16,081 research outputs found

    Edge states and conformal boundary conditions in super spin chains and super sigma models

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    The sigma models on projective superspaces CP^{N+M-1|N} with topological angle theta=pi mod 2pi flow to non-unitary, logarithmic conformal field theories in the low-energy limit. In this paper, we determine the exact spectrum of these theories for all open boundary conditions preserving the full global symmetry of the model, generalizing recent work on the particular case M=0 [C. Candu et al, JHEP02(2010)015]. In the sigma model setting, these boundary conditions are associated with complex line bundles, and are labelled by an integer, related with the exact value of theta. Our approach relies on a spin chain regularization, where the boundary conditions now correspond to the introduction of additional edge states. The exact values of the exponents then follow from a lengthy algebraic analysis, a reformulation of the spin chain in terms of crossing and non-crossing loops (represented as a certain subalgebra of the Brauer algebra), and earlier results on the so-called one- and two-boundary Temperley Lieb algebras (also known as blob algebras). A remarkable result is that the exponents, in general, turn out to be irrational. The case M=1 has direct applications to the spin quantum Hall effect, which will be discussed in a sequel.Comment: 50 pages, 18 figure

    Freezing transitions and the density of states of 2D random Dirac Hamiltonians

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    Using an exact mapping to disordered Coulomb gases, we introduce a novel method to study two dimensional Dirac fermions with quenched disorder in two dimensions which allows to treat non perturbative freezing phenomena. For purely random gauge disorder it is known that the exact zero energy eigenstate exhibits a freezing-like transition at a threshold value of disorder σ=σth=2\sigma=\sigma_{th}=2. Here we compute the dynamical exponent zz which characterizes the critical behaviour of the density of states around zero energy, and find that it also exhibits a phase transition. Specifically, we find that ρ(E=0+iϵ)ϵ2/z1\rho(E=0 + i \epsilon) \sim \epsilon^{2/z-1} (and ρ(E)E2/z1\rho(E) \sim E^{2/z-1}) with z=1+σz=1 + \sigma for σ<2\sigma < 2 and z=8σ1z=\sqrt{8 \sigma} - 1 for σ>2\sigma > 2. For a finite system size L<ϵ1/zL<\epsilon^{-1/z} we find large sample to sample fluctuations with a typical ρϵ(0)Lz2\rho_{\epsilon}(0) \sim L^{z-2}. Adding a scalar random potential of small variance δ\delta, as in the corresponding quantum Hall system, yields a finite noncritical ρ(0)δα\rho(0) \sim \delta^{\alpha} whose scaling exponent α\alpha exhibits two transitions, one at σth/4\sigma_{th}/4 and the other at σth\sigma_{th}. These transitions are shown to be related to the one of a directed polymer on a Cayley tree with random signs (or complex) Boltzmann weights. Some observations are made for the strong disorder regime relevant to describe transport in the quantum Hall system

    Phase Structure of d=2+1 Compact Lattice Gauge Theories and the Transition from Mott Insulator to Fractionalized Insulator

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    Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations are employed to study phase transitions in the three-dimensional compact abelian Higgs model in adjoint representations of the matter field, labelled by an integer q, for q=2,3,4,5. We also study various limiting cases of the model, such as the ZqZ_q lattice gauge theory, dual to the 3DZq3DZ_q spin model, and the 3DXY spin model which is dual to the ZqZ_q lattice gauge theory in the limit qq \to \infty. We have computed the first, second, and third moments of the action to locate the phase transition of the model in the parameter space (β,κ)(\beta,\kappa), where β\beta is the coupling constant of the matter term, and κ\kappa is the coupling constant of the gauge term. We have found that for q=3, the three-dimensional compact abelian Higgs model has a phase-transition line βc(κ)\beta_{\rm{c}}(\kappa) which is first order for κ\kappa below a finite {\it tricritical} value κtri\kappa_{\rm{tri}}, and second order above. We have found that the β=\beta=\infty first order phase transition persists for finite β\beta and joins the second order phase transition at a tricritical point (βtri,κtri)=(1.23±0.03,1.73±0.03)(\beta_{\rm{tri}}, \kappa_{\rm{tri}}) = (1.23 \pm 0.03, 1.73 \pm 0.03). For all other integer q2q \geq 2 we have considered, the entire phase transition line βc(κ)\beta_c(\kappa) is critical.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures (new Fig. 2), new Section IVB, updated references, submitted to Physical Review

    Nishimori point in the 2D +/- J random-bond Ising model

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    We study the universality class of the Nishimori point in the 2D +/- J random-bond Ising model by means of the numerical transfer-matrix method. Using the domain-wall free-energy, we locate the position of the fixed point along the Nishimori line at the critical concentration value p_c = 0.1094 +/- 0.0002 and estimate nu = 1.33 +/- 0.03. Then, we obtain the exponents for the moments of the spin-spin correlation functions as well as the value for the central charge c = 0.464 +/- 0.004. The main qualitative result is the fact that percolation is now excluded as a candidate for describing the universality class of this fixed point.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX, 3 PostScript figures; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.; several small changes and extended explanation

    Point-Contact Conductances at the Quantum Hall Transition

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    On the basis of the Chalker-Coddington network model, a numerical and analytical study is made of the statistics of point-contact conductances for systems in the integer quantum Hall regime. In the Hall plateau region the point-contact conductances reflect strong localization of the electrons, while near the plateau transition they exhibit strong mesoscopic fluctuations. By mapping the network model on a supersymmetric vertex model with GL(2|2) symmetry, and postulating a two-point correlator in keeping with the rules of conformal field theory, we derive an explicit expression for the distribution of conductances at criticality. There is only one free parameter, the power law exponent of the typical conductance. Its value is computed numerically to be X_t = 0.640 +/- 0.009. The predicted conductance distribution agrees well with the numerical data. For large distances between the two contacts, the distribution can be described by a multifractal spectrum solely determined by X_t. Our results demonstrate that multifractality can show up in appropriate transport experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures included, revised versio