3 research outputs found

    Three dimensional visualisation of Port Dickson Polytechnic campus in cityengine web viewer

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    Development of modern technology and its ability to store, process and supply of digital data has led to a demand for three dimensional (3D) modeling of virtual campus has increased dramatically. Of late, many educational institutes have developed their own campus geodatabase in 3D environment. In this research, the emphasis is given on the development of the 3D building model campus using close range photogrammetry approach due to high cost of data acquisition techniques using airbone laser scanning, terrestrial laser scanning techniques and availability of data. Thus, the close range photogrammetry technique has been selected due to low cost method for data acquisition through capturing the selected building photographs using digital camera. In order to develop the 3D building models, six buildings with different architectural designs and geometries in Port Dickson Polytechnic campus have been chosen as prototype which are modelled using close range photogrammtry approach. The photographs of buildings are then processed using PhotoModeler software to produce the 3D building models in the level of detail (LoD) 2. The building models are textured with the real photographs taken from the field while the roof of the buildings are edited using the SketchUp software. The building models are also georeferenced to the real world coordinate system based on the geocentric Rectified Skew Orthomorphic (RSO) coordinate system. Due to the lack of information access on the web in 3D, CityEngine Web Viewer is used for 3D visualisation of the building models and supported features are also be added to create a realistic model of 3D virtual campus. Through the viewer, the users are able to navigate the 3D building models, zooming and performing the spatial query to extract the information of the buildings. The accuracy of 3D buildings models are evaluated and determined based on the visual analyses and quantitative analyses. At the end of the research, the 3D buildings models can be visualised in the LoD 2

    Design of light-structure solar trackers for agrivoltaic applications

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    [SPA] En respuesta al cambio climático, cada vez hay más instalaciones fotovoltaicas en terrenos agrícolas, lo que supone un riesgo potencial para la seguridad alimentaria en un contexto de crecimiento demográfico. Como solución, el concepto de agrovoltaica, que implica el doble uso del suelo agrícola combinando las instalaciones fotovoltaicas con las actividades agrícolas en curso, ha suscitado una gran atención en el mundo académico. Para garantizar la mínima interrupción de las operaciones agrícolas, los sistemas agrovoltaicos a menudo incorporan estructuras elevadas, lo que conlleva un aumento de los costes estructurales en comparación con los sistemas fotovoltaicos tradicionales montados en el suelo. El objetivo de esta investigación es diseñar una estructura agrovoltaica ligera. El sistema propuesto presenta una estructura de seguimiento solar, elevada 5 metros sobre el terreno, con módulos fotovoltaicos montados sobre cables, que abarca distancias entre pilares estructurales que permiten que sea compatible con el paso de maquinaria agrícola convencional. La integridad estructural estática del sistema se establece mediante cálculos analíticos y simulaciones numéricas. El diseño final tiene una eficiencia de uso del suelo de 1.19 para un cultivo típico como la lechuga, lo que lo hace un 19 % más eficiente que los usos separados del suelo para la generación de electricidad fotovoltaica o la producción agrícola. Este estudio contribuye al desarrollo de soluciones energéticas sostenibles que maximicen la utilización del suelo y mitiguen los posibles conflictos entre el desarrollo de energías renovables y la productividad agrícola. [ENG] In response to climate change, an increasing number of photovoltaic installations are being implemented on agricultural land, creating a potential risk to food security in a worlwide growing population context. As a solution, the concept of agrivoltaics, which involves the dual land use of agricultural grounds by combining photovoltaic installations with ongoing agricultural activities, has gained significant attention in academia. To ensure minimal disruption to agricultural operations, agrivoltaic systems often incorporate elevated structures, leading to increased structural costs compared to traditional ground-mounted photovoltaics. This research aims to design a lightweight agrivoltaic structure. The proposed system features a 5-meter solar tracking structure with cablemounted photovoltaic modules, spanning distances between structural pillars several times wider than conventional agricultural machinery. The static structural integrity of the system is established through analytical calculations and numerical simulations. The final design has a land use efficiency of 1.19 for a typical crop such as lettuce, making it 19 % more efficient than separate land uses for photovoltaic electricity generation or agricultural production. This study contributes to the development of sustainable energy solutions that maximize land utilization and mitigate potential conflicts between renewable energy development and agricultural productivity.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen