7 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Human-Computer Interface for Computer Assisted Translation and Handwritten Text Recognition

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    A human-computer interface is developed to provide services of computer assisted machine translation (CAT) and computer assisted transcription of handwritten text images (CATTI). The back-end machine translation (MT) and handwritten text recognition (HTR) systems are provided by the Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology (PRHLT) research group. The idea is to provide users with easy to use tools to convert interactive translation and transcription feasible tasks. The assisted service is provided by remote servers with CAT or CATTI capabilities. The interface supplies the user with tools for efficient local edition: deletion, insertion and substitution.Ocampo Sepúlveda, JC. (2009). Implementation of a Human-Computer Interface for Computer Assisted Translation and Handwritten Text Recognition. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14318Archivo delegad

    Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Text Images

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    En esta tesis se presenta un nuevo marco interactivo y multimodal para la transcripción de Documentos manuscritos. Esta aproximación, lejos de proporcionar la transcripción completa pretende asistir al experto en la dura tarea de transcribir. Hasta la fecha, los sistemas de reconocimiento de texto manuscrito disponibles no proporcionan transcripciones aceptables por los usuarios y, generalmente, se requiere la intervención del humano para corregir las transcripciones obtenidas. Estos sistemas han demostrado ser realmente útiles en aplicaciones restringidas y con vocabularios limitados (como es el caso del reconocimiento de direcciones postales o de cantidades numéricas en cheques bancarios), consiguiendo en este tipo de tareas resultados aceptables. Sin embargo, cuando se trabaja con documentos manuscritos sin ningún tipo de restricción (como documentos manuscritos antiguos o texto espontáneo), la tecnología actual solo consigue resultados inaceptables. El escenario interactivo estudiado en esta tesis permite una solución más efectiva. En este escenario, el sistema de reconocimiento y el usuario cooperan para generar la transcripción final de la imagen de texto. El sistema utiliza la imagen de texto y una parte de la transcripción previamente validada (prefijo) para proponer una posible continuación. Despues, el usuario encuentra y corrige el siguente error producido por el sistema, generando así un nuevo prefijo mas largo. Este nuevo prefijo, es utilizado por el sistema para sugerir una nueva hipótesis. La tecnología utilizada se basa en modelos ocultos de Markov y n-gramas. Estos modelos son utilizados aquí de la misma manera que en el reconocimiento automático del habla. Algunas modificaciones en la definición convencional de los n-gramas han sido necesarias para tener en cuenta la retroalimentación del usuario en este sistema.Romero Gómez, V. (2010). Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Text Images [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8541Palanci


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    HTR systems don't achieve acceptable results in unconstrained applications. Therefore, it is convenient to use a system that allows the user to cooperate in the most confortable way with the system to generate a correct transcription. In this paper, multimodal interaction at character-level is studied.Martín-Albo Simón, D. (2011). CHARACTER-LEVEL INTERACTIONS IN MULTIMODAL COMPUTER-ASSISTED TRANSCRIPTION OF TEXT IMAGES. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11313Archivo delegad

    Contex-aware gestures for mixed-initiative text editings UIs

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Interacting with computers following peer review. The version of record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu019[EN] This work is focused on enhancing highly interactive text-editing applications with gestures. Concretely, we study Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images (CATTI), a handwriting transcription system that follows a corrective feedback paradigm, where both the user and the system collaborate efficiently to produce a high-quality text transcription. CATTI-like applications demand fast and accurate gesture recognition, for which we observed that current gesture recognizers are not adequate enough. In response to this need we developed MinGestures, a parametric context-aware gesture recognizer. Our contributions include a number of stroke features for disambiguating copy-mark gestures from handwritten text, plus the integration of these gestures in a CATTI application. It becomes finally possible to create highly interactive stroke-based text-editing interfaces, without worrying to verify the user intent on-screen. We performed a formal evaluation with 22 e-pen users and 32 mouse users using a gesture vocabulary of 10 symbols. MinGestures achieved an outstanding accuracy (<1% error rate) with very high performance (<1 ms of recognition time). We then integrated MinGestures in a CATTI prototype and tested the performance of the interactive handwriting system when it is driven by gestures. Our results show that using gestures in interactive handwriting applications is both advantageous and convenient when gestures are simple but context-aware. Taken together, this work suggests that text-editing interfaces not only can be easily augmented with simple gestures, but also may substantially improve user productivity.This work has been supported by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Program (tranScriptorium: FP7- ICT-2011-9, project 600707 and CasMaCat: FP7-ICT-2011-7, project 287576). It has also been supported by the Spanish MINECO under grant TIN2012-37475-C02-01 (STraDa), and the Generalitat Valenciana under grant ISIC/2012/004 (AMIIS).Leiva, LA.; Alabau, V.; Romero Gómez, V.; Toselli, AH.; Vidal, E. (2015). Contex-aware gestures for mixed-initiative text editings UIs. Interacting with Computers. 27(6):675-696. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu019S675696276Alabau V. Leiva L. A. Transcribing Handwritten Text Images with a Word Soup Game. Proc. Extended Abstr. Hum. Factors Comput. Syst. (CHI EA) 2012.Alabau V. Rodríguez-Ruiz L. Sanchis A. Martínez-Gómez P. Casacuberta F. On Multimodal Interactive Machine Translation Using Speech Recognition. Proc. Int. Conf. Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI). 2011a.Alabau V. Sanchis A. Casacuberta F. Improving On-Line Handwritten Recognition using Translation Models in Multimodal Interactive Machine Translation. Proc. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics (ACL) 2011b.Alabau, V., Sanchis, A., & Casacuberta, F. (2014). Improving on-line handwritten recognition in interactive machine translation. Pattern Recognition, 47(3), 1217-1228. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2013.09.035Anthony L. Wobbrock J. O. A Lightweight Multistroke Recognizer for User Interface Prototypes. Proc. Conf. Graph. Interface (GI). 2010.Anthony L. Wobbrock J. O. N-Protractor: a Fast and Accurate Multistroke Recognizer. Proc. Conf. Graph. Interface (GI) 2012.Anthony L. Vatavu R.-D. Wobbrock J. O. Understanding the Consistency of Users' Pen and Finger Stroke Gesture Articulation. Proc. Conf. Graph. Interface (GI). 2013.Appert C. Zhai S. 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    Interprétation contextuelle et assistée de fonds d'archives numérisées (application à des registres de ventes du XVIIIe siècle)

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    Les fonds d'archives forment de grandes quantités de documents difficiles à interpréter automatiquement : les approches classiques imposent un lourd effort de conception, sans parvenir à empêcher la production d'erreurs qu'il faut corriger après les traitements.Face à ces limites, notre travail vise à améliorer la processus d'interprétation, en conservant un fonctionnement page par page, et en lui apportant des informations contextuelles extraites du fonds documentaire ou fournies par des opérateurs humains.Nous proposons une extension ciblée de la description d'une page qui permet la mise en place systématique d'échanges entre le processus d'interprétation et son environnement. Un mécanisme global itératif gère l'apport progressif d'informations contextuelles à ce processus, ce qui améliore l'interprétation.L'utilisation de ces nouveaux outils pour le traitement de documents du XVIIIe siècle a montré qu'il était facile d'intégrer nos propositions à un système existant, que sa conception restait simple, et que l'effort de correction pouvait être diminué.Fonds, also called historical document collections, are important amounts of digitized documents which are difficult to interpret automatically: usual approaches require a lot of work during design, but do not manage to avoid producing many errors which have to be corrected after processing.To cope with those limitations, our work aimed at improving the interpretation process by making use of information extracted from the fond, or provided by human operators, while keeping a page by page processing.We proposed a simple extension of page description language which permits to automatically generate information exchange between the interpretation process and its environment. A global iterative mechanism progressively brings contextual information to the later process, and improves interpretation.Experiments and application of those new tools for the processing of documents from the 18th century showed that our propositions were easy to integrate in an existing system, that its design is still simple, and that required manual corrections were reduced.RENNES-INSA (352382210) / SudocSudocFranceF