78 research outputs found

    Analytical assessment of torque and stator currents of an induction motor due to voltage sags

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    Voltage sag is a frequently encountered phenomenon in a power system to which many three phase induction motors are directly connected. This paper presents a simple analytical method for calculation of net electro-magnetic torque and stator currents of an induction motor subjected to symmetrical as well as unsymmetrical sags in supply voltage. This work presents an innovative path to compute net electro-magnetic torque and increase in stator currents for all seven types of sags using the well-known symmetrical component theory. Such a simple method and expressions used in this paper are not reported in the literature reviewed so far. The computation is further extended for different load conditions while varying the symmetrical sag magnitude. The simplicity of analytical assessment of loading effect on electro-magnetic torque from no-load to full-load condition for all sag types is presented. The outcome of the study was verified by imitating the environments for various types of sag in MATLAB/Simulink. The observations are that the average output torque of a motor decreases and ripple in power increases during unsymmetrical sags

    Dynamic Phasor Modeling of Type 3 Wind Farm including Multi-mass and LVRT Effects

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    The proportion of power attributable to wind generation has grown significantly in the last two decades. System impact studies such as load flow studies and short circuit studies, are important for planning before integration of any new wind generation into the existing power grid. Short circuit modelling is central in these planning studies to determine protective relay settings, protection coordination, and equipment ratings. Numerous factors, such as low voltage situations, power electronic switching, control actions, sub-synchronous oscillations, etc., influence the response of wind farms to short circuit conditions, and that makes short circuit modelling of wind farms an interesting, complex, and challenging task. Power electronics-based converters are very common in wind power plants, enabling the plant to operate at a wide range of wind speeds and provide reactive power support without disconnection from the grid during low voltage scenarios. This has led to the growth of Type 3 (with rotor side converter) and Type 4 (with stator side full converter) wind generators, in which power electronics-based converters and controls are an integral part. The power electronics in these generators are proprietary in nature, which makes it difficult to obtain the necessary information from the manufacturer to model them accurately in planning studies for conditions such as those found during faults or low voltage ride through (LVRT) periods. The use of power electronic controllers also has led to phenomena such as sub-synchronous control interactions in series compensated Type 3 wind farms, which are characterized by non-fundamental frequency oscillations. The above factors have led to the need to develop generic models for wind farms that can be used in studies by planners and protection engineers. The current practice for short circuit modelling of wind farms in the power industry is to utilize transient stability programs based on either simplified electromechanical fundamental frequency models or detailed electromagnetic time domain models. The fundamental frequency models are incapable of representing the majority of critical wind generator fault characteristics, such as during power electronic switching conditions and sub-synchronous interactions. The detailed time domain models, though accurate, demand high levels of computation and modelling expertise. A simple yet accurate modelling methodology for wind generators that does not require resorting to fundamental frequency based simplifications or time domain type simulations is the basis for this research work. This research work develops an average value model and a dynamic phasor model of a Type 3 DFIG wind farm. The average value model replaces the switches and associated phenomena by equivalent current and voltage sources. The dynamic phasor model is based on generalized averaging theory, where the system variables are represented as time varying Fourier coefficients known as dynamic phasors. The two types models provide a generic type model and achieve a middle ground between conventional electromechanical models and the cumbersome electromagnetic time domain models. The dynamic phasor model enables the user to consider each harmonic component individually; this selective view of the components of the system response is not achievable in conventional electromagnetic transient simulations. Only the appropriate dynamic phasors are selected for the required fault behaviour to be represented, providing greater computational efficiency than detailed time domain simulations. A detailed electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation model is also developed in this thesis using a real-time digital simulator (RTDS). The results obtained with the average value model and the dynamic phasor model are validated with an accurate electromagnetic simulation model and some state-of-the-art industrial schemes: a voltage behind transient reactance model, an analytical expression model, and a voltage dependent current source model. The proposed RTDS models include the effect of change of flux during faulted conditions in the wind generator during abnormal system conditions instead of incorrectly assuming it is a constant. This was not investigated in previous studies carried out in the real-time simulations laboratory at the University of Saskatchewan or in various publications reported in the literature. The most commonly used LVRT topologies, such as rotor side crowbar circuit, DC-link protection scheme, and series dynamic braking resistance (SDBR) in rotor and stator circuits, are investigated in the short circuit studies. The RTDS model developed uses a multi-mass (three-mass) model of the mechanical drive train instead of a simple single-mass model to represent torsional dynamics. The single mass model considers the blade inertia, the turbine hub, and the generator as a single lumped mass and so cannot reproduce the torsional behaviour. The root cause of sub-synchronous frequencies in Type 3 wind generators is not well understood by system planners and protection engineers. Some literature reports it is self excitation while others report it is due to sub-synchronous control interactions. One publication in the stability literature reports on a small signal analysis study aimed at finding the root cause of the problem, and a similar type of analysis was performed in this thesis. A linearized model was developed, which includes the generator model, a three mass drive train, rotor side converter, and the grid side converter represented as a constant voltage source. The linear model analysis showed that the sub-synchronous oscillations are due to control interactions between the rotor side controller of the Type 3 wind power plant and the series capacitor in the transmission line. The rotor side controls were tuned to obtain a stable response at higher levels of compensation. A real-time simulation model of a 450 MW Type 3 wind farm consisting of 150 units transmitting power via 345 kV transmission line was developed on the RTDS. The dynamic phasor method is shown to be accurate for representing faults at the point of interconnection of the wind farm to the grid for balanced and unbalanced faults as well as for different sub- synchronous oscillation frequencies


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    This paper presents the analysis of power system and the approaches taken to model and simulate power system of an industrial plant. The analysis is very crucial in planning, designing, and operating stages of the system to confirm all the design parameter are as per system design requirement to avoid any interruption in supply which may cause a loss in revenue as well as jeop&rdising the safety of the plant and plant personnel. To predict and understand the behavior of this system, analysis including load flow study for steady-state operation and short circuit study to calculate the maximum fault current need to be done. The main objective of this project is to develop an analysis of a practical plant model which includes all the important elements in a power system. The scope of the project includes the modeling and simulation of the industrial plant using a computer-aided simulation tool. Correct input, output data and assumption shall be made to ensure all the simulation and data interpretations are accurate. The model plant here refers to an industrial petrochemical plant. MA TLAB has been chosen to model and simulate the power system analysis due to its flexible software structure with wide selection of toolbox, model, and programme which enable user to perform engineering analysis in specific condition. In this simulation, the actual behavior of the system can be analyzed. Within a time frame of 12 months, the project is assumed feasible as it only uses established data from one of a petrochemical plant and development of the mod()! in software for simulation. Finally all the calculation result will be observe and analyze to observe the behavior of the system. The simulation also allows the engineer to assess the performance of the system during the design stage and when system is already operating

    Power quality analysis for renewable power generation in household

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    Power quality is becoming essential part of Power Industry. The introduction of smarter and more sensitive equipment at both grid and residential level has created performance issues that need investigation. The cost of the power losses is rising due to power quality problems. The other significant factor that is proving vital is the customer dissatisfaction. The introduction of Renewable Energy (RE) into modern grids has also created Power Quality (PQ) problems. A study is required to narrow down the factors that can cause these PQ issues. The power companies are buying electricity back from the consumer produced by these RE sources. The power produced by RE sources coming into the electrical grid needs to be monitored. The research will focus on the factors that impact PQ especially the Total Harmonic Distortion in a electrical grid powered by renewable sources. The factors impacting power quality will be studied in detail by using an simulation approach aided by an experimental set up. The simulation approach will be used to test the hypothesis that total harmonic distortion increases by changing the nature and size of the load in the electrical system. The load type used for the research will be linear and nonlinear loads. The simulation will use single and three phase electrical system. The simulation results will be analysed and discussed. The experimental setup will be used to verify the simulation result. The experiment will be conducted on different set of load to observe the impact on the total harmonic distortion in particular. The experimental result will be collected over period of time enabling the researcher to study in detail the impact of weather, temperature, and inclination of solar panels. These factors will impact the research result. The collected data will be presented for discussion

    Power quality analysis for renewable power generation in household

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    Power quality is becoming essential part of Power Industry. The introduction of smarter and more sensitive equipment at both grid and residential level has created performance issues that need investigation. The cost of the power losses is rising due to power quality problems. The other significant factor that is proving vital is the customer dissatisfaction. The introduction of Renewable Energy (RE) into modern grids has also created Power Quality (PQ) problems. A study is required to narrow down the factors that can cause these PQ issues. The power companies are buying electricity back from the consumer produced by these RE sources. The power produced by RE sources coming into the electrical grid needs to be monitored. The research will focus on the factors that impact PQ especially the Total Harmonic Distortion in a electrical grid powered by renewable sources. The factors impacting power quality will be studied in detail by using an simulation approach aided by an experimental set up. The simulation approach will be used to test the hypothesis that total harmonic distortion increases by changing the nature and size of the load in the electrical system. The load type used for the research will be linear and nonlinear loads. The simulation will use single and three phase electrical system. The simulation results will be analysed and discussed. The experimental setup will be used to verify the simulation result. The experiment will be conducted on different set of load to observe the impact on the total harmonic distortion in particular. The experimental result will be collected over period of time enabling the researcher to study in detail the impact of weather, temperature, and inclination of solar panels. These factors will impact the research result. The collected data will be presented for discussion

    Power System Analysis At Plant Distribution System

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    This paper presents the analysis of power system and the approaches taken to model and simulate power system of an industrial plant. The analysis is very crucial in planning, designing, and operating stages of the system to confirm all the design parameter are as per system design requirement to avoid any interruption in supply which may cause a loss in revenue as well as jeopardising the safety of the plant and plant personnel. To predict and understand the behavior of this system, analysis including load flow study for steady-state operation and short circuit study to calculate the maximum fault current need to be done

    A novel assessment of unintentional islanding operations in distribution networks

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    This thesis aims to investigate an unexpected islanding operation (IO) which has been identified in a real distribution network. The process of recording and processing the data obtained from the field measurements in the distribution network (DN) has been the starting point of this research. It has to be underlined that this IO raised a problem and became a major challenge for the distribution operator. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is twofold; solving a real problem as well as further enhance the current research studies about IOs in DNs. IOs have been object of study during the recent years due to the rapid proliferation of the distributed generation (DG) within the so-called smart grids (SGs). Commonly, the power of these DG resources ranges between hundreds of kW and few MW and are allocated at either low voltage or medium voltage levels. One of the significant issues that these resources are raising is, undoubtedly, the IOs. These situations occur when a portion of the grid operates in parallel with the main grid following a disconnection. Thereby IOs, where the DG is energising the grid after a CB opening, must be identified and tripped in the minimum time possible. Failure to do so, the list of hurdles may include; power quality (PQ) disturbances (e.g., frequency and voltage out of range), a safety hazard for the network personnel or out-of-phase reclosings. That is the reason why the research towards the anti-islanding protection methods has elicited great interest. Fundamentally, the substantial improvement of this thesis lies in the fact that, in this IO, there are no DG resources, but large induction motors. In fact, the grid remains energised after the CB disconnection due to the induction motors (IMs) which transiently, act as generators. The island begins with the CB operation and ends when the CB recloses the circuit to restore the electrical supply. This rapid reclosing operation is widely adopted in DNs to avoid manual operations in self-extinguished faults and typically ranges between 0.5 and 1s. Given the fact that usually IOs are originated in the presence of DG, indeed, this IO is utterly unexpectedly for the DSO. Due to the phenomenon mentioned above, the specific goals of this thesis are described down below: 1. The first goal of this thesis focuses on developing a model suitable for validation purposes. To make a proper model validation, the simulations results obtained with this model will be compared with those obtained from field measurements. Thus, once the model has been validated, a thorough investigation regarding the most influential factors will be carried out. 2. The second goal of this thesis falls within the scope of the PQ. During the IO mentioned above, a new voltage sag topology is observed. Consequently, the efforts will be focused on modelling this new type of sag. 3. The third goal of this thesis emerges from the protective point of view. Once the IO has been defined and characterised, the need for identifying and preventing it becomes the main concern. In such a way, the third pillar of the thesis is targeted at implementing a suitable tool to prevent this particular IO. Besides, this new tool will be compared with the currently available methods for ID developed for scenarios with DG.Aquesta tesi te com a objectiu investigar una operació en illa no intencional, que ha set identificada en una xarxa de distribució real. El procés de registre i processament de les dades obtingudes a partir de les mesures de camp en la xarxa de distribució, ha estat el punt de partida d’aquesta investigació. Cal subratllar que aquesta operació en illa va plantejar un problema i es va convertir en un repte important per l’operador de distribució. Per tant, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és doble; resoldre un problema real, així com millorar els estudis de recerca actuals sobre les illes no intencionals en xarxes de distribució elèctrica. El fenomen de les illes dins una xarxa elèctrica, han estat objecte d’estudi durant els darrers anys a causa de la ràpida proliferació de la generació distribuïda. Habitualment, la potència d’aquests recursos distribuïts oscil·la entre centenars de kW i pocs MW i s’assignen a nivells de baixa tensió o mitja tensió. Una de les qüestions importants que plantegen aquests recursos és, sens dubte, les illes. Aquestes situacions es produeixen quan una part de la xarxa elèctrica funciona en paral·lel amb la xarxa principal després d’una desconnexió. Per això, les illes no intencionals es donen quan la generació distribuïda energitza la xarxa després de la obertura d’un interruptor. Principalment, l’objectiu es identificar aquesta situació i desconnectar dites fonts en el mínim temps possible. En el cas de que això no succeeixi, els següents disturbis poden produir-se; pertorbacions de la qualitat de potència (PQ) (per exemple, freqüència i tensió fora del rang), un perill per a la seguretat del personal de la xarxa o bé reconnexions fora de fase. Aquesta és la raó per la qual la investigació vers els mètodes de protecció “anti-islanding” han despertat un gran interès. Essencialment, la millora substancial d’aquesta tesi rau en el fet que, en aquesta illa, no hi ha recursos energètics distribuïts, sinó grans motors d’inducció. Així, la xarxa elèctrica continua energitzada després de la desconnexió del interruptor a causa dels motors d’inducció, que actuen de forma transitòria com a generadors. L’illa comença amb l’obertura del interruptor i finalitza quan aquest tanca el circuit per restablir el subministrament elèctric. Aquesta operació de reconnexió ràpid es freqüent en xarxes de distribució per evitar operacions manuals en faltes temporals i generalment oscil·la entre 0,5 i 1s. Tenint en compte que generalment les illes tenen l'origen en presència de generació distribuïda , realment, la illa elèctrica objecte d’aquesta tesi és inesperada per l’operador de distribució. A causa del fenomen esmentat anteriorment, els objectius específics d'aquesta tesi es descriuen a continuació: 1. El primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra a desenvolupar un model adequat per la validació. Per fer una validació adequada del model, es compararan els resultats de les simulacions obtinguts amb aquest model amb els obtinguts de les mesures de camp. Així, un cop validat el model, es durà a terme una investigació completa sobre els factors més influents. 2. El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi entra dins de l'àmbit d'aplicació del PQ. Durant l’esmentada illa, s’observa una nova topologia de forat de tensió. En conseqüència, els esforços se centraran en modelar aquest nou tipus de forat. 3. El tercer objectiu d'aquesta tesi s’emmarca en el punt de vista de proteccions. Un cop definida i caracteritzada l’illa, la necessitat d’identificar-la i prevenir-la esdevé la principal preocupació. D’aquesta manera, el tercer pilar de la tesi té com a objectiu la implementació d’una eina adequada per prevenir aquesta particular illa. A més, es compararà aquesta nova eina amb els actuals mètodes utilitzats per a identificar les illes en escenaris amb generació distribuïda

    A novel assessment of unintentional islanding operations in distribution networks

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    This thesis aims to investigate an unexpected islanding operation (IO) which has been identified in a real distribution network. The process of recording and processing the data obtained from the field measurements in the distribution network (DN) has been the starting point of this research. It has to be underlined that this IO raised a problem and became a major challenge for the distribution operator. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is twofold; solving a real problem as well as further enhance the current research studies about IOs in DNs. IOs have been object of study during the recent years due to the rapid proliferation of the distributed generation (DG) within the so-called smart grids (SGs). Commonly, the power of these DG resources ranges between hundreds of kW and few MW and are allocated at either low voltage or medium voltage levels. One of the significant issues that these resources are raising is, undoubtedly, the IOs. These situations occur when a portion of the grid operates in parallel with the main grid following a disconnection. Thereby IOs, where the DG is energising the grid after a CB opening, must be identified and tripped in the minimum time possible. Failure to do so, the list of hurdles may include; power quality (PQ) disturbances (e.g., frequency and voltage out of range), a safety hazard for the network personnel or out-of-phase reclosings. That is the reason why the research towards the anti-islanding protection methods has elicited great interest. Fundamentally, the substantial improvement of this thesis lies in the fact that, in this IO, there are no DG resources, but large induction motors. In fact, the grid remains energised after the CB disconnection due to the induction motors (IMs) which transiently, act as generators. The island begins with the CB operation and ends when the CB recloses the circuit to restore the electrical supply. This rapid reclosing operation is widely adopted in DNs to avoid manual operations in self-extinguished faults and typically ranges between 0.5 and 1s. Given the fact that usually IOs are originated in the presence of DG, indeed, this IO is utterly unexpectedly for the DSO. Due to the phenomenon mentioned above, the specific goals of this thesis are described down below: 1. The first goal of this thesis focuses on developing a model suitable for validation purposes. To make a proper model validation, the simulations results obtained with this model will be compared with those obtained from field measurements. Thus, once the model has been validated, a thorough investigation regarding the most influential factors will be carried out. 2. The second goal of this thesis falls within the scope of the PQ. During the IO mentioned above, a new voltage sag topology is observed. Consequently, the efforts will be focused on modelling this new type of sag. 3. The third goal of this thesis emerges from the protective point of view. Once the IO has been defined and characterised, the need for identifying and preventing it becomes the main concern. In such a way, the third pillar of the thesis is targeted at implementing a suitable tool to prevent this particular IO. Besides, this new tool will be compared with the currently available methods for ID developed for scenarios with DG.Aquesta tesi te com a objectiu investigar una operació en illa no intencional, que ha set identificada en una xarxa de distribució real. El procés de registre i processament de les dades obtingudes a partir de les mesures de camp en la xarxa de distribució, ha estat el punt de partida d’aquesta investigació. Cal subratllar que aquesta operació en illa va plantejar un problema i es va convertir en un repte important per l’operador de distribució. Per tant, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és doble; resoldre un problema real, així com millorar els estudis de recerca actuals sobre les illes no intencionals en xarxes de distribució elèctrica. El fenomen de les illes dins una xarxa elèctrica, han estat objecte d’estudi durant els darrers anys a causa de la ràpida proliferació de la generació distribuïda. Habitualment, la potència d’aquests recursos distribuïts oscil·la entre centenars de kW i pocs MW i s’assignen a nivells de baixa tensió o mitja tensió. Una de les qüestions importants que plantegen aquests recursos és, sens dubte, les illes. Aquestes situacions es produeixen quan una part de la xarxa elèctrica funciona en paral·lel amb la xarxa principal després d’una desconnexió. Per això, les illes no intencionals es donen quan la generació distribuïda energitza la xarxa després de la obertura d’un interruptor. Principalment, l’objectiu es identificar aquesta situació i desconnectar dites fonts en el mínim temps possible. En el cas de que això no succeeixi, els següents disturbis poden produir-se; pertorbacions de la qualitat de potència (PQ) (per exemple, freqüència i tensió fora del rang), un perill per a la seguretat del personal de la xarxa o bé reconnexions fora de fase. Aquesta és la raó per la qual la investigació vers els mètodes de protecció “anti-islanding” han despertat un gran interès. Essencialment, la millora substancial d’aquesta tesi rau en el fet que, en aquesta illa, no hi ha recursos energètics distribuïts, sinó grans motors d’inducció. Així, la xarxa elèctrica continua energitzada després de la desconnexió del interruptor a causa dels motors d’inducció, que actuen de forma transitòria com a generadors. L’illa comença amb l’obertura del interruptor i finalitza quan aquest tanca el circuit per restablir el subministrament elèctric. Aquesta operació de reconnexió ràpid es freqüent en xarxes de distribució per evitar operacions manuals en faltes temporals i generalment oscil·la entre 0,5 i 1s. Tenint en compte que generalment les illes tenen l'origen en presència de generació distribuïda , realment, la illa elèctrica objecte d’aquesta tesi és inesperada per l’operador de distribució. A causa del fenomen esmentat anteriorment, els objectius específics d'aquesta tesi es descriuen a continuació: 1. El primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra a desenvolupar un model adequat per la validació. Per fer una validació adequada del model, es compararan els resultats de les simulacions obtinguts amb aquest model amb els obtinguts de les mesures de camp. Així, un cop validat el model, es durà a terme una investigació completa sobre els factors més influents. 2. El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi entra dins de l'àmbit d'aplicació del PQ. Durant l’esmentada illa, s’observa una nova topologia de forat de tensió. En conseqüència, els esforços se centraran en modelar aquest nou tipus de forat. 3. El tercer objectiu d'aquesta tesi s’emmarca en el punt de vista de proteccions. Un cop definida i caracteritzada l’illa, la necessitat d’identificar-la i prevenir-la esdevé la principal preocupació. D’aquesta manera, el tercer pilar de la tesi té com a objectiu la implementació d’una eina adequada per prevenir aquesta particular illa. A més, es compararà aquesta nova eina amb els actuals mètodes utilitzats per a identificar les illes en escenaris amb generació distribuïda

    A novel assessment of unintentional islanding operations in distribution networks

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    This thesis aims to investigate an unexpected islanding operation (IO) which has been identified in a real distribution network. The process of recording and processing the data obtained from the field measurements in the distribution network (DN) has been the starting point of this research. It has to be underlined that this IO raised a problem and became a major challenge for the distribution operator. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is twofold; solving a real problem as well as further enhance the current research studies about IOs in DNs. IOs have been object of study during the recent years due to the rapid proliferation of the distributed generation (DG) within the so-called smart grids (SGs). Commonly, the power of these DG resources ranges between hundreds of kW and few MW and are allocated at either low voltage or medium voltage levels. One of the significant issues that these resources are raising is, undoubtedly, the IOs. These situations occur when a portion of the grid operates in parallel with the main grid following a disconnection. Thereby IOs, where the DG is energising the grid after a CB opening, must be identified and tripped in the minimum time possible. Failure to do so, the list of hurdles may include; power quality (PQ) disturbances (e.g., frequency and voltage out of range), a safety hazard for the network personnel or out-of-phase reclosings. That is the reason why the research towards the anti-islanding protection methods has elicited great interest. Fundamentally, the substantial improvement of this thesis lies in the fact that, in this IO, there are no DG resources, but large induction motors. In fact, the grid remains energised after the CB disconnection due to the induction motors (IMs) which transiently, act as generators. The island begins with the CB operation and ends when the CB recloses the circuit to restore the electrical supply. This rapid reclosing operation is widely adopted in DNs to avoid manual operations in self-extinguished faults and typically ranges between 0.5 and 1s. Given the fact that usually IOs are originated in the presence of DG, indeed, this IO is utterly unexpectedly for the DSO. Due to the phenomenon mentioned above, the specific goals of this thesis are described down below: 1. The first goal of this thesis focuses on developing a model suitable for validation purposes. To make a proper model validation, the simulations results obtained with this model will be compared with those obtained from field measurements. Thus, once the model has been validated, a thorough investigation regarding the most influential factors will be carried out. 2. The second goal of this thesis falls within the scope of the PQ. During the IO mentioned above, a new voltage sag topology is observed. Consequently, the efforts will be focused on modelling this new type of sag. 3. The third goal of this thesis emerges from the protective point of view. Once the IO has been defined and characterised, the need for identifying and preventing it becomes the main concern. In such a way, the third pillar of the thesis is targeted at implementing a suitable tool to prevent this particular IO. Besides, this new tool will be compared with the currently available methods for ID developed for scenarios with DG.Aquesta tesi te com a objectiu investigar una operació en illa no intencional, que ha set identificada en una xarxa de distribució real. El procés de registre i processament de les dades obtingudes a partir de les mesures de camp en la xarxa de distribució, ha estat el punt de partida d’aquesta investigació. Cal subratllar que aquesta operació en illa va plantejar un problema i es va convertir en un repte important per l’operador de distribució. Per tant, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és doble; resoldre un problema real, així com millorar els estudis de recerca actuals sobre les illes no intencionals en xarxes de distribució elèctrica. El fenomen de les illes dins una xarxa elèctrica, han estat objecte d’estudi durant els darrers anys a causa de la ràpida proliferació de la generació distribuïda. Habitualment, la potència d’aquests recursos distribuïts oscil·la entre centenars de kW i pocs MW i s’assignen a nivells de baixa tensió o mitja tensió. Una de les qüestions importants que plantegen aquests recursos és, sens dubte, les illes. Aquestes situacions es produeixen quan una part de la xarxa elèctrica funciona en paral·lel amb la xarxa principal després d’una desconnexió. Per això, les illes no intencionals es donen quan la generació distribuïda energitza la xarxa després de la obertura d’un interruptor. Principalment, l’objectiu es identificar aquesta situació i desconnectar dites fonts en el mínim temps possible. En el cas de que això no succeeixi, els següents disturbis poden produir-se; pertorbacions de la qualitat de potència (PQ) (per exemple, freqüència i tensió fora del rang), un perill per a la seguretat del personal de la xarxa o bé reconnexions fora de fase. Aquesta és la raó per la qual la investigació vers els mètodes de protecció “anti-islanding” han despertat un gran interès. Essencialment, la millora substancial d’aquesta tesi rau en el fet que, en aquesta illa, no hi ha recursos energètics distribuïts, sinó grans motors d’inducció. Així, la xarxa elèctrica continua energitzada després de la desconnexió del interruptor a causa dels motors d’inducció, que actuen de forma transitòria com a generadors. L’illa comença amb l’obertura del interruptor i finalitza quan aquest tanca el circuit per restablir el subministrament elèctric. Aquesta operació de reconnexió ràpid es freqüent en xarxes de distribució per evitar operacions manuals en faltes temporals i generalment oscil·la entre 0,5 i 1s. Tenint en compte que generalment les illes tenen l'origen en presència de generació distribuïda , realment, la illa elèctrica objecte d’aquesta tesi és inesperada per l’operador de distribució. A causa del fenomen esmentat anteriorment, els objectius específics d'aquesta tesi es descriuen a continuació: 1. El primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra a desenvolupar un model adequat per la validació. Per fer una validació adequada del model, es compararan els resultats de les simulacions obtinguts amb aquest model amb els obtinguts de les mesures de camp. Així, un cop validat el model, es durà a terme una investigació completa sobre els factors més influents. 2. El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi entra dins de l'àmbit d'aplicació del PQ. Durant l’esmentada illa, s’observa una nova topologia de forat de tensió. En conseqüència, els esforços se centraran en modelar aquest nou tipus de forat. 3. El tercer objectiu d'aquesta tesi s’emmarca en el punt de vista de proteccions. Un cop definida i caracteritzada l’illa, la necessitat d’identificar-la i prevenir-la esdevé la principal preocupació. D’aquesta manera, el tercer pilar de la tesi té com a objectiu la implementació d’una eina adequada per prevenir aquesta particular illa. A més, es compararà aquesta nova eina amb els actuals mètodes utilitzats per a identificar les illes en escenaris amb generació distribuïda.Postprint (published version

    Grid Connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Turbine under LVRT

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    This project concentrates on the Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability of Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) wind turbine. The main attention in the project is, therefore, drawn to the control of the DFIG wind turbine and of its power converter and to the ability to protect itself without disconnection during grid faults. It provides also an overview on the interaction between variable speed DFIG wind turbines and the power system subjected to disturbances, such as short circuit faults. The dynamic model of DFIG wind turbine includes models for both mechanical components as well as for all electrical components, controllers and for the protection device of DFIG necessary during grid faults. The viewpoint of this project is to carry out different simulations to provide insight and understanding of the grid fault impact on both DFIG wind turbines and on the power system itself. The dynamic behavior of DFIG wind turbines during grid faults is simulated and assessed by using a transmission power system generic model developed and delivered by Transmission System Operator in the power system simulation toolbox Digsilent, Matlab/Simulink and PLECS