1,902 research outputs found

    Fast hyperbolic Radon transform represented as convolutions in log-polar coordinates

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    The hyperbolic Radon transform is a commonly used tool in seismic processing, for instance in seismic velocity analysis, data interpolation and for multiple removal. A direct implementation by summation of traces with different moveouts is computationally expensive for large data sets. In this paper we present a new method for fast computation of the hyperbolic Radon transforms. It is based on using a log-polar sampling with which the main computational parts reduce to computing convolutions. This allows for fast implementations by means of FFT. In addition to the FFT operations, interpolation procedures are required for switching between coordinates in the time-offset; Radon; and log-polar domains. Graphical Processor Units (GPUs) are suitable to use as a computational platform for this purpose, due to the hardware supported interpolation routines as well as optimized routines for FFT. Performance tests show large speed-ups of the proposed algorithm. Hence, it is suitable to use in iterative methods, and we provide examples for data interpolation and multiple removal using this approach.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    End-to-end Structure-Aware Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Base Completion

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    Knowledge graph embedding has been an active research topic for knowledge base completion, with progressive improvement from the initial TransE, TransH, DistMult et al to the current state-of-the-art ConvE. ConvE uses 2D convolution over embeddings and multiple layers of nonlinear features to model knowledge graphs. The model can be efficiently trained and scalable to large knowledge graphs. However, there is no structure enforcement in the embedding space of ConvE. The recent graph convolutional network (GCN) provides another way of learning graph node embedding by successfully utilizing graph connectivity structure. In this work, we propose a novel end-to-end Structure-Aware Convolutional Network (SACN) that takes the benefit of GCN and ConvE together. SACN consists of an encoder of a weighted graph convolutional network (WGCN), and a decoder of a convolutional network called Conv-TransE. WGCN utilizes knowledge graph node structure, node attributes and edge relation types. It has learnable weights that adapt the amount of information from neighbors used in local aggregation, leading to more accurate embeddings of graph nodes. Node attributes in the graph are represented as additional nodes in the WGCN. The decoder Conv-TransE enables the state-of-the-art ConvE to be translational between entities and relations while keeps the same link prediction performance as ConvE. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SACN on standard FB15k-237 and WN18RR datasets, and it gives about 10% relative improvement over the state-of-the-art ConvE in terms of HITS@1, HITS@3 and [email protected]: The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019

    Neighbourhood Consensus Networks

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    We address the problem of finding reliable dense correspondences between a pair of images. This is a challenging task due to strong appearance differences between the corresponding scene elements and ambiguities generated by repetitive patterns. The contributions of this work are threefold. First, inspired by the classic idea of disambiguating feature matches using semi-local constraints, we develop an end-to-end trainable convolutional neural network architecture that identifies sets of spatially consistent matches by analyzing neighbourhood consensus patterns in the 4D space of all possible correspondences between a pair of images without the need for a global geometric model. Second, we demonstrate that the model can be trained effectively from weak supervision in the form of matching and non-matching image pairs without the need for costly manual annotation of point to point correspondences. Third, we show the proposed neighbourhood consensus network can be applied to a range of matching tasks including both category- and instance-level matching, obtaining the state-of-the-art results on the PF Pascal dataset and the InLoc indoor visual localization benchmark.Comment: In Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018

    Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-Scale Recommender Systems

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    Recent advancements in deep neural networks for graph-structured data have led to state-of-the-art performance on recommender system benchmarks. However, making these methods practical and scalable to web-scale recommendation tasks with billions of items and hundreds of millions of users remains a challenge. Here we describe a large-scale deep recommendation engine that we developed and deployed at Pinterest. We develop a data-efficient Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) algorithm PinSage, which combines efficient random walks and graph convolutions to generate embeddings of nodes (i.e., items) that incorporate both graph structure as well as node feature information. Compared to prior GCN approaches, we develop a novel method based on highly efficient random walks to structure the convolutions and design a novel training strategy that relies on harder-and-harder training examples to improve robustness and convergence of the model. We also develop an efficient MapReduce model inference algorithm to generate embeddings using a trained model. We deploy PinSage at Pinterest and train it on 7.5 billion examples on a graph with 3 billion nodes representing pins and boards, and 18 billion edges. According to offline metrics, user studies and A/B tests, PinSage generates higher-quality recommendations than comparable deep learning and graph-based alternatives. To our knowledge, this is the largest application of deep graph embeddings to date and paves the way for a new generation of web-scale recommender systems based on graph convolutional architectures.Comment: KDD 201

    DeepMatching: Hierarchical Deformable Dense Matching

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    We introduce a novel matching algorithm, called DeepMatching, to compute dense correspondences between images. DeepMatching relies on a hierarchical, multi-layer, correlational architecture designed for matching images and was inspired by deep convolutional approaches. The proposed matching algorithm can handle non-rigid deformations and repetitive textures and efficiently determines dense correspondences in the presence of significant changes between images. We evaluate the performance of DeepMatching, in comparison with state-of-the-art matching algorithms, on the Mikolajczyk (Mikolajczyk et al 2005), the MPI-Sintel (Butler et al 2012) and the Kitti (Geiger et al 2013) datasets. DeepMatching outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms and shows excellent results in particular for repetitive textures.We also propose a method for estimating optical flow, called DeepFlow, by integrating DeepMatching in the large displacement optical flow (LDOF) approach of Brox and Malik (2011). Compared to existing matching algorithms, additional robustness to large displacements and complex motion is obtained thanks to our matching approach. DeepFlow obtains competitive performance on public benchmarks for optical flow estimation