3 research outputs found

    Exchange Rate Forecasting Using Entropy Optimized Multivariate Wavelet Denoising Model

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    Exchange rate is one of the key variables in the international economics and international trade. Its movement constitutes one of the most important dynamic systems, characterized by nonlinear behaviors. It becomes more volatile and sensitive to increasingly diversified influencing factors with higher level of deregulation and global integration worldwide. Facing the increasingly diversified and more integrated market environment, the forecasting model in the exchange markets needs to address the individual and interdependent heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose the heterogeneous market hypothesis- (HMH-) based exchange rate modeling methodology to model the micromarket structure. Then we further propose the entropy optimized wavelet-based forecasting algorithm under the proposed methodology to forecast the exchange rate movement. The multivariate wavelet denoising algorithm is used to separate and extract the underlying data components with distinct features, which are modeled with multivariate time series models of different specifications and parameters. The maximum entropy is introduced to select the best basis and model parameters to construct the most effective forecasting algorithm. Empirical studies in both Chinese and European markets have been conducted to confirm the significant performance improvement when the proposed model is tested against the benchmark models


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    Experience from the banking crises during the past two decades suggest that advanced prediction models are needed for helping prevent bank failures. This paper compares the ability of artificial neural networks and support vector machines in predicting bank failures. Although artificial neural networks have widely been applied complex problems in business, the literature utilizing support vector machines is relatively narrow and their capability for predicting bank failures is not very familiar. In this paper, these two intelligent techniques are applied to a dataset of Turkish commercial banks. Empirical findings show that although the prediction performance of the two models can be considered as satisfactory, neural networks show slightly better predictive ability than support vector machines. In addition, different types of error from each model also indicate that neural network models are better predictors.Iskustvo stečeno u bankarskoj krizi u posljednja dva desetljeća upućuje na potrebu korištenja naprednih modela predviđanja u svrhu prevencije propasti banaka. Ovaj rad uspoređuje sposobnost umjetnih neuronskih mreža i strojeva s potpornim vektorima da predvide propast banaka. Iako se umjetne neuronske mreže često koriste za složene probleme u poslovanju, literatura koja spominje strojeve s potpornim vektorima je relativno malobrojna a njihova sposobnost predviđanja propasti banaka nije previše poznata. U ovom radu su ove dvije inteligentne tehnike primijenjene na sklop podataka turskih komercijalnih banaka. Empirijski rezultati pokazuju da iako se predviđanje dvaju modela može smatrati zadovoljavajućim, neuronske mreže pokazuju nešto bolju sposobnost predviđanja od strojeva s potpornim vektorima. Osim toga, različite vrste grešaka u svakom modelu također ukazuju na to da su modeli s neuronskim mrežama bolji prediktori

    Equity price predictions of selected African emerging markets

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    Abstract : Predicting equity share prices could be useful to various stakeholders. The common methods used to forecast equity share price besides the naïve model are the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models, however, no conclusion has been reached as to which model produces the most accurate predictions. In this research, ARCH and GARCH forecasting models (and their extended variants), as well as the Monte Carlo Simulation, were used to forecast price-weighted equity indices that were constructed from the South African, Nigerian, and Kenyan share markets. These three countries were selected based on their significance in the African continent due to the relative size of their economies and the liquidity of their share markets. The daily closing share prices for companies listed on the FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index, NSE Top 30 Index, and the NrSE Top 20 Index were collected between the 4th of January 2010 and the 30th of June 2015. The companies that were selected from each of these indices to construct the price-weighted indices for each country, were based on criteria to eliminate bias. Different autoregressive models were fitted for the mean equation. The EViews statistical programme was used to analyse the data. The ARCH effects were tested using the ARCH LM test. The ARCH/GARCH family models selected were GARCH (2,1), EGARCH (2,2), and EGARCH (2,1) for Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa respectively. A Monte Carlo Simulation with 1 200 iterations was also performed to forecast the equity share prices. Post estimation and performance evaluation metrics were performed using the RMSE, MSE, MAD, and MAPE. The results based on the evaluation metrics indicated that the ARCH/GARCH models in-sample forecasts were more accurate than out-of-sample forecasts. The accuracy of the ARCH/GARCH models’ predictions was sounder than that of the Monte Carlo Simulation based on the evaluation metrics. Comparing the forecasting models to the actual graphs, in most cases the ARCH/GARCH models were closer to the actuals than the Monte Carlo II Simulation. The accuracy of the model predictions were also influenced by the sample size, the nature of the data, the leverage effect, and the macro economic conditions. In conclusion, the African equity markets cannot be predicted accurately using the ARCH/GARCH models and the Monte Carlo Simulation. The predictions from the forecasting models are not sufficiently accurate for investors, traders, and company management to use to make informed decisions. However, these predictions are better than the naïve model. The researcher also concluded that the markets are efficient, as the publicly available information cannot be used to gain abnormal returns. This study’s findings are similar to those of previous studies carried out in South Africa and globally.M.Com. (Finance