3 research outputs found

    Exploring digital comics as an edutainment tool: An overview

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    This paper aims t oexplore the growing potential of digital comics and graphic novels as an edutainment tool.Initially, the evolvement of comics medium along with academic and commercial initiatives in designing comicware systems arebriefly discussed. Prominent to this study, the methods and impact of utilizing this visual media with embedded instructional content and student-generated comics in classroom setting are rationallyoutlined.By recognizing the emerging technologies available for supporting and accelerating educational comic development, this article addresses the diverse research challenges and opportunities of innovating effective strategies to enhance comics integrated learning across disciplines

    Pengaruh Adaptasi Bahasa Visual Jepang pada Film Animasi Indonesia Battle of Surabaya

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    The animation industry in Indonesia is currently developing positively, where its production is increasing from year to year. Various kinds of drawing styles have been widely explored and applied to Indonesian animation. Moreover, with the better quality of world animation, situationally it also encourages Indonesian animators to improvise and continue to develop creativity through their work. In the process of its development, the popularity of Japanese animation turned out to have a significant influence on the formation of Indonesian animated films. Since the first Battle of Surabaya animation appeared in the community, many speculated that this animation was adapting Japanese animation visuals. The purpose of this research is to examine more deeply the effect of Japanese Visual Language adaptation in the Indonesian animated film, Battle of Surabaya. This research is expected to be a form of scientific dedication regarding Indonesian animation, as well as an evaluation material for Indonesian animators in exploring and considering the application of animation visualization.Industri animasi di Indonesia saat ini berkembangan dengan positif, dimana produksinya kian meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Berbagai macam gaya gambar telah banyak dieksplorasi dan diterapkan pada animasi Indonesia. Apalagi dengan semakin baiknya kualitas animasi dunia, secara tidak langsung juga ikut mendorong para animator Indonesia untuk berimprovisasi dan terus mengembangkan kreativitas melalui karyanya. Dalam proses perkembangannya, popularitas animasi Jepang ternyata juga ikut membawa pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pembentukan karya film animasi Indonesia. Sejak pertama kali animasi Battle of Surabaya diperkenalkan secara luas kepada masyarakat, berbagai spekulasi muncul mengenai adanya adaptasi visual Jepang didalamnya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai pengaruh adaptasi Bahasa Visual Jepang dalam film animasi Indonesia, Battle of Surabaya. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai, maka metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada animasi Battle of Surabaya dengan cara kualitatif deskriptif yang dikaitkan dengan teori Bahasa Visual Jepang. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bentuk dedikasi ilmiah mengenai animasi Indonesia, serta sebagai bahan evaluasi untuk para animator Indonesia dalam mengeksplorasi dan mempertimbangkan penerapan visualisasi animas

    Computer-assisted animation creation techniques for hair animation and shade, highlight, and shadow

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3062号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2010/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新532