44 research outputs found

    On minimizing symmetric set functions

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    Symmetric Submodular Function Minimization Under Hereditary Family Constraints

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    We present an efficient algorithm to find non-empty minimizers of a symmetric submodular function over any family of sets closed under inclusion. This for example includes families defined by a cardinality constraint, a knapsack constraint, a matroid independence constraint, or any combination of such constraints. Our algorithm make O(n3)O(n^3) oracle calls to the submodular function where nn is the cardinality of the ground set. In contrast, the problem of minimizing a general submodular function under a cardinality constraint is known to be inapproximable within o(n/logn)o(\sqrt{n/\log n}) (Svitkina and Fleischer [2008]). The algorithm is similar to an algorithm of Nagamochi and Ibaraki [1998] to find all nontrivial inclusionwise minimal minimizers of a symmetric submodular function over a set of cardinality nn using O(n3)O(n^3) oracle calls. Their procedure in turn is based on Queyranne's algorithm [1998] to minimize a symmetric submodularComment: 13 pages, Submitted to SODA 201

    A Combinatorial, Strongly Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Minimizing Submodular Functions

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    This paper presents the first combinatorial polynomial-time algorithm for minimizing submodular set functions, answering an open question posed in 1981 by Grotschel, Lovasz, and Schrijver. The algorithm employs a scaling scheme that uses a flow in the complete directed graph on the underlying set with each arc capacity equal to the scaled parameter. The resulting algorithm runs in time bounded by a polynomial in the size of the underlying set and the largest length of the function value. The paper also presents a strongly polynomial-time version that runs in time bounded by a polynomial in the size of the underlying set independent of the function value.Comment: 17 page

    Almost-Tight Distributed Minimum Cut Algorithms

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    We study the problem of computing the minimum cut in a weighted distributed message-passing networks (the CONGEST model). Let λ\lambda be the minimum cut, nn be the number of nodes in the network, and DD be the network diameter. Our algorithm can compute λ\lambda exactly in O((nlogn+D)λ4log2n)O((\sqrt{n} \log^{*} n+D)\lambda^4 \log^2 n) time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that explicitly studies computing the exact minimum cut in the distributed setting. Previously, non-trivial sublinear time algorithms for this problem are known only for unweighted graphs when λ3\lambda\leq 3 due to Pritchard and Thurimella's O(D)O(D)-time and O(D+n1/2logn)O(D+n^{1/2}\log^* n)-time algorithms for computing 22-edge-connected and 33-edge-connected components. By using the edge sampling technique of Karger's, we can convert this algorithm into a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation O((nlogn+D)ϵ5log3n)O((\sqrt{n}\log^{*} n+D)\epsilon^{-5}\log^3 n)-time algorithm for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0. This improves over the previous (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation O((nlogn+D)ϵ5log2nloglogn)O((\sqrt{n}\log^{*} n+D)\epsilon^{-5}\log^2 n\log\log n)-time algorithm and O(ϵ1)O(\epsilon^{-1})-approximation O(D+n12+ϵpolylogn)O(D+n^{\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon} \mathrm{poly}\log n)-time algorithm of Ghaffari and Kuhn. Due to the lower bound of Ω(D+n1/2/logn)\Omega(D+n^{1/2}/\log n) by Das Sarma et al. which holds for any approximation algorithm, this running time is tight up to a polylogn \mathrm{poly}\log n factor. To get the stated running time, we developed an approximation algorithm which combines the ideas of Thorup's algorithm and Matula's contraction algorithm. It saves an ϵ9log7n\epsilon^{-9}\log^{7} n factor as compared to applying Thorup's tree packing theorem directly. Then, we combine Kutten and Peleg's tree partitioning algorithm and Karger's dynamic programming to achieve an efficient distributed algorithm that finds the minimum cut when we are given a spanning tree that crosses the minimum cut exactly once

    A min-cut approach to functional regionalization, with a case study of the Italian local labour market areas

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    In several economical, statistical and geographical applications, a territory must be subdivided into functional regions. Such regions are not fixed and politically delimited, but should be identified by analyzing the interactions among all its constituent localities. This is a very delicate and important task, that often turns out to be computationally difficult. In this work we propose an innovative approach to this problem based on the solution of minimum cut problems over an undirected graph called here transitions graph. The proposed procedure guarantees that the obtained regions satisfy all the statistical conditions required when considering this type of problems. Results on real-world instances show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Practical Minimum Cut Algorithms

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    The minimum cut problem for an undirected edge-weighted graph asks us to divide its set of nodes into two blocks while minimizing the weight sum of the cut edges. Here, we introduce a linear-time algorithm to compute near-minimum cuts. Our algorithm is based on cluster contraction using label propagation and Padberg and Rinaldi's contraction heuristics [SIAM Review, 1991]. We give both sequential and shared-memory parallel implementations of our algorithm. Extensive experiments on both real-world and generated instances show that our algorithm finds the optimal cut on nearly all instances significantly faster than other state-of-the-art algorithms while our error rate is lower than that of other heuristic algorithms. In addition, our parallel algorithm shows good scalability

    Blocking optimal kk-arborescences

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    Given a digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) and a positive integer kk, an arc set FAF\subseteq A is called a \textbf{kk-arborescence} if it is the disjoint union of kk spanning arborescences. The problem of finding a minimum cost kk-arborescence is known to be polynomial-time solvable using matroid intersection. In this paper we study the following problem: find a minimum cardinality subset of arcs that contains at least one arc from every minimum cost kk-arborescence. For k=1k=1, the problem was solved in [A. Bern\'ath, G. Pap , Blocking optimal arborescences, IPCO 2013]. In this paper we give an algorithm for general kk that has polynomial running time if kk is fixed