132 research outputs found

    QoS constrained cellular ad hoc augmented networks

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    In this dissertation, based on different design criteria, three novel quality of service (QoS) constrained cellular ad hoc augmented network (CAHAN) architectures are proposed for next generation wireless networks. The CAHAN architectures have a hybrid architecture, in which each MT of CDMA cellular networks has ad hoc communication capability. The CAHAN architectures are an evolutionary approach to conventional cellular networks. The proposed architectures have good system scalability and high system reliability. The first proposed architecture is the QoS constrained minimum-power cellular ad hoc augmented network architecture (QCMP CAHAN). The QCMP CAHAN can find the optimal minimum-power routes under the QoS constraints (bandwidth, packet-delay, or packet-error-rate constraint). The total energy consumed by the MTs is lower in the case of QCMP CAHAN than in the case of pure cellular networks. As the ad hoc communication range of each MT increases, the total transmitted power in QCMP CAHAN decreases. However, due to the increased number of hops involved in information delivery between the source and the destination, the end-to-end delay increases. The maximum end-to-end delay will be limited to a specified tolerable value for different services. An MT in QCMP CAHAN will not relay any messages when its ad hoc communication range is zero, and if this is the case for all MTs, then QCMP CAHAN reduces to the traditional cellular network. A QoS constrained network lifetime extension cellular ad hoc augmented network architecture (QCLE CAHAN) is proposed to achieve the maximum network lifetime under the QoS constraints. The network lifetime is higher in the case of QCLE CAHAN than in the case of pure cellular networks or QCMP CAHAN. In QCLE CAHAN, a novel QoS-constrained network lifetime extension routing algorithm will dynamically select suitable ad-hoc-switch-to-cellular points (ASCPs) according to the MT remaining battery energy such that the selection will balance all the MT battery energy and maximizes the network lifetime. As the number of ASCPs in an ad hoc subnet decreases, the network lifetime will be extended. Maximum network lifetime can be increased until the end-to-end QoS in QCLE CAHAN reaches its maximum tolerable value. Geocasting is the mechanism to multicast messages to the MTs whose locations lie within a given geographic area (target area). Geolocation-aware CAHAN (GA CAHAN) architecture is proposed to improve total transmitted power expended for geocast services in cellular networks. By using GA CAHAN for geocasting, saving in total transmitted energy can be achieved as compared to the case of pure cellular networks. When the size of geocast target area is large, GA CAHAN can save larger transmitted energy

    Performance Analysis and Multi-Objective Design for Multirate Multihop Loss Networks

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    In this paper, we consider a class of loss networks where multipletraffic classes are present, each has different bandwidth requirement,and each traffic stream is routed according to an adaptive routingscheme.We propose a fixed-point method, a.k.a. reduced load approximation,to estimate the end-to-end blocking probability for such networks.The approximation scheme is shownto be asymptotically correct in a natural limiting regime, and it givesconservative estimates of blocking probabilities under heavy trafficload.Simulation results are provided to compare performance estimatesobtained from our analytical approximation scheme and discrete eventsimulations.We also show how this analytical approximation scheme can be linked withnumerical mathematical programming tools to help design a network,by selecting network design parameters via trade-off analysis, evenwith several design objectives.In one application we use the multi-objective optimization toolCONSOL-OPTCAD to design trunk reservation parameters and balance linkcapacity. In another application we use automatic differentiationto get sensitivities of blocking probabilities w.r.t. offered trafficload

    Tactical and Strategic Communication Network Simulation and Performance Analysis

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    We describe a framework for the efficient modeling and performance evaluation of large networks consisting of mixture of strategic and tactical components. The method emphasizes hierarchical, layered techniques that are fed parametric models at the lower level. In addition to the algorithmic structure, and some initial algorithms we describe an object oriented software architecture that is under development to support these algorithmic methods in a distributed environment

    Hierarchical Loss Network Model for Performance Evaluation

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    In this paper we present a hierarchical loss network model for estimatingthe end-to-end blocking probabilities for large networks. As networks grow in size, nodes tendto form clusters geographically and hierarchical routing schemes are morecommonly used. Loss network and reduced load models are often used toapproximate end-to-endcall blocking probabilities, and hence, throughput. However so far all workbeing done in this area is for flat networks with flat routing schemes.We aim at developing a more efficient approximation method for networksthat have a natural hierarchy and/or when some form of hierarchical routingpolicy is used. We present two hierarchical models in detail for fixedhierarchical routing and dynamic hierarchical routing policies,respectively, via the notion of network abstraction, route segmentation, traffic segregationand aggregation. Computation is done separately within each cluster (local)and among clusters (global), and the fixed point is obtained by iterationbetween local and global computations. We also present numerical resultsfor the first case

    Modeling and Simulation of Large Hybrid Networks

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    This paper describes a modeling and simulation framework for large hybridnetworks that include satellites, terrestrial wireless and mobile ad hocnetworks. The purpose of the simulation framework is to parallel the actualimplementation of a testbed network currently being constructed at ARL.The modeling framework uses the performance measures generated bythe simulation to analytically study larger scaled versions of thetestbed networks. The combination of the two methodologies allows thefeasibility of the testbed architecture's widespread implementation to bestudied without the associated costs of performing such experiments withactual equipment. Additionally, technological tradeoffs and interoperabilityissues can be studied so that informed decisions can be made about theimplementation of future military communication networks.This paper has been published in the Proceedings of 2nd Annual ATIRP Conference(ATIRP'99). </I

    Improving Multicast Communications Over Wireless Mesh Networks

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    In wireless mesh networks (WMNs) the traditional approach to shortest path tree based multicasting is to cater for the needs of the poorest performingnode i.e. the maximum permitted multicast line rate is limited to the lowest line rate used by the individual Child nodes on a branch. In general, this meansfixing the line rate to its minimum value and fixing the transmit power to its maximum permitted value. This simplistic approach of applying a single multicast rate for all nodes in the multicast group results in a sub-optimal trade-off between the mean network throughput and coverage area that does not allow for high bandwidth multimedia applications to be supported. By relaxing this constraint and allowing multiple line rates to be used, the mean network throughput can be improved. This thesis presents two methods that aim to increase the mean network throughput through the use of multiple line rates by the forwarding nodes. This is achieved by identifying the Child nodes responsible for reducing the multicast group rate. The first method identifies specific locations for the placement of relay nodes which allows for higher multicast branch line rates to be used. The second method uses a power control algorithm to tune the transmit power to allow for higher multicast branch line rates. The use of power control also helps to reduce the interference caused to neighbouring nodes.Through extensive computer simulation it can be shown that these two methods can lead to a four-fold gain in the mean network throughput undertypical WMN operating conditions compared with the single line rate case

    Routing performance in ad hoc networks.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.An ad hoc network is a multi-hop wireless network in which mobile nodes communicate over a shared wireless channel. The network is formed cooperatively without specific user administration or configuration and is characterised by a distributed network management system and the absence of a wired backbone. Military, law enforcement, and disaster relief operations are often carried out in situations with no pre-existing network infrastructure and can benefit from such networks because base stations, which are single points of failure, are undesirable from a reliability standpoint. The rising popularity of mobile computing has also created a potentially large commercial market for multimedia applications applied over wireless ad hoc networks. This dissertation focuses on the routing aspects of ad hoc networking. The multi-hop routes between nodes constantly change as the mobile nodes migrate. Ad hoc network routing algorithms must therefore adapt to the dynamic and unpredictable topology changes, the random radio propagation conditions and portable power sources. Various routing protocols have been proposed in the literature for ad hoc networks. These protocols together with comparative simulations are discussed and a new protocol based on load balancing and signal quality determination is proposed . and the simulation results are presented. Currently the proposed routing protocols are compared using simulation packages which are often time consuming. This dissertation proposes a mathematical model for evaluating the routing protocols and the resultant end-to-end blocking probabilities. The mathematical model is based on a derivation of the reduced load approximation for analysing networks modelled as loss networks and the evaluation incorporates and adapts models that have been used for the analysis of cellular Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems. While analytical methods of solving blocking probability can potentially generate results orders of magnitude faster than simulation, they are more importantly essential to network sensitivity analysis, design and optimisation