4 research outputs found

    Computable Randomness is Inherently Imprecise

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    We use the martingale-theoretic approach of game-theoretic probability to incorporate imprecision into the study of randomness. In particular, we define a notion of computable randomness associated with interval, rather than precise, forecasting systems, and study its properties. The richer mathematical structure that thus arises lets us better understand and place existing results for the precise limit. When we focus on constant interval forecasts, we find that every infinite sequence of zeroes and ones has an associated filter of intervals with respect to which it is computably random. It may happen that none of these intervals is precise, which justifies the title of this paper. We illustrate this by showing that computable randomness associated with non-stationary precise forecasting systems can be captured by a stationary interval forecast, which must then be less precise: a gain in model simplicity is thus paid for by a loss in precision.Comment: 29 pages, 12 of which constitute the main text, and 17 of which constitute an appendix with proofs and additional material. 3 figures. Conference paper (ISIPTA 2017

    Computable randomness is about more than probabilities

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    We introduce a notion of computable randomness for infinite sequences that generalises the classical version in two important ways. First, our definition of computable randomness is associated with imprecise probability models, in the sense that we consider lower expectations (or sets of probabilities) instead of classical 'precise' probabilities. Secondly, instead of binary sequences, we consider sequences whose elements take values in some finite sample space. Interestingly, we find that every sequence is computably random with respect to at least one lower expectation, and that lower expectations that are more informative have fewer computably random sequences. This leads to the intriguing question whether every sequence is computably random with respect to a unique most informative lower expectation. We study this question in some detail and provide a partial answer

    On the (dis)similarities between stationary imprecise and non-stationary precise uncertainty models in algorithmic randomness

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    The field of algorithmic randomness studies what it means for infinite binary sequences to be random for some given uncertainty model. Classically, martingale-theoretic notions of such randomness involve precise uncertainty models, and it is only recently that imprecision has been introduced into this context. As a consequence, the investigation into how imprecision alters our view on martingale-theoretic random sequences has only just begun. In this contribution, where we allow for non-computable uncertainty models, we establish a close and surprising connection between precise and imprecise uncertainty models in this randomness context. In particular, we show that there are stationary imprecise models and non-computable non-stationary precise models that have the exact same set of random sequences. We also give a preliminary discussion of the possible implications of our result for a statistics based on imprecise probabilities, and shed some light on the practical (ir)relevance of both imprecise and non-computable precise uncertainty models in that context

    Computable randomness is about more than probabilities

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    We introduce a notion of computable randomness for infinite sequences that generalises the classical version in two important ways. First, our definition of computable randomness is associated with imprecise probability models, in the sense that we consider lower expectations (or sets of probabilities) instead of classical 'precise' probabilities. Secondly, instead of binary sequences, we consider sequences whose elements take values in some finite sample space. Interestingly, we find that every sequence is computably random with respect to at least one lower expectation, and that lower expectations that are more informative have fewer computably random sequences. This leads to the intriguing question whether every sequence is computably random with respect to a unique most informative lower expectation. We study this question in some detail and provide a partial answer