50 research outputs found

    Aspects of Unstructured Grids and Finite-Volume Solvers for the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations

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    One of the major achievements in engineering science has been the development of computer algorithms for solving nonlinear differential equations such as the Navier-Stokes equations. In the past, limited computer resources have motivated the development of efficient numerical schemes in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) utilizing structured meshes. The use of structured meshes greatly simplifies the implementation of CFD algorithms on conventional computers. Unstructured grids on the other hand offer an alternative to modeling complex geometries. Unstructured meshes have irregular connectivity and usually contain combinations of triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedra, and hexahedra. The generation and use of unstructured grids poses new challenges in CFD. The purpose of this note is to present recent developments in the unstructured grid generation and flow solution technology

    Approximating the MaxMin and MinMax Area Triangulations using Angular Constraints

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    * A preliminary version of this paper was presented at XI Encuentros de Geometr´ia Computacional, Santander, Spain, June 2005.We consider sets of points in the two-dimensional Euclidean plane. For a planar point set in general position, i.e. no three points collinear, a triangulation is a maximal set of non-intersecting straight line segments with vertices in the given points. These segments, called edges, subdivide the convex hull of the set into triangular regions called faces or simply triangles. We study two triangulations that optimize the area of the individual triangles: MaxMin and MinMax area triangulation. MaxMin area triangulation is the triangulation that maximizes the area of the smallest area triangle in the triangulation over all possible triangulations of the given point set. Similarly, MinMax area triangulation is the one that minimizes the area of the largest area triangle over all possible triangulations of the point set. For a point set in convex position there are O(n^2 log n) time and O(n^2) space algorithms that compute these two optimal area triangulations. No polynomial time algorithm is known for the general case. In this paper we present an approac

    Quadratic Time Computable Instances of MaxMin and MinMax Area Triangulations of Convex Polygons

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    We consider the problems of finding two optimal triangulations of a convex polygon: MaxMin area and MinMax area. These are the triangulations that maximize the area of the smallest area triangle in a triangulation, and respectively minimize the area of the largest area triangle in a triangulation, over all possible triangulations. The problem was originally solved by Klincsek by dynamic programming in cubic time [2]. Later, Keil and Vassilev devised an algorithm that runs in O(n^2 log n) time [1]. In this paper we describe new geometric findings on the structure of MaxMin and MinMax Area triangulations of convex polygons in two dimensions and their algorithmic implications. We improve the algorithm’s running time to quadratic for large classes of convex polygons. We also present experimental results on MaxMin area triangulation

    Optimal area triangulation

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    Given a set of points in the Euclidean plane, we are interested in its triangulations, i.e., the maximal sets of non-overlapping triangles with vertices in the given points whose union is the convex hull of the point set. With respect to the area of the triangles in a triangulation, several optimality criteria can be considered. We study two of them. The MaxMin area triangulation is the triangulation of the point set that maximizes the area of the smallest triangle in the triangulation. Similarly, the MinMax area triangulation is the triangulation that minimizes the area of the largest area triangle in the triangulation. In the case when the point set is in a convex position, we present algorithms that construct MaxMin and MinMax area triangulations of a convex polygon in O(n2logn)O(n^2log{n}) time and O(n2)O(n^2) space. These algorithms are based on dynamic programming. They use a number of geometric properties that are established within this work, and a variety of data structures specific to the problems. Further, we study polynomial time computable approximations to the optimal area triangulations of general point sets. We present geometric properties, based on angular constraints and perfect matchings, and use them to evaluate the approximation factor and to achieve triangulations with good practical quality compared to the optimal ones. These results open new direction in the research on optimal triangulations and set the stage for further investigations on optimization of area

    Incremental triangulation by way of edge swapping and local optimization

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    This document is intended to serve as an installation, usage, and basic theory guide for the two dimensional triangulation software 'HARLEY' written for the Silicon Graphics IRIS workstation. This code consists of an incremental triangulation algorithm based on point insertion and local edge swapping. Using this basic strategy, several types of triangulations can be produced depending on user selected options. For example, local edge swapping criteria can be chosen which minimizes the maximum interior angle (a MinMax triangulation) or which maximizes the minimum interior angle (a MaxMin or Delaunay triangulation). It should be noted that the MinMax triangulation is generally only locally optical (not globally optimal) in this measure. The MaxMin triangulation, however, is both locally and globally optical. In addition, Steiner triangulations can be constructed by inserting new sites at triangle circumcenters followed by edge swapping based on the MaxMin criteria. Incremental insertion of sites also provides flexibility in choosing cell refinement criteria. A dynamic heap structure has been implemented in the code so that once a refinement measure is specified (i.e., maximum aspect ratio or some measure of a solution gradient for the solution adaptive grid generation) the cell with the largest value of this measure is continually removed from the top of the heap and refined. The heap refinement strategy allows the user to specify either the number of cells desired or refine the mesh until all cell refinement measures satisfy a user specified tolerance level. Since the dynamic heap structure is constantly updated, the algorithm always refines the particular cell in the mesh with the largest refinement criteria value. The code allows the user to: triangulate a cloud of prespecified points (sites), triangulate a set of prespecified interior points constrained by prespecified boundary curve(s), Steiner triangulate the interior/exterior of prespecified boundary curve(s), refine existing triangulations based on solution error measures, and partition meshes based on the Cuthill-McKee, spectral, and coordinate bisection strategies

    Finding optimal triangulation based on block method

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    In this paper we give one new proposal in finding optimal triangulation which is based on our authorial method for generating triangulation (Block method). We present two cases in calculation the triangulation weights (classical case and case based on block method). We also provide their equality and established relationship in calculation the weights for both models, with an emphasis on simplicity of calculations which occurs in the second case. The main goal of this paper is on the speed of obtaining optimal triangulation

    Exploration via Structured Triangulation by a Multi-Robot System with Bearing-Only Low-Resolution Sensors

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    This paper presents a distributed approach for exploring and triangulating an unknown region using a multi- robot system. The objective is to produce a covering of an unknown workspace by a fixed number of robots such that the covered region is maximized, solving the Maximum Area Triangulation Problem (MATP). The resulting triangulation is a physical data structure that is a compact representation of the workspace; it contains distributed knowledge of each triangle, adjacent triangles, and the dual graph of the workspace. Algorithms can store information in this physical data structure, such as a routing table for robot navigation Our algorithm builds a triangulation in a closed environment, starting from a single location. It provides coverage with a breadth-first search pattern and completeness guarantees. We show the computational and communication requirements to build and maintain the triangulation and its dual graph are small. Finally, we present a physical navigation algorithm that uses the dual graph, and show that the resulting path lengths are within a constant factor of the shortest-path Euclidean distance. We validate our theoretical results with experiments on triangulating a region with a system of low-cost robots. Analysis of the resulting quality of the triangulation shows that most of the triangles are of high quality, and cover a large area. Implementation of the triangulation, dual graph, and navigation all use communication messages of fixed size, and are a practical solution for large populations of low-cost robots.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. To appear in ICRA 201

    Multicriteria-optimized triangulations

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    Optimal Point Placement for Mesh Smoothing

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    We study the problem of moving a vertex in an unstructured mesh of triangular, quadrilateral, or tetrahedral elements to optimize the shapes of adjacent elements. We show that many such problems can be solved in linear time using generalized linear programming. We also give efficient algorithms for some mesh smoothing problems that do not fit into the generalized linear programming paradigm.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 8th ACM/SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '97). This is the final version, and will appear in a special issue of J. Algorithms for papers from SODA '9

    A comparison of tetrahedral mesh improvement techniques

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