13 research outputs found

    Drivers and Challenges of Wearable Devices Use: Content Analysis of Online Users Reviews

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    With recent advancements in wearable device technologies, there is still a need to investigate drivers and challenges associated with the use of these devices. Following a content analysis approach, this study leverages recent “found large-scale” data to better understand the drivers and challenges that affect the adoption and use of such devices. Analyzing a total of 16,717 online reviews about wearable devices, the findings emphasized the importance of various functionalities (perceived usefulness), appeal, and a number of device design features as the most prominent drivers, while concerns about quality, credibility, and perceived value as potential challenges to wearable adoption and continued use. The findings could inform theoretical models for technology adoption and continued use and can also provide guidance to the design and development of wearable devices

    Systematically Monitoring Social Media: the case of the German federal election 2017

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    It is a considerable task to collect digital trace data at a large scale and at the same time adhere to established academic standards. In the context of political communication, important challenges are (1) defining the social media accounts and posts relevant to the campaign (content validity), (2) operationalizing the venues where relevant social media activity takes place (construct validity), (3) capturing all of the relevant social media activity (reliability), and (4) sharing as much data as possible for reuse and replication (objectivity). This project by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and the E-Democracy Program of the University of Koblenz-Landau conducted such an effort. We concentrated on the two social media networks of most political relevance, Facebook and Twitter.Comment: PID: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-56149-4, GESIS Papers 2018|

    From social computing to digital transformation: the advent of the social machine / Da computação social à transformação digital: o advento da máquina social

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    A internet suas inovações mudaram novos paradigmas e estratégias de crescimento de processos, métodos, sistemas organizacionais e sociais, transformando em transformações e digitais. Um dos paradigmas é os problemas de máquinas que integram elementos computacionais e sociais software, fazendo com que a complexidade de operações e serviços pautados seja pela sociedade e pela sociedade sejam adaptados à prática de resolução de problemas sociais. A forma como o software foi desenvolvido, implantado e usado mudou ao longo do tempo como o software foi desenvolvido, implantado e usado ao mesmo tempo que o mesmo tempo de relacionamento e data similar anteriormente conhecido.Este estudo como conseqüências das transformações modernas tem importância, a partir da existência da transformação social da transformação social, a partir da existência da transformação social da transformação social, a partir da existência da transformação social e da transformação social, a partir da existência da transformação social da transformação digital. Esta pesquisa social pensada como sistemas de informação, computação social, máquinas, transformação digital e empreendedorismo. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa foi baseada na Design Science Research (DSR) que utilizou uma abordagem metodológica teórica-conceitual baseada em revisão humana entre literatura, observando a evolução das técnicas, inovação e negócios.O processo de transformação digital tem a ver com as mudanças comportamentais projetadas pela inovação das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) e da estratégia empresarial. O advento da Máquina Social gerou um processo de revolução de paradigmas, 

    Politische Maschinen: Maschinelles Lernen für das Verständnis von sozialen Maschinen

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    This thesis investigates human-algorithm interactions in sociotechnological ecosystems. Specifically, it applies machine learning and statistical methods to uncover political dimensions of algorithmic influence in social media platforms and automated decision making systems. Based on the results, the study discusses the legal, political and ethical consequences of algorithmic implementations.Diese Arbeit untersucht Mensch-Algorithmen-Interaktionen in sozio-technologischen Ökosystemen. Sie wendet maschinelles Lernen und statistische Methoden an, um politische Dimensionen des algorithmischen Einflusses auf Socialen Medien und automatisierten Entscheidungssystemen aufzudecken. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse diskutiert die Studie die rechtlichen, politischen und ethischen Konsequenzen von algorithmischen Anwendungen

    Computational social science for the World Wide Web

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    In this article, we want to introduce the field of computational social science to the intelligent systems community and discuss how this field can help to advance the current state of understanding and engineering social-computational systems on the World Wide Web. Overall, this article makes an argument that computational social science offers a unique range of challenges as well as methods and techniques that can help understand and engineer systems on the World Wide Web

    Computational social science for the world wide web

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    Computational social science for the world wide web

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    Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web

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