82,931 research outputs found

    Sign rank versus VC dimension

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    This work studies the maximum possible sign rank of N×NN \times N sign matrices with a given VC dimension dd. For d=1d=1, this maximum is {three}. For d=2d=2, this maximum is Θ~(N1/2)\tilde{\Theta}(N^{1/2}). For d>2d >2, similar but slightly less accurate statements hold. {The lower bounds improve over previous ones by Ben-David et al., and the upper bounds are novel.} The lower bounds are obtained by probabilistic constructions, using a theorem of Warren in real algebraic topology. The upper bounds are obtained using a result of Welzl about spanning trees with low stabbing number, and using the moment curve. The upper bound technique is also used to: (i) provide estimates on the number of classes of a given VC dimension, and the number of maximum classes of a given VC dimension -- answering a question of Frankl from '89, and (ii) design an efficient algorithm that provides an O(N/log⁥(N))O(N/\log(N)) multiplicative approximation for the sign rank. We also observe a general connection between sign rank and spectral gaps which is based on Forster's argument. Consider the N×NN \times N adjacency matrix of a Δ\Delta regular graph with a second eigenvalue of absolute value λ\lambda and Δ≀N/2\Delta \leq N/2. We show that the sign rank of the signed version of this matrix is at least Δ/λ\Delta/\lambda. We use this connection to prove the existence of a maximum class C⊆{±1}NC\subseteq\{\pm 1\}^N with VC dimension 22 and sign rank Θ~(N1/2)\tilde{\Theta}(N^{1/2}). This answers a question of Ben-David et al.~regarding the sign rank of large VC classes. We also describe limitations of this approach, in the spirit of the Alon-Boppana theorem. We further describe connections to communication complexity, geometry, learning theory, and combinatorics.Comment: 33 pages. This is a revised version of the paper "Sign rank versus VC dimension". Additional results in this version: (i) Estimates on the number of maximum VC classes (answering a question of Frankl from '89). (ii) Estimates on the sign rank of large VC classes (answering a question of Ben-David et al. from '03). (iii) A discussion on the computational complexity of computing the sign-ran

    Intrinsic universality and the computational power of self-assembly

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    This short survey of recent work in tile self-assembly discusses the use of simulation to classify and separate the computational and expressive power of self-assembly models. The journey begins with the result that there is a single universal tile set that, with proper initialization and scaling, simulates any tile assembly system. This universal tile set exhibits something stronger than Turing universality: it captures the geometry and dynamics of any simulated system. From there we find that there is no such tile set in the noncooperative, or temperature 1, model, proving it weaker than the full tile assembly model. In the two-handed or hierarchal model, where large assemblies can bind together on one step, we encounter an infinite set, of infinite hierarchies, each with strictly increasing simulation power. Towards the end of our trip, we find one tile to rule them all: a single rotatable flipable polygonal tile that can simulate any tile assembly system. It seems this could be the beginning of a much longer journey, so directions for future work are suggested.Comment: In Proceedings MCU 2013, arXiv:1309.104

    Doubly infinite separation of quantum information and communication

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    We prove the existence of (one-way) communication tasks with a subconstant versus superconstant asymptotic gap, which we call "doubly infinite," between their quantum information and communication complexities. We do so by studying the exclusion game [C. Perry et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 030504 (2015)] for which there exist instances where the quantum information complexity tends to zero as the size of the input nn increases. By showing that the quantum communication complexity of these games scales at least logarithmically in nn, we obtain our result. We further show that the established lower bounds and gaps still hold even if we allow a small probability of error. However in this case, the nn-qubit quantum message of the zero-error strategy can be compressed polynomially.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. v4: minor errors fixed; close to published version; v5: financial support info adde

    Unbounded-error One-way Classical and Quantum Communication Complexity

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    This paper studies the gap between quantum one-way communication complexity Q(f)Q(f) and its classical counterpart C(f)C(f), under the {\em unbounded-error} setting, i.e., it is enough that the success probability is strictly greater than 1/2. It is proved that for {\em any} (total or partial) Boolean function ff, Q(f)=⌈C(f)/2⌉Q(f)=\lceil C(f)/2 \rceil, i.e., the former is always exactly one half as large as the latter. The result has an application to obtaining (again an exact) bound for the existence of (m,n,p)(m,n,p)-QRAC which is the nn-qubit random access coding that can recover any one of mm original bits with success probability ≄p\geq p. We can prove that (m,n,>1/2)(m,n,>1/2)-QRAC exists if and only if m≀22n−1m\leq 2^{2n}-1. Previously, only the construction of QRAC using one qubit, the existence of (O(n),n,>1/2)(O(n),n,>1/2)-RAC, and the non-existence of (22n,n,>1/2)(2^{2n},n,>1/2)-QRAC were known.Comment: 9 pages. To appear in Proc. ICALP 200

    Origin Gaps and the Eternal Sunshine of the Second-Order Pendulum

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    The rich experiences of an intentional, goal-oriented life emerge, in an unpredictable fashion, from the basic laws of physics. Here I argue that this unpredictability is no mirage: there are true gaps between life and non-life, mind and mindlessness, and even between functional societies and groups of Hobbesian individuals. These gaps, I suggest, emerge from the mathematics of self-reference, and the logical barriers to prediction that self-referring systems present. Still, a mathematical truth does not imply a physical one: the universe need not have made self-reference possible. It did, and the question then is how. In the second half of this essay, I show how a basic move in physics, known as renormalization, transforms the "forgetful" second-order equations of fundamental physics into a rich, self-referential world that makes possible the major transitions we care so much about. While the universe runs in assembly code, the coarse-grained version runs in LISP, and it is from that the world of aim and intention grows.Comment: FQXI Prize Essay 2017. 18 pages, including afterword on Ostrogradsky's Theorem and an exchange with John Bova, Dresden Craig, and Paul Livingsto


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    We believe that economic design and computational complexity---while already important to each other---should become even more important to each other with each passing year. But for that to happen, experts in on the one hand such areas as social choice, economics, and political science and on the other hand computational complexity will have to better understand each other's worldviews. This article, written by two complexity theorists who also work in computational social choice theory, focuses on one direction of that process by presenting a brief overview of how most computational complexity theorists view the world. Although our immediate motivation is to make the lens through which complexity theorists see the world be better understood by those in the social sciences, we also feel that even within computer science it is very important for nontheoreticians to understand how theoreticians think, just as it is equally important within computer science for theoreticians to understand how nontheoreticians think

    The Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm applied to random optimization problems: the quantum spin glass perspective

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    Among various algorithms designed to exploit the specific properties of quantum computers with respect to classical ones, the quantum adiabatic algorithm is a versatile proposition to find the minimal value of an arbitrary cost function (ground state energy). Random optimization problems provide a natural testbed to compare its efficiency with that of classical algorithms. These problems correspond to mean field spin glasses that have been extensively studied in the classical case. This paper reviews recent analytical works that extended these studies to incorporate the effect of quantum fluctuations, and presents also some original results in this direction.Comment: 151 pages, 21 figure
