4 research outputs found

    Computer-aided volumetric assessment of malignant pleural mesothelioma on CT using a random walk-based method.

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    The aim of this study is to assess the performance of a computer-aided semi-automated algorithm we have adapted for the purpose of segmenting malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) on CT.Forty-five CT scans were collected from 15 patients (M:F [Formula: see text] 10:5, mean age 62.8 years) in a multi-centre clinical drug trial. A computer-aided random walk-based algorithm was applied to segment the tumour; the results were then compared to radiologist-drawn contours and correlated with measurements made using the MPM-adapted Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumour (modified RECIST).A mean accuracy (Sørensen-Dice index) of 0.825 (95% CI [0.758, 0.892]) was achieved. Compared to a median measurement time of 68.1 min (range [40.2, 102.4]) for manual delineation, the median running time of our algorithm was 23.1 min (range [10.9, 37.0]). A linear correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient: 0.6392, [Formula: see text]) was established between the changes in modified RECIST and computed tumour volume.Volumetric tumour segmentation offers a potential solution to the challenges in quantifying MPM. Computer-assisted methods such as the one presented in this study facilitate this in an accurate and time-efficient manner and provide additional morphological information about the tumour's evolution over time

    Computer-aided volumetric assessment of malignant pleural mesothelioma on CT using a random walk-based method.

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    The aim of this study is to assess the performance of a computer-aided semi-automated algorithm we have adapted for the purpose of segmenting malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) on CT.Forty-five CT scans were collected from 15 patients (M:F [Formula: see text] 10:5, mean age 62.8 years) in a multi-centre clinical drug trial. A computer-aided random walk-based algorithm was applied to segment the tumour; the results were then compared to radiologist-drawn contours and correlated with measurements made using the MPM-adapted Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumour (modified RECIST).A mean accuracy (Sørensen-Dice index) of 0.825 (95% CI [0.758, 0.892]) was achieved. Compared to a median measurement time of 68.1 min (range [40.2, 102.4]) for manual delineation, the median running time of our algorithm was 23.1 min (range [10.9, 37.0]). A linear correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient: 0.6392, [Formula: see text]) was established between the changes in modified RECIST and computed tumour volume.Volumetric tumour segmentation offers a potential solution to the challenges in quantifying MPM. Computer-assisted methods such as the one presented in this study facilitate this in an accurate and time-efficient manner and provide additional morphological information about the tumour's evolution over time

    Measurement of treatment response and survival prediction in malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare cancer of the mesothelial cells of the visceral and parietal pleurae that is heterogeneous in terms of biology, prognosis and response to systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT). The primary tumour forms an unusual, complex shape which makes survival prediction and response measurement uniquely challenging. Computed tomography (CT) imaging is the bedrock of radiological quantification and response assessment, but it has major limitations that translate into low sensitivity and high inter-observer variation when classifying response using Response Evaluation Classification In Solid Tumours (mRECIST) criteria. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tools have been developed that overcome some of these problems but cost and availability of MRI mean that optimisation of CT and better use for data acquired by this method are important priorities in the short term. In this thesis, I conducted 3 studies focused on, 1) development of a semi-automated volumetric segmentation method for CT based on recently positive studies in MRI, 2) training and external validation of a deep learning artificial intelligence (AI) tool for fully automated volumetric segmentation based on CT data, and, 3) use of non-tumour imaging features available from CT related to altered body composition for development of new prognostic models, which could assist in selection of patients for treatment and improving tolerance to treatment by targeting the systemic consequences of MPM. The aim of Chapter 3 is to develop a semi-automated MPM tumour volume segmentation method that would serve as the ground truth for the training of a fully automated AI algorithm. A semi-automated approach to pleural tumour segmentation has been developed using MRI scans which calculated volumetric measurements from seed points - defined by differential tumour enhancement - placed within a pre-defined volume of pleural tumour. I extrapolated this MRI method using contrast-enhanced CT scans in 23 patients with MPM. Radiodensity values – defined by Hounsfield units (HU) - were calculated for the different thoracic tissues by placing regions of interest (ROI) on visible areas of pleural tumour with similar ROIs placed on other thoracic tissues. Pleural volume contours were drawn on axial CT slices and propagated throughout the volume by linear interpolation using volumetric software (Myrian Intrasense® software v2.4.3 (Paris, France)). Seed points based on the radiodensity range of pleural tumour were placed on representative areas of tumour with regions grown. There were similarities in median thoracic tissue HU values: pleural tumour, 52 [IQR 46 to 60] HU; intercostal muscle, 20.4 [IQR 11.9 to 32.3] HU; diaphragm, 40.4 [IQR 26.4 to 56.4] HU and pleural fluid, 11.8 [IQR 8.3 to 17.8] HU. There was also reduced definition between MPM tumour and neighbouring structures. The mean time taken to complete semi-automated volumetric segmentations for the 8 CT scans examined was 25 (SD 7) minutes. The semi-automated CT volumes were larger than the MRI volumes with a mean difference between MRI and CT volumes of -457.6 cm3 (95% limits of agreement -2741 to +1826 cm3). The complex shape of MPM tumour and overlapping thoracic tissue HU values precluded HU threshold-based region growing and meant that semi-automated volumetry using CT was not possible in this thesis. Chapter 4 describes a multicentre retrospective cohort study that developed and validated an automated AI algorithm – termed a deep learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - for volumetric MPM tumour segmentation. Due to the limitations of the semi-automated approach described in Chapter 3, manually annotated tumour volumes were used to train the CNN. The manual segmentation method ensured that all the parietal pleural tumour was included in the respective volumes. Although the manual CT volumes were consistently smaller than semi-automated MRI volumes (average difference between AI and human volumes 74.8 cm3), they were moderately correlated (Pearson’s r=0.524, p=0.0103). There was strong correlation (external validation set r=0.851, p<0.0001) and agreement (external validation set mean AI minus human volume difference of +31 cm3 between human and AI tumour volumes). AI segmentation errors (4/60 external validation set cases) were associated with complex anatomical features. There was agreement between human and AI volumetric responses in 20/30 (67%) cases. There was agreement between AI volumetric and mRECIST classification responses in 16/30 (55%) cases. Overall survival (OS) was shorter in patients with higher AI-defined pre-chemotherapy tumour volumes (HR=2.40, 95% CI 1.07 to 5.41, p=0.0114). Survival prediction in MPM is difficult due to the heterogeneity of the disease. Previous survival prediction models have not included measures of body composition which are prognostic in other solid organ cancers. In Chapter 5, I explore the impact of loss of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue at the level of the third lumbar vertebra (L3) and the loss of skeletal muscle at the fourth thoracic (T4) vertebrae on survival and response to treatment in patients with MPM receiving chemotherapy. Skeletal and adipose muscle areas at L3 and T4 were quantified by manual delineation of relevant muscle and fat groups using ImageJ software (U.S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD) on pre-chemotherapy and response assessment CT scans, with normalisation for height. Sarcopenia at L3 was not associated with shorter OS at the pre-chemotherapy (HR 1.49, 95% CI 0.95 to 2.52, p=0.077) or response assessment time points (HR 1.48, 95% CI 0.97 to 2.26, p=0.0536). A higher visceral adipose tissue index (VFI) measured at L3 was associated with shorter OS (HR 1.95, 95% CI 1.05 to 3.62, p=0.0067). In multivariate analysis, obesity was associated with improved OS (HR 0.36, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.65, p<0.001) while interval VFI loss (HR 1.81, 95% CI 1.04 to 3.13, p=0.035) was associated with reduced OS. Overall loss of skeletal muscle index at the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4SMI) during treatment was associated with poorer OS (HR 2.79, 95% CI 1.22 to 6.40, p<0.0001). Skeletal muscle index on the ipsilateral side of the tumour at the fourth thoracic vertebra (Ipsilateral T4SMI) loss was also associated with shorter OS (HR 2.91, 95% CI 1.28 to 6.59, p<0.0001). In separate multivariate models, overall T4SMI muscle loss (HR 2.15, 95% CI 102 to 4.54, p=0.045) and ipsilateral T4SMI muscle loss (HR 2.85, 95% CI 1.17 to 6.94, p=0.021) were independent predictors of OS. Response to chemotherapy was not associated with decreasing skeletal muscle or adipose tissue indices

    Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive intrathoracic malignancy with an overall poor prognosis. MPM is associated with asbestos exposure but has a long latency period between exposure and disease development. Incidence of MPM in the UK is therefore still rising, predicted to reach a peak in 2020. The majority of patients with MPM present with breathlessness, frequently due to a pleural effusion and/or chest pain. Diagnosis of MPM can be difficult. Radiological detection of early stage MPM in particular can be challenging, as pleural tumour, nodularity or significant pleural thickening may not be evident. Diagnosis is further complicated by the low yield of pleural fluid cytology examination in MPM and pleural biopsy is therefore usually required to allow definitive diagnosis. This can be achieved under image guidance, at surgical thoracoscopy or at local anaesthetic thoracoscopy (LAT). A significant number of patients are either elderly or have co-morbidity precluding general anaesthesia and surgical thoracoscopy. Image-guided pleural biopsy is not always feasible, particularly in the absence of significant pleural thickening. LAT remains a limited resource in the UK. A non-invasive biomarker of MPM, which could be performed early in the patient’s presentation, and that could be available to most hospitals, would therefore be a major clinical advance, allowing clinicians to direct appropriate patients to specialist centres with access to LAT and specialist MDT input where MPM appears likely. There have been several potential blood biomarkers identified in the mesothelioma literature, including the most widely studied, Mesothelin, and more recently Fibulin-3 and SOMAscan™. Unfortunately study results have been variably limited by retrospective study design, inconsistent sampling time points, inconsistent results and lack of external validation, therefore despite initial promising results, none of these biomarkers have entered routine clinical practice for diagnosis. Similarly, utility of imaging biomarkers such as perfusion Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) has been limited by high radiation dose, limited availability, and requirement for bulky (and therefore late stage) disease for assessment respectively. In chapter 2, study design, recruitment and preliminary results of the DIAPHRAGM (Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in the Rational Assessment of Mesothelioma) study are reported. A prospective, multi-centre study was designed, recruiting patients with suspected pleural malignancy (SPM) at initial presentation to secondary care services, from a mixture of academic and more clinical units in the UK and Ireland, in addition to asbestos-exposed control subjects. In one of the largest biomarker studies in mesothelioma to date, 639 patients with SPM and 113 asbestos-exposed control subjects were recruited over three years. Data cleaning is being finalised by the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit Glasgow at the time of writing. Preliminary results reveal that 26% (n=154) patients recruited to the SPM cohort were diagnosed with MPM, 33% (n=209) had secondary pleural malignancy and 34% (n=218) were diagnosed with benign pleural disease. A final diagnosis is awaited in 7% (n=47) at the time of writing. SOMAscan™ and Fibulin-3 biomarker analyses are ongoing and DIAPHRAGM will definitively answer the question of diagnostic utility of these blood biomarkers in routine clinical practice, in a ‘real-life’ MPM population, relative to that of Mesothelin. In chapter 3, contrast-enhanced MRI was performed in patients with suspected MPM and a novel MRI biomarker of pleural malignancy defined (Early Contrast Enhancement – ECE). ECE was defined as a peak in pleural signal intensity at or before 4.5 minutes after intravenous Gadobutrol administration. ECE assessment was successfully performed in all patients who underwent contrast-enhanced MRI. This included patients with pleural thickening 0.533AU/s), indicative of high tumour vascularity, was associated with poor median overall survival (12 months vs. 20 months, p=0.047). Staging of MPM represents an additional challenge to clinicians. This is due to the complex morphology and often rind-like growth pattern of MPM. In addition, delineation of pleural disease from adjacent structures such as intercostal muscle and diaphragm can be difficult to assess, particularly at CT, which is the most commonly used imaging modality for diagnostic and staging assessment in MPM. Current clinical staging frequently underestimates extent of disease, with a significant proportion of patients being upstaged at time of surgery, and is limited by high inter-observer variability. Recent studies have reported the prognostic significance of CT-derived tumour volume; however, many of these studies have been limited by the laborious or complex nature of tumour segmentation, significant inter-observer variability or challenges encountered in separating pleural tumour from adjacent structures, which are often of similar density. MRI is superior to CT in the detection of invasion of the chest wall and diaphragm in MPM. In Chapter 4, MRI was used to quantitatively assess pleural tumour volume in 31 patients with MPM using novel semi-automated segmentation methodology. Four different segmentation methodologies, using Myrian® segmentation software were developed and examined. Optimum methodology was defined, based on the accuracy of volume estimates of an MRI phantom, visual-based analysis, intra-observer agreement and analysis time. Using the optimum methodology, there was acceptable error around the MRI phantom volume (3.6%), a reasonable analysis time (approximately 14 minutes), good intra-observer agreement (intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.875) and excellent inter-observer agreement (ICC 0.962). Patients with a high MRI-estimated tumour volume (≥300cm3) had a significantly poorer median overall survival (8.5 months vs. 20 months) and was a statistically significant prognostic variable on univariate (HR 2.273 (95% CI 1.162 – 4.446), p=0.016) and multi-variate Cox proportional hazards model (HR 2.114 (95% CI 1.046 – 4.270), p=0.037)