3 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Bin Buffering: Online Local Moments for Dynamic External Memory Arrays

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    Local moments are used for local regression, to compute statistical measures such as sums, averages, and standard deviations, and to approximate probability distributions. We consider the case where the data source is a very large I/O array of size n and we want to compute the first N local moments, for some constant N. Without precomputation, this requires O(n) time. We develop a sequence of algorithms of increasing sophistication that use precomputation and additional buffer space to speed up queries. The simpler algorithms partition the I/O array into consecutive ranges called bins, and they are applicable not only to local-moment queries, but also to algebraic queries (MAX, AVERAGE, SUM, etc.). With N buffers of size sqrt{n}, time complexity drops to O(sqrt n). A more sophisticated approach uses hierarchical buffering and has a logarithmic time complexity (O(b log_b n)), when using N hierarchical buffers of size n/b. Using Overlapped Bin Buffering, we show that only a single buffer is needed, as with wavelet-based algorithms, but using much less storage. Applications exist in multidimensional and statistical databases over massive data sets, interactive image processing, and visualization

    Computing Moments by Prefix Sums

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    Moments of images are widely used in pattern recognition, because in suitable form they can be made invariant to variations in translation, rotation and size. However the computation of discrete moments by their definition requires many multiplications which limits the speed of computation. In this paper we express the moments as a linear combination of higher order prefix sums, obtained by iterating the prefix sum computation on previous prefix sums, starting with the original function values. Thus the p 0 th moment m p = P N x=1 x p f(x) can be computed by O(N \Deltap) additions followed by p multiply-adds. The prefix summations can be realized in time O(N) using p + 1 simple adders, and in time O(p\DeltalogN ) using parallel prefix computation and O(N) adders. The method of prefix sums can also be used in the computation of two-dimensional moments for any intensity function f(x; y). Because the image size is usually much larger than the moment order (p + q) for image moments..