1,375 research outputs found

    Efficient delay-tolerant particle filtering

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    This paper proposes a novel framework for delay-tolerant particle filtering that is computationally efficient and has limited memory requirements. Within this framework the informativeness of a delayed (out-of-sequence) measurement (OOSM) is estimated using a lightweight procedure and uninformative measurements are immediately discarded. The framework requires the identification of a threshold that separates informative from uninformative; this threshold selection task is formulated as a constrained optimization problem, where the goal is to minimize tracking error whilst controlling the computational requirements. We develop an algorithm that provides an approximate solution for the optimization problem. Simulation experiments provide an example where the proposed framework processes less than 40% of all OOSMs with only a small reduction in tracking accuracy

    Statistical Methods for Semiconductor Manufacturing

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    In this thesis techniques for non-parametric modeling, machine learning, filtering and prediction and run-to-run control for semiconductor manufacturing are described. In particular, algorithms have been developed for two major applications area: - Virtual Metrology (VM) systems; - Predictive Maintenance (PdM) systems. Both technologies have proliferated in the past recent years in the semiconductor industries, called fabs, in order to increment productivity and decrease costs. VM systems aim of predicting quantities on the wafer, the main and basic product of the semiconductor industry, that may be physically measurable or not. These quantities are usually ’costly’ to be measured in economic or temporal terms: the prediction is based on process variables and/or logistic information on the production that, instead, are always available and that can be used for modeling without further costs. PdM systems, on the other hand, aim at predicting when a maintenance action has to be performed. This approach to maintenance management, based like VM on statistical methods and on the availability of process/logistic data, is in contrast with other classical approaches: - Run-to-Failure (R2F), where there are no interventions performed on the machine/process until a new breaking or specification violation happens in the production; - Preventive Maintenance (PvM), where the maintenances are scheduled in advance based on temporal intervals or on production iterations. Both aforementioned approaches are not optimal, because they do not assure that breakings and wasting of wafers will not happen and, in the case of PvM, they may lead to unnecessary maintenances without completely exploiting the lifetime of the machine or of the process. The main goal of this thesis is to prove through several applications and feasibility studies that the use of statistical modeling algorithms and control systems can improve the efficiency, yield and profits of a manufacturing environment like the semiconductor one, where lots of data are recorded and can be employed to build mathematical models. We present several original contributions, both in the form of applications and methods. The introduction of this thesis will be an overview on the semiconductor fabrication process: the most common practices on Advanced Process Control (APC) systems and the major issues for engineers and statisticians working in this area will be presented. Furthermore we will illustrate the methods and mathematical models used in the applications. We will then discuss in details the following applications: - A VM system for the estimation of the thickness deposited on the wafer by the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process, that exploits Fault Detection and Classification (FDC) data is presented. In this tool a new clustering algorithm based on Information Theory (IT) elements have been proposed. In addition, the Least Angle Regression (LARS) algorithm has been applied for the first time to VM problems. - A new VM module for multi-step (CVD, Etching and Litography) line is proposed, where Multi-Task Learning techniques have been employed. - A new Machine Learning algorithm based on Kernel Methods for the estimation of scalar outputs from time series inputs is illustrated. - Run-to-Run control algorithms that employ both the presence of physical measures and statistical ones (coming from a VM system) is shown; this tool is based on IT elements. - A PdM module based on filtering and prediction techniques (Kalman Filter, Monte Carlo methods) is developed for the prediction of maintenance interventions in the Epitaxy process. - A PdM system based on Elastic Nets for the maintenance predictions in Ion Implantation tool is described. Several of the aforementioned works have been developed in collaborations with major European semiconductor companies in the framework of the European project UE FP7 IMPROVE (Implementing Manufacturing science solutions to increase equiPment pROductiVity and fab pErformance); such collaborations will be specified during the thesis, underlying the practical aspects of the implementation of the proposed technologies in a real industrial environment

    The motion of a deforming capsule through a corner

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    A three-dimensional deformable capsule convected through a square duct with a corner is studied via numerical simulations. We develop an accelerated boundary integral implementation adapted to general geometries and boundary conditions. A global spectral method is adopted to resolve the dynamics of the capsule membrane developing elastic tension according to the neo-Hookean constitutive law and bending moments in an inertialess flow. The simulations show that the trajectory of the capsule closely follows the underlying streamlines independently of the capillary number. The membrane deformability, on the other hand, significantly influences the relative area variations, the advection velocity and the principal tensions observed during the capsule motion. The evolution of the capsule velocity displays a loss of the time-reversal symmetry of Stokes flow due to the elasticity of the membrane. The velocity decreases while the capsule is approaching the corner as the background flow does, reaches a minimum at the corner and displays an overshoot past the corner due to the streamwise elongation induced by the flow acceleration in the downstream branch. This velocity overshoot increases with confinement while the maxima of the major principal tension increase linearly with the inverse of the duct width. Finally, the deformation and tension of the capsule are shown to decrease in a curved corner

    Evaluation of iterative Kalman smoother schemes for multi-decadal past climate analysis with comprehensive Earth system models

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    Paleoclimate reconstruction based on assimilation of proxy observations requires specification of the control variables and their background statistics. As opposed to numerical weather prediction (NWP), which is mostly an initial condition problem, the main source of error growth in deterministic Earth system models (ESMs) regarding the model low-frequency response comes from errors in other inputs: parameters for the small-scale physics, as well as forcing and boundary conditions. Also, comprehensive ESMs are non-linear and only a few ensemble members can be run in current high-performance computers. Under these conditions we evaluate two assimilation schemes, which (a) count on iterations to deal with non-linearity and (b) are based on low-dimensional control vectors to reduce the computational need. The practical implementation would assume that the ESM has been previously globally tuned with current observations and that for a given situation there is previous knowledge of the most sensitive inputs (given corresponding uncertainties), which should be selected as control variables. The low dimension of the control vector allows for using full-rank covariances and resorting to finite-difference sensitivities (FDSs). The schemes are then an FDS implementation of the iterative Kalman smoother (FDS-IKS, a Gauss–Newton scheme) and a so-called FDS-multistep Kalman smoother (FDS-MKS, based on repeated assimilation of the observations). We describe the schemes and evaluate the analysis step for a data assimilation window in two numerical experiments: (a) a simple 1-D energy balance model (Ebm1D; which has an adjoint code) with present-day surface air temperature from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data as a target and (b) a multi-decadal synthetic case with the Community Earth System Model (CESM v1.2, with no adjoint). In the Ebm1D experiment, the FDS-IKS converges to the same parameters and cost function values as a 4D-Var scheme. For similar iterations to the FDS-IKS, the FDS-MKS results in slightly higher cost function values, which are still substantially lower than those of an ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF). In the CESM experiment, we include an ETKF with Gaussian anamorphosis (ETKF-GA) implementation as a potential non-linear assimilation alternative. For three iterations, both FDS schemes obtain cost functions values that are close between them and (with about half the computational cost) lower than those of the ETKF and ETKF-GA (with similar cost function values). Overall, the FDS-IKS seems more adequate for the problem, with the FDS-MKS potentially more useful to damp increments in early iterations of the FDS-IKS
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