sĂ©curitĂ© est respectĂ©e. Cette politique dĂ©finit l’accĂšs lĂ©gitime aux donnĂ©es et aux opĂ©rations de l’application. Les applications Web utilisent rĂ©guliĂšrement le contrĂŽle d’accĂšs Ă  base de rĂŽles (en anglais, « Role-Based Access Control » ou RBAC). Les politiques de sĂ©curitĂ© RBAC permettent aux dĂ©veloppeurs de dĂ©finir des rĂŽles et d’assigner des utilisateurs Ă  ces rĂŽles. De plus, l’assignation des privilĂšges d’accĂšs se fait au niveau des rĂŽles. Les applications Web Ă©voluent durant leur maintenance et des changements du code source peuvent affecter leur sĂ©curitĂ© de maniĂšre inattendue. Pour Ă©viter que ces changements engendrent des rĂ©gressions et des vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s, les dĂ©veloppeurs doivent revalider l’implĂ©mentation RBAC de leur application. Ces revalidations peuvent exiger des ressources considĂ©rables. De plus, la tĂąche est compliquĂ©e par l’éloignement possible entre le changement et son impact sur la sĂ©curitĂ© (e.g. dans des procĂ©dures ou fichiers diffĂ©rents). Pour s’attaquer Ă  cette problĂ©matique, nous proposons des analyses statiques de programmes autour de la protection garantie des privilĂšges. Nous gĂ©nĂ©rons automatiquement des modĂšles de protection des privilĂšges. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons l’analyse de flux par traversement de patron (en anglais, « Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis » ou PTFA) Ă  partir du code source de l’application. En comparant les modĂšles PTFA de diffĂ©rentes versions, nous dĂ©terminons les impacts des changements de code sur la protection des privilĂšges. Nous appelons ces impacts de sĂ©curitĂ© des diffĂ©rences de protection garantie (en anglais, « Definite Protection Difference » ou DPD). En plus de trouver les DPD entre deux versions, nous Ă©tablissons une classification des diffĂ©rences reposant sur la thĂ©orie des ensembles.----------ABSTRACT : Web applications are commonplace, and have security needs. One of these is access control. Access control enforces a security policy that allows and restricts access to information and operations. Web applications often use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict operations and protect security-sensitive information and resources. RBAC allows developers to assign users to various roles, and assign privileges to the roles. Web applications undergo maintenance and evolution. Their security may be affected by source code changes between releases. Because these changes may impact security in unexpected ways, developers need to revalidate their RBAC implementation to prevent regressions and vulnerabilities. This may be resource-intensive. This task is complicated by the fact that the code change and its security impact may be distant (e.g. in different functions or files). To address this issue, we propose static program analyses of definite privilege protection. We automatically generate privilege protection models from the source code using Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis (PTFA). Using differences between versions and PTFA models, we determine privilege-level security impacts of code changes using definite protection differences (DPDs) and apply a set-theoretic classification to them. We also compute explanatory counter-examples for DPDs in PTFA models. In addition, we shorten them using graph transformations in order to facilitate their understanding. We define protection-impacting changes (PICs), changed code during evolution that impact privilege protection. We do so using graph reachability and differencing of two versions’ PTFA models. We also identify a superset of source code changes that contain root causes of DPDs by reverting these changes. We survey the distribution of DPDs and their classification over 147 release pairs of Word-Press, spanning from 2.0 to 4.5.1. We found that code changes caused no DPDs in 82 (56%) release pairs. The remaining 65 (44%) release pairs are security-affected. For these release pairs, only 0.30% of code is affected by DPDs on average. We also found that the most common change categories are complete gains (ïżœ 41%), complete losses (ïżœ 18%) and substitution (ïżœ 20%)

    A Review Study On Some Cyber Security Related Topics

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    It is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of, or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. The field has become of significance due to the expanded reliance on computer systems, the Internet and wireless network standards such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and due to the growth of smart devices, including smartphones, televisions, and the various devices that constitute the Internet of things (IoT). Cybersecurity is also one of the significant challenges in the contemporary world, due to the complexity of information systems, both in terms of political usage and technology. Its primary goal is to ensure the system's dependability, integrity, and data privacyIt is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of, or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. The field has become of significance due to the expanded reliance on computer systems, the Internet and wireless network standards such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and due to the growth of smart devices, including smartphones, televisions, and the various devices that constitute the Internet of things (IoT). Cybersecurity is also one of the significant challenges in the contemporary world, due to the complexity of information systems, both in terms of political usage and technology. Its primary goal is to ensure the system's dependability, integrity, and data privac

    Electronic security - risk mitigation in financial transactions : public policy issues

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    This paper builds on a previous series of papers (see Claessens, Glaessner, and Klingebiel, 2001, 2002) that identified electronic security as a key component to the delivery of electronic finance benefits. This paper and its technical annexes (available separately at http://www1.worldbank.org/finance/) identify and discuss seven key pillars necessary to fostering a secure electronic environment. Hence, it is intended for those formulating broad policies in the area of electronic security and those working with financial services providers (for example, executives and management). The detailed annexes of this paper are especially relevant for chief information and security officers responsible for establishing layered security. First, this paper provides definitions of electronic finance and electronic security and explains why these issues deserve attention. Next, it presents a picture of the burgeoning global electronic security industry. Then it develops a risk-management framework for understanding the risks and tradeoffs inherent in the electronic security infrastructure. It also provides examples of tradeoffs that may arise with respect to technological innovation, privacy, quality of service, and security in designing an electronic security policy framework. Finally, it outlines issues in seven interrelated areas that often need attention in building an adequate electronic security infrastructure. These are: 1) The legal framework and enforcement. 2) Electronic security of payment systems. 3) Supervision and prevention challenges. 4) The role of private insurance as an essential monitoring mechanism. 5) Certification, standards, and the role of the public and private sectors. 6) Improving the accuracy of information on electronic security incidents and creating better arrangements for sharing this information. 7) Improving overall education on these issues as a key to enhancing prevention.Knowledge Economy,Labor Policies,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Banks&Banking Reform,Education for the Knowledge Economy,Knowledge Economy,Banks&Banking Reform,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Governance Indicators

    Extending the Exposure Score of Web Browsers by Incorporating CVSS

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    When browsing the Internet, HTTP headers enable both clients and servers send extra data in their requests or responses such as the User-Agent string. This string contains information related to the sender’s device, browser, and operating system. Yet its content differs from one browser to another. Despite the privacy and security risks of User-Agent strings, very few works have tackled this problem. Our previous work proposed giving Internet browsers exposure relative scores to aid users to choose less intrusive ones. Thus, the objective of this work is to extend our previous work through: first, conducting a user study to identify its limitations. Second, extending the exposure score via incorporating data from the NVD. Third, providing a full implementation, instead of a limited prototype. The proposed system: assigns scores to users’ browsers upon visiting our website. It also suggests alternative safe browsers, and finally it allows updating the back-end database with a click of a button. We applied our method to a data set of more than 52 thousand unique browsers. Our performance and validation analysis show that our solution is accurate and efficient. The source code and data set are publicly available here [4].</p

    Just-in-Time Detection of Protection-Impacting Changes on Wordpress and Mediawiki

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    Les mĂ©canismes de contrĂŽle d’accĂšs basĂ©s sur les rĂŽles accordĂ©s et les privilĂšges prĂ©dĂ©finis limitent l’accĂšs des utilisateurs aux ressources sensibles Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© dans un systĂšme logiciel multi-utilisateurs. Des modifications non intentionnelles des privilĂšges protĂ©gĂ©s peuvent survenir lors de l’évolution d’un systĂšme, ce qui peut entraĂźner des vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s de sĂ©curitĂ© et par la suite menacer les donnĂ©es confidentielles des utilisateurs et causer d’autres graves problĂšmes. Dans ce mĂ©moire, nous avons utilisĂ© la technique “Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis” pour identifier les diffĂ©rences de protection introduite dans les systĂšmes WordPress et MediaWiki. Nous avons analysĂ© l’évolution des privilĂšges protĂ©gĂ©s dans 211 et 193 versions respectivement de WordPress et Mediawiki, et nous avons constatĂ© qu’environ 60% des commits affectent les privilĂšges protĂ©gĂ©s dans les deux projets Ă©tudiĂ©s. Nous nous rĂ©fĂ©rons au commits causant un changement protĂ©gĂ© comme commits (PIC). Pour aider les dĂ©veloppeurs Ă  identifier les commits PIC en temps rĂ©el, c’est Ă  dire dĂšs leur soumission dans le rĂ©pertoire de code, nous extrayons une sĂ©rie de mĂ©triques Ă  partir des logs de commits et du code source, ensuite, nous construisons des modĂšles statistiques. L’évaluation de ces modĂšles a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’ils pouvaient atteindre une prĂ©cision allant jusqu’à 73,8 % et un rappel de 98,8 % dans WordPress, et pour MediaWiki, une prĂ©cision de 77,2 % et un rappel allant jusqu’à 97,8 %. Parmi les mĂ©triques examinĂ©s, changement de lignes de code, correction de bogues, expĂ©rience des auteurs, et complexitĂ© du code entre deux versions sont les facteurs prĂ©dictifs les plus importants de ces modĂšles. Nous avons effectuĂ© une analyse qualitative des faux positifs et des faux nĂ©gatifs et avons observĂ© que le dĂ©tecteur des commits PIC doit ignorer les commits de documentation uniquement et les modifications de code non accompagnĂ©es de commentaires. Les entreprises de dĂ©veloppement logiciel peuvent utiliser notre approche et les modĂšles proposĂ©s dans ce mĂ©moire, pour identifier les modifications non intentionnelles des privilĂšges protĂ©gĂ©s dĂšs leur apparition, afin d’empĂȘcher l’introduction de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s dans leurs systĂšmes. ----------ABSTRACT: Access control mechanisms based on roles and privileges restrict the access of users to security sensitive resources in a multi-user software system. Unintentional privilege protection changes may occur during the evolution of a system, which may introduce security vulnerabilities, threatening user’s confidential data, and causing other severe problems. In this thesis, we use the Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis technique to identify definite protection differences in WordPress and MediaWiki systems. We analyse the evolution of privilege protections across 211 and 193 releases from respectively WordPress and Mediawiki, and observe that around 60% of commits affect privileges protections in both projects. We refer to these commits as protection-impacting change (PIC) commits. To help developers identify PIC commits justin-time, i.e., as soon as they are introduced in the code base, we extract a series of metrics from commit logs and source code, and build statistical models. The evaluation of these models revealed that they can achieve a precision up to 73.8% and a recall up to 98.8% in WordPress and for MediaWiki, a precision up to 77.2% and recall up to 97.8%. Among the metrics examined, commit churn, bug fixing, author experiences and code complexity between two releases are the most important predictors in the models. We performed a qualitative analysis of false positives and false negatives and observe that PIC commits detectors should ignore documentation-only commits and process code changes without the comments. Software organizations can use our proposed approach and models, to identify unintentional privilege protection changes as soon as they are introduced, in order to prevent the introduction of vulnerabilities in their systems

    Privacy as personal resistance: exploring legal narratology and the need for a legal architecture for personal privacy rights

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    Different cultures produce different privacies – both architecturally and legally speaking – as well as in their different legal architectures. The ‘Simms principle’ can be harnessed to produce semi-constitutional privacy protection through statute; building on the work already done in ‘bringing rights home’ through the Human Rights Act 1998. This article attempts to set out a notion of semi-entrenched legal rights, which will help to better portray the case for architectural, constitutional privacy, following an examination of the problems with a legal narrative for privacy rights as they currently exist. I will use parallel ideas from the works of W.B. Yeats and Costas Douzinas to explore and critique these assumptions and arguments. The ultimate object of this piece is an argument for the creation of a legal instrument, namely an Act of Parliament, in the United Kingdom; the purpose of which is to protect certain notions of personal privacy from politically-motivated erosion and intrusion
