4 research outputs found

    A Framework to Evaluate Software Developer’s Productivity The VALORTIA Project

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    Currently, there is a lack in companies developing software in relation to assessing their staff’s productivity before executing software projects, with the aim of improving effectiveness and efficiency. QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is a framework that allows defining quality management tasks based on a model. The main purpose of this framework is twofold: improve an entity’s continuous quality, and given a context, decide between a set of entity’s instances on the most appropriate one. Thus, the aim of this paper is to make this framework available to evaluate productivity of professionals along software development and select the most appropriate experts to implement the suggested project. For this goal, Valortia platform, capable of carrying out this task by following the QuEF framework guidelines, is designed. Valortia is a platform to certify users' knowledge on a specific area and centralize all certification management in its model by means of providing protocols and methods for a suitable management, improving efficiency and effectiveness, reducing cost and ensuring continuous quality.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    Desarrollando herramientas para la gestión efectiva y eficiente de la calidad

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    La gestión de la calidad del Software es una tarea que indica el grado de concordancia existente entre el software producido con respecto a los requisitos especificados y las necesidades del cliente. En este artículo, hablaremos sobre QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) y sus herramientas. QuEF es un framework que permite realizar las distintas tareas de la gestión de la calidad en base a un modelo, de forma que los elementos software usados para la misma puedan ser generados de forma automática o semiautomática en base a la definición del modelo. Inicialmente se desarrolló para analizar, evaluar y mejorar la calidad de metodologías de ingeniería Web guiadas por modelos, aunque actualmente se ha orientado a un framework genérico capaz de gestionar la calidad de productos, procesos o servicios. QuEF define cinco fases las cuales requieren de unas herramientas para poder llevarlas a cabo de forma rápida y eficiente. Las primeras herramientas de soporte fueron desarrolladas como un plugin para la aplicación Entreprise Architect, una herramienta CASE que limitaba su uso a aquellos que tuvieran una licencia. Actualmente se están desarrollando una serie de herramientas que conforman un entorno capaz de llevar a cabo las distintas fases del framework QuEF. Con estas nuevas herramientas, QuEF comienza su independencia en el mercado laboral como una herramienta menos costosa y más asequible técnicamente para los usuarios

    Proposal for a Method to Accelerate Inter-VM Communication in Hypervisor Virtual Environments

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    In recent years, the demand for software-based packet processing has been increasing, as evidenced by the emergence of terms such as SDN and SFV. While software packet processing is highly flexible and scalable, its performance is lower than that of packet processing by dedicated devices such as routers. Kernel bypassing techniques are used to improve the performance of software packet processing, and DPDK is one of the most powerful techniques. By using DPDK, it is possible to achieve performance close to that of dedicated devices. When we think about the mechanism of DPDK and virtualization, we find that DPDK, a kernel bypass technology, and hypervisor virtualization, which operates as a kernel function, do not go well together. In particular, we hypothesized that there might be cases where the use of DPDK as a hypervisor switch might cause performance degradation. We hypothesized that there might be cases where performance degradation is caused, especially when DPDK is used as a hypervisor switch. From the above, it can be seen that there is an increasing number of software that provides fast packet IO using DPDK. However, when considering fast packet IO in a virtual environment, especially in a hypervisor virtual environment. However, when considering fast packet IO in virtual environments, especially in hypervisor virtual environments, DPDK-based acceleration methods are not effective and should be avoided. Therefore, I have developed a method for accelerating packet IO between VMs in a hypervisor environment without using DPDK. In this paper, I have proposed two methods to accelerate packet IO between VMs in hypervisor environments without using DPDK: one using PCI-Passthrough and SR-IOV, and the other using Unikernel. We have confirmed that both of these methods show better performance than the commonly used methods