640 research outputs found

    Geodesic Distance Histogram Feature for Video Segmentation

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    This paper proposes a geodesic-distance-based feature that encodes global information for improved video segmentation algorithms. The feature is a joint histogram of intensity and geodesic distances, where the geodesic distances are computed as the shortest paths between superpixels via their boundaries. We also incorporate adaptive voting weights and spatial pyramid configurations to include spatial information into the geodesic histogram feature and show that this further improves results. The feature is generic and can be used as part of various algorithms. In experiments, we test the geodesic histogram feature by incorporating it into two existing video segmentation frameworks. This leads to significantly better performance in 3D video segmentation benchmarks on two datasets

    A Temporal Sequence Learning for Action Recognition and Prediction

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    In this work\footnote {This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant IIS-1212948.}, we present a method to represent a video with a sequence of words, and learn the temporal sequencing of such words as the key information for predicting and recognizing human actions. We leverage core concepts from the Natural Language Processing (NLP) literature used in sentence classification to solve the problems of action prediction and action recognition. Each frame is converted into a word that is represented as a vector using the Bag of Visual Words (BoW) encoding method. The words are then combined into a sentence to represent the video, as a sentence. The sequence of words in different actions are learned with a simple but effective Temporal Convolutional Neural Network (T-CNN) that captures the temporal sequencing of information in a video sentence. We demonstrate that a key characteristic of the proposed method is its low-latency, i.e. its ability to predict an action accurately with a partial sequence (sentence). Experiments on two datasets, \textit{UCF101} and \textit{HMDB51} show that the method on average reaches 95\% of its accuracy within half the video frames. Results, also demonstrate that our method achieves compatible state-of-the-art performance in action recognition (i.e. at the completion of the sentence) in addition to action prediction.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV

    Analyzing Zero-Shot Abilities of Vision-Language Models on Video Understanding Tasks

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    Foundational multimodal models pre-trained on large scale image-text pairs or video-text pairs or both have shown strong generalization abilities on downstream tasks. However unlike image-text models, pretraining video-text models is always not feasible due to the difficulty in collecting large-scale clean and aligned data, and exponential computational costs involved in the pretraining phase. Therefore, the pertinent question to ask is: Can image-text models be adapted to video tasks and is there any benefit to using these models over pretraining directly on videos? In this work, we focus on this question by proposing a detailed study on the generalization abilities of image-text models when evaluated on video understanding tasks in a zero-shot setting. We investigate 9 foundational image-text models on a diverse set of video tasks that include video action recognition (video AR), video retrieval (video RT), video question answering (video QA), video multiple choice (video MC) and video captioning (video CP). Our experiments show that image-text models exhibit impressive performance on video AR, video RT and video MC. Furthermore, they perform moderately on video captioning and poorly on video QA. These findings shed a light on the benefits of adapting foundational image-text models to an array of video tasks while avoiding the costly pretraining step
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