79 research outputs found

    Reproducibility and speed of landmarking process in cephalometric analysis using two input devices: mouse-driven cursor versus pen

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    To define if the new portable appliances, like smartphone, iPad, small laptop and tablet can be used in cephalometric tracing without dropping out the validity of any measurement. METHODS:We investigated and compared the reproducibility and the speed of landmarks identification process on lateral X-rays in two input devices: a mouse-driven cursor and a pen used as input means in mobile devices. One expert located 22 landmarks on 15 lateral X-rays in a repeated measure design two times, at time T1 and T2, after at least one month. The Intraclass Correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the reproducibility for each landmark tracing and the agreement between the value derived from both input devices. Also, the mean errors in measurements, the standard deviation and the Friedman Test significans (P < 0.05) between both input were statistically evaluated. RESULTS:All landmarks had a high agreement and the Friedman Test indicated statistically significant differences (P<0.05) for the identification of Na, Po, Pt, PNS, Ba, Pg, Gn, UIE, UIA, APOcc and PPOcc landmarks. CONCLUSIONS:Even if the mouse input give higher agreement for landmark tracing the differences are really minimal and they can be ignored in private practice. We suggest the adequacy of pen input in clinical setting

    Automatic Cephalometric Analysis

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    Abstract Objective: To describe the techniques used for automatic landmarking of cephalograms, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each one and reviewing the percentage of success in locating each cephalometric point. Materials and Methods: The literature survey was performed by searching the Medline, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the ISI Web of Science Citation Index databases. The survey covered the period from January 1966 to August 2006. Abstracts that appeared to fulfill the initial selection criteria were selected by consensus. The original articles were then retrieved. Their references were also hand-searched for possible missing articles. The search strategy resulted in 118 articles of which eight met the inclusion criteria. Many articles were rejected for different reasons; among these, the most frequent was that results of accuracy for automatic landmark recognition were presented as a percentage of success. Results: A marked difference in results was found between the included studies consisting of heterogeneity in the performance of techniques to detect the same landmark. All in all, hybrid approaches detected cephalometric points with a higher accuracy in contrast to the results for the same points obtained by the model-based, image filtering plus knowledge-based landmark search and "soft-computing" approaches. Conclusions: The systems described in the literature are not accurate enough to allow their use for clinical purposes. Errors in landmark detection were greater than those expected with manual tracing and, therefore, the scientific evidence supporting the use of automatic landmarking is low

    Accuracy of automated 3D cephalometric landmarks by deep learning algorithms: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objectives The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the accuracy of automated landmarking using deep learning in comparison with manual tracing for cephalometric analysis of 3D medical images. Methods PubMed/Medline, IEEE Xplore, Scopus and ArXiv electronic databases were searched. Selection criteria were: ex vivo and in vivo volumetric data images suitable for 3D landmarking (Problem), a minimum of five automated landmarking performed by deep learning method (Intervention), manual landmarking (Comparison), and mean accuracy, in mm, between manual and automated landmarking (Outcome). QUADAS-2 was adapted for quality analysis. Meta-analysis was performed on studies that reported as outcome mean values and standard deviation of the difference (error) between manual and automated landmarking. Linear regression plots were used to analyze correlations between mean accuracy and year of publication. Results The initial electronic screening yielded 252 papers published between 2020 and 2022. A total of 15 studies were included for the qualitative synthesis, whereas 11 studies were used for the meta-analysis. Overall random effect model revealed a mean value of 2.44 mm, with a high heterogeneity (I-2 = 98.13%, tau(2) = 1.018, p-value &lt; 0.001); risk of bias was high due to the presence of issues for several domains per study. Meta-regression indicated a significant relation between mean error and year of publication (p value = 0.012). Conclusion Deep learning algorithms showed an excellent accuracy for automated 3D cephalometric landmarking. In the last two years promising algorithms have been developed and improvements in landmarks annotation accuracy have been done

    An Evaluation of Cellular Neural Networks for the Automatic Identification of Cephalometric Landmarks on Digital Images

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    Several efforts have been made to completely automate cephalometric analysis by automatic landmark search. However, accuracy obtained was worse than manual identification in every study. The analogue-to-digital conversion of X-ray has been claimed to be the main problem. Therefore the aim of this investigation was to evaluate the accuracy of the Cellular Neural Networks approach for automatic location of cephalometric landmarks on softcopy of direct digital cephalometric X-rays. Forty-one, direct-digital lateral cephalometric radiographs were obtained by a Siemens Orthophos DS Ceph and were used in this study and 10 landmarks (N, A Point, Ba, Po, Pt, B Point, Pg, PM, UIE, LIE) were the object of automatic landmark identification. The mean errors and standard deviations from the best estimate of cephalometric points were calculated for each landmark. Differences in the mean errors of automatic and manual landmarking were compared with a 1-way analysis of variance. The analyses indicated that the differences were very small, and they were found at most within 0.59 mm. Furthermore, only few of these differences were statistically significant, but differences were so small to be in most instances clinically meaningless. Therefore the use of X-ray files with respect to scanned X-ray improved landmark accuracy of automatic detection. Investigations on softcopy of digital cephalometric X-rays, to search more landmarks in order to enable a complete automatic cephalometric analysis, are strongly encouraged

    Automatic Three-Dimensional Cephalometric Annotation System Using Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Background: Three-dimensional (3D) cephalometric analysis using computerized tomography data has been rapidly adopted for dysmorphosis and anthropometry. Several different approaches to automatic 3D annotation have been proposed to overcome the limitations of traditional cephalometry. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of our newly-developed system using a deep learning algorithm for automatic 3D cephalometric annotation. Methods: To overcome current technical limitations, some measures were developed to directly annotate 3D human skull data. Our deep learning-based model system mainly consisted of a 3D convolutional neural network and image data resampling. Results: The discrepancies between the referenced and predicted coordinate values in three axes and in 3D distance were calculated to evaluate system accuracy. Our new model system yielded prediction errors of 3.26, 3.18, and 4.81 mm (for three axes) and 7.61 mm (for 3D). Moreover, there was no difference among the landmarks of the three groups, including the midsagittal plane, horizontal plane, and mandible (p>0.05). Conclusion: A new 3D convolutional neural network-based automatic annotation system for 3D cephalometry was developed. The strategies used to implement the system were detailed and measurement results were evaluated for accuracy. Further development of this system is planned for full clinical application of automatic 3D cephalometric annotation

    An Approach for Efficient Detection of Cephalometric Landmarks

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    AbstractIn this paper, a method is developed for the automated identification of cephalometric landmarks in orthodontics. The process of soft tissue edge detection is divided into two steps: detecting the sub-images that contained the required landmarks using combination of the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) descriptor with the Support Vector Machine (SVM), then utilizing Thresholding and Mathematical Morphological (TMM) algorithm to trace soft tissue profile. In addition, the mandible's edge is detected by the Active contours without edges (Chan-Vese method). Finally, the landmarks of soft tissue profile and the mandible's edge are pinned based on analyzing the contour plot of these lines. The simulation results have high accuracy