1,729 research outputs found

    TOGO truck information service: Based on mobile tracking system

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    In our current economic state, instant gratification from the satisfaction by the real time products and services and experiences are in demand for consumers. As a result, there are several if not many of these real-time base services that have arisen from what the consumers\u27 desire. During the research, I have witnessed the phenomenon that would fit the criteria. The perfect example would be the popularity of meals on wheels in the United States. Setting a new trend in the fast food market, the food truck industry has reached the numbers well over the thousands and still counting with their own unique ideas and innovations. I can confidently say, with the rise of the food truck industry, we have observed the decline of stationary restaurants. But, unlike the mobile counterpart, the stationary restaurants still have one distinct advantage; consumers know where to find them. For example, when struck with a craving for tacos, it is easier to Google a Mexican restaurant down the street, rather than to track down a taco truck. To counterstrike the stationary opposition to quench the hunger for the food truck enthusiasts, several apps have been created. The applications general idea is to pin point gourmet food trucks on mobile maps to even the reliability of playing fields via Twitter feeds, GPS and truck-reported location data. While none of which has achieved an exhaustive or completely accurate system, the search still continues for trucks for users depending on their location. During the present market condition, I am certain of making an accurate and effective real-time information service would be an interesting subject to approach in satisfying users and business owners desires. In demand of real-time information services, I will create a prototype for a food truck information service, inclusive of real-time location service; GPS, mobile tracking, truck-reported data and alert service. The consumers and the food truck owners will both come out as winners, with relaying precise information via real time communication devices. As a student studying the art of user experience and interaction design, goal of this study is to figure out how to enhance the user friendly interface along with meeting the expectations of actual consumers. In order to have a deeper understanding about interaction between users and real time location applications to heighten the level of services, I am willing to go above and beyond with through research to develop a next generation real time app during this project. Another critical factor that I, a user experience designer would point out would be communication. A key factor in completing the task, finding a significant way of communication method would be an additional goal throughout this project

    MenuErgo: Conception assistée de menus par évaluation automatique de rÚgles ergonomiques

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    International audienceThis paper presents MenuErgo, a software environment for designing a menu bar along with its pull-down menus and sub-menus of a graphical user interface by automatic evaluation of menu usability guidelines according to four evaluation strategies: an active strategy initiated by the system, a passive strategy initiated by the designer, a mixed strategy shared by both of them, and a strategy by conceptual units based on the semantic domain. The MenuErgo software architecture consists of an evaluation trigerrer, an evaluation engine, a presenter, and a knowledge base of 58 usability guidelines whose evaluation is automated. A qualitative exploratory study reports on the reactions of nine designers after their usage of MenuErgo on a case study for designing menus for a multimedia application.Cet article présente MenuErgo, un environnement logiciel de conception d’une barre de menu avec ses menus déroulants et sous-menus d’une interface graphique par évaluation automatique de règles ergonomiques propres aux menus selon quatre stratégies d’évaluation: la stratégie active à l’initiative du système, la stratégie passive à l’initiative du concepteur, la stratégie mixte partagée par les deux et la stratégie par unités conceptuelles basée sur le domaine sémantique. L’architecture logicielle de MenuErgo est composée d’un déclencheur d’évaluation, d’un moteur d’évaluation, d’un présentateur d’évaluation et d’une base de 58 règles ergonomiques dont l’évaluation est assurée automatiquement. Une étude qualitative exploratoire rapporte les réactions de neuf concepteurs ayant utilisé MenuErgo sur une étude de cas de conception de menu pour une application multimédia

    Interaction and Interdependency of Software Engineering Methods and Visual Programming

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    Visual Programming Languages and Visual Programming Tools incorporate non-procedural coding mechanisms that may duplicate, or perhaps even conflict with, the analysis and design mechanisms promulgated by the mainstream Software Engineering methodologies. By better understanding such duplication and conflict, software engineers can take proactive measures to accommodate and, ideally, eliminate them. Better still, there may be opportunities for synergy that can be exploited if one is looking for them. This research explored, documented and classified the interactions and interdependencies, both positive (synergies) and negative (conflicts), between two closely related and rapidly evolving Computer Science subdisciplines: software engineering and visual programming. A literature search was conducted to surface, evaluate, and build upon (where appropriate) recent and ongoing research in this area. A mechanism was created to capture observations of conflicts and synergies. This capture mechanism was applied to an experimentation test bed that was established to provide concrete examples of gaps, overlaps, conflicts, and synergies. In this regard, two relatively simple applications, one data-base oriented and one algorithm oriented, were designed and implemented using multiple software engineering methods and multiple visual tools/languages. A software prototype, which bridges one of the gaps discovered during the research, was built to underscore the importance of eventually merging Computer Aided Software Engineering and visual development tools. The overall results as well as anticipated trends and developments in the area of software engineering and visual programming were summarized. The synergy/conflict observations, in conjunction with the literature search results, were used to develop strategies and guidelines for successfully using visual programming languages and tools in concert with sound software engineering methods

    From the pixels up : processes and procedures in the construction of a neural-site geographic information system

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    This study examines the question, is it possible to develop a neutral-site Geographic Information System (GIS) that addresses information needs useful for the training of emergency management personnel? To answer this question a subordinate question requiring an answer is what specific steps are required to accomplish this goal? As a base for the data provided here, the history of cities as an initial root of civilization and the concept of emergency management are discussed. Direct intersections, where the specific applications of emergency management technology provide real benefits to local governmental organizations, such as those at the city level are also considered. One of these potential technologies is a Geographic Information System, or GIS. Using a qualitative method, with thick description, the process and procedures of creating a neutralsite GIS for use in training by organizations who do not currently have access to the technology is then described. The potential benefit for jurisdictions lacking a current GIS is clearly demonstrated. The study concludes with a summation of the research, development and construction of a neutral-site GIS. Specific lessons learned during the entire process are discussed. Finally, areas of further study the process brought to my attention are considered

    E-INFO SYSTEM (IT/IS department)

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    This project is divided into two terms, first the research on PHP application and second system development on the decision support system on web development. Research web application will be based on the problem statement and objective of the project while the web decision support system is the support idea for the project. The project will require a hybrid model for SDLC methodology. Reviews on the system will be made according to the SDLC andthe objective of the projects. Artificial Intelligent module is used for the web system in determine the best DSS solution for the business. Research will be more on the implementation of the DSS in the web development focus on the cost, availability and the architecture of the DSS. Advantages of this system and several criteria in the system will be part of this project

    Grifon: a graphical interface to an object oriented database

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    The aim of the research outlined in this thesis is to establish what type of interface would be most suitable for object oriented databases. In particular it examines how graphical interface technologies might be used to present the database in a clearer form. In support of the research, a prototype interface system has also been developed to a commercial database to illustrate the practicality of the development of such an interface, and the increased effectiveness of the resultant system. The thesis outlines the features provided by the interface, the benefits accrued from such a system, and the problems associated with its development. Finally, it examines how such a system fits into the current work being carried out in the area of user interaction with databases

    Computer assisted audiometric evaluation system

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    A computer-based audiometric evaluation system has been developed. The system makes use of an IBM PC/XT/AT compatible personal computer to perform pure tone and speech tests and · comprises a plug-in card and custom software. The card contains pure tone and masking noise generators, together with amplifiers for a. set of headphones .and bone conduction transducer, patient and audiologist microphone amplifiers and a hand-held infra-red remote-control unit. A voice-operated gain-adjusting device on the audiologist's microphone eliminates the need for a sound pressure level meter during speech tests. The software-based user-interface makes use.of overlaid pop-up menus, context sensitive assistance.and a text editor on a graphics screen. Pure tone and speech data are acquired and displayed on a dynamic audiogram and speech discrimination gram respectively. This data may be stored and later retrieved from a patient data base. Further audiometric tests may be incorporated at a later stage
